Milk the animal

Milking an animal is in a dream indicative of good deeds, flattery, politics, and livelihood . Considering the milkman, if a slave sees that he is milking a cow, his master, then he marries the wife of his master, and whoever sees that he is milking a cow and drinking her milk will be rich if he is poor, and he is worthy and elevated, and if he is rich, his wealth and pride increases . And whoever sees that he is milking camels, he will have money from a Sultan, then milking it with blood will catch forbidden money . And milking its cunning interpretation . And the camel milk is a labor on the land of the Arabs . The milk of the pure is labor on the land of the non-Arabs, if it is milked and blood comes out, it betrays a ruler in his authority, because milking it is poison, it reaps forbidden money, because milking it with milk made a solution and profit in his trade, and the world brought him as much as the udder passed on him . And it was said : If someone milking a camel and drinking her milk, he will marry a righteous woman, and if he is married, a boy with blessing will be born .