
A rope is in a dream a rope and a covenant . And the rope from heaven is the Qur’an . The rope is honorable or deceitful, and it may indicate magic . And the rope is the religion, so whoever sees that he has clung to a rope then he is bound by the rope of God Almighty, and if the rope is of fiber then he is a rough man, and if the rope is of leather then he is a man with blood, and if the rope is of wool then he is the owner of the religion of Islam, and if he sees that he has twisted a rope then he travels If he twists it and puts it in the neck of one of the people, then it indicates the husband, and if he deceived him against himself, he took over the mandate from travel, and if the rope was from hair or from wool, then it is the mandate of a religion or trade, and if he sees that he plucked his beard and twisted a rope, he takes a bribe from false testimony . And it was said : He who saw the rope traveled for a long time . The rope is one of the reasons . If the rope is on his neck, on his shoulder, on his back, or in the middle, then it is a covenant that takes place in his neck, and a covenant, either by marriage, a document, a vow, a debt, a company, or a trust . And whoever twists a rope or loops on a stick or something else, he will travel . And the convulsion and conclusion of things may indicate marriage . And whoever sees a rope on a stick is evidence of a corrupt act of witchcraft and the like .