Roya Aatekah bint Abdul-Muttalib

Ruya Atika bint Abdul-Muttalib 56 – On the authority of Muhammad bin Ishaq, he said : Muhammad ibn Muslim al-Zuhri, Asim Ibn Umar ibn Qatada, Abdullah bin Abi Bakr and Yazid bin Roman told me on the authority of Urwa bin al-Zubayr and other scholars on the authority of Ibn Abay – may God be pleased with them – each of them told me some this talk gathered to talk while nourished from the hadeeth of Badr, said : to Masama the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – Abu Sufyan coming from Sham scar Muslims to them and said : this Ir Quraish where their money fetched forth it may God Infelkmoha Vantdb people be afraid some of them and the weight of some of them and that they did not They think that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – is throwing a war, and Abu Sufyan, when he approached from the Hijaz, was sensitive to the news and asked those who met from the Rukban fearing for the people’s affairs until he caught a news from some of the Rukban that Muhammad had appealed to his companions for you and for your reproach, so he warned that he hired Dhamdham bin Amr Al-Ghafari sent him to Makkah and ordered him to come to the Quraysh, and he would turn them off for their money, and he told them that Muhammad had offered it to his companions, so Dhamdham bin Amr went out quickly to Mecca . Ibn Ishaq said : So tell me who I do not accuse, on the authority of Ikrimah on the authority of Ibn Abbas, and Yazid bin Roman on the authority of Urwa bin Al-Zubayr, who said : Atika, the daughter of al-Muttalib, saw the advent of the annexation of Makkah in three nights, a vision that frightened me and feared that your people might enter from it evil and misfortune, so he concealed what he told you about. He said to her : What did you see? She said : I saw a passenger came to a camel for him until he stood in the bowl and then said at the top of his voice : Do not you alienate you, O family of treachery to your wrestler in three times, so I see people gathered to him, then he entered the mosque and the people followed him, while they were around him like him with his camel on the back of the Kaaba and then he shouted like it, Do not you alienate you Al Treachery for your wrestler in three times, then he represented his camel on the head of Abu Qubays, then he shouted like it, then he took a rock and sent it, and it came to fall, even if it was at the bottom of the mountain, it would be rejected . Al-Abbas said : By God, this is a vision, and you are, so conceal it and do not mention it to anyone . Then Al-Abbas came out and met Al-Walid bin Utbah bin Rabi’a and he had a friend . Al-Abbas said : So I went around the house, and Abu Jahl bin Hisham in Rahat from Quraish Qud spoke with a bleak vision, and when Abu Jahl saw me he said : O Abu Al-Fadl, if you finished your circumambulation, then come to us, so when you finished, you came and sat with them. Abu Jahl said to me : Oh Bani Abdul Muttalib When did this prophetess happen to you? He said : What is that? He said : That vision which she saw is indecent. He said : So I said : What did she see? O son of Abd al-Muttalib, did you not accept your men to prophesy so that your women would prophesy, and Atika claimed in her vision that he said, “Go ahead of you in three, and we will lie in wait for you of these three. If you are truly what you say, then it will be that if the three passes and there is nothing of that we write a book on you that you lie to the people of the Arab house. Abbas said : sure of what it was from me to him a big thing but I Jehdt it and Ankkrt to be seen something, he said : then divide us when I am the no longer a woman of the sons of Abdul Muttalib only came to me , she said : Oorteurtm this reprobate malignant that is located in your men and women may eat you you hear then you do not have Er , something which I heard, he said : I said : may God did what I had from me to him from a large HEM God Otardhan him the returned Okwilkenh, said : Vdot on the third day of the vision of Atika and Onaa iron irritated Ars I theyd missed it is like that he catches him, he said : I entered the mosque I saw him I swear I am walking toward him Otardh back to some of the door of the mosque intensifies , he said : I said to myself : what to him about God, eat this difference to me that Ohatmh, he said : If he has heard what I have not heard, The voice of joining Bin Amr Al-Ghafari shouting in the belly of the valley, standing on his camel, had stumped his camel and around his journey and tore his shirt while saying : Oh, live Quraish, Al-Latimah Al-Latimah, your money with Abi Sufyan. Muhammad offered it to companions that I don’t see that you will realize it. Relief is relief, he said : So he distracted me from him and what came from the order took away from me (1). * And in a narration : I was distracted by what came from the command, and it was nothing but the device until we left, and it hit Quraish with what happened on the day of Badr, by killing their nobles and capturing their choice . Atika bint Abdul-Muttalib said about what she saw, and what the Quraysh said about that : Was the vision not true and he came to you to believe it, because one of the people is a fugitive, so you said, and I did not lie, but whoever is a liar tells us truthfully.