He saw that he would be one of the most memorable people to talk

He thought that he would be one of the most memorable of people for hadith, so he was likewise for you 101 – Imam Al-Hadith Al-Jahbadh Abu Zar’ah Al-Razi considered one of the keepers of the world, so what is God’s blessing on him in that and what does he say? He said : I saw what the sleeper saw as though I was in the Prophet’s mosque – may God bless him and grant him peace – and as if I was wiping my hand on the pulpit of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – the seat and the next to it, which I then caught, so his story is about a man from the people of Sijistan who was with us in Harran . He said : You are concerned with the hadith of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and the Companions and Taabi’een. At that time, I did not memorize much of the issues of Al-Awza’i, Malik, Al-Thawri and others. Then I meant it after (2). The vision was fulfilled and he became one of the most memorable people for hadiths , until Imam Ahmad said about him : He memorized more than six hundred thousand hadiths.