Slaughtered in a dream because he insults the companions

He was slaughtered in a dream because he insulted the Companions 82 – Ibn al-Qayyim also mentioned on the authority of al-Qayrawani that he mentioned in ( Kitab al-Bustan ) on the authority of some of the predecessors, he said : I had a neighbor cursing Abu Bakr and Omar – may God be pleased with them – when one day more than he insulted them, then I took him and ate me, and I went to my house while I was I fell asleep and sad, so I slept and left dinner, and I saw the Messenger of God ( PBUH ), in a dream, and I said : O Messenger of God so and so curses your companions, he said : ( Who are my companions ) ? I said : Abu Bakr and Omar said : “ Take this knife and slaughter it with it .” So I took it , and I laid it and slaughtered it, and I saw as if my hand hit it from his blood , so I threw the tide and I brought my hand to the ground to wipe it, so I noticed when I heard the screaming from around his house so I said : What is this screaming : They said : So and so died suddenly when We came and looked at him, so the slaughter site line . 83 – He said : Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Muhabili said : I saw in a dream as if I was in the arms of the son of so-and-so, and if the Prophet ( PBUH ) was sitting on a hill with Abu Bakr and Umar standing before him, Umar said to him : O Messenger of God, this is insulting me and insulting Abu Bakr , and he said : Come by O Abu Hafs ), came a man . If he Omani was famous Bsabhma Prophet said to him ( r )) Addjah ), Faddjah then said ( Azbha ) Vzbha , said : what alerted me , but Siaha I said : what I do not tell him hoping to repent when he courted His house I heard a lot of crying , so I said : What is this crying? So they said : The Omani was slaughtered yesterday on his bed . He said : I got close to his neck, so from his ear to his ear a red path like trapped blood .