
Beef : it indicates fatigue, because it has slow digestion, and it indicates a lack of work due to its ruggedness . And it was said that beef, if it was grilled, was safe from fear . And if the woman of the visionary is pregnant, then she will give birth to a boy, because God Almighty says : ~ If he came with a fine calf .~ To the last of the story . And everything that the fire struck in wakefulness, it is in sleep that he has sinned . And whoever sees in sleep as if he is eating the meat of a bull, he is presented to a ruler . The calf chubby Alhniv Bishara great fast, and be the gospel as much as obesity, and it was said that Rizk and fertile and the survival of fear, and cooked beef preferred walking to his vision, so must God Almighty in which thanks to the verse : ~ The bowls Kajawab pots stern Work Al Dawood Thank you ~.