
Wheat is in a dream honest money in fatigue . And whoever saw that he had bought wheat, he would gain money and fertility, and he would add to his children . If he saw a sultan moving wheat with his hand, the price of food increased . And whoever sees that he has grown wheat, he will do something that is pleasing to God Almighty . If he continues to plant them, the sustenance of jihad, and whoever thinks that he has planted wheat and grown barley, then his publicity is better than his bed, and if blood grows then he consumes usury, and if he eats wet wheat then he is good in your rituals . The green spike is a fertile year, the dry spike is a feasible year, and the spike that is collected in his hand or in a bowl or in the beginning is money that its owner gets from the earnings of others . If he sees that he is picking up what fell from the scattered spikes in a planted harvest that knows its owner, then he will strike the owner of the crops with scattered good that remains . If a person sees that he is harvesting crops at a time other than his time, then it is death in that camp, war and discord . If the ears are zero, then it is the death of the elders, and if it is green, it is the death of the youth or their killing . And whoever eats dry wheat, there is no good in it . And whoever sees wheat gets something good from a king . Frick is forbidden money . Whoever sells wheat with barley in a dream substitutes the Qur’an for poetry . And wheatgrass in bed the woman’s rope . And it was said that whoever saw that he was eating dry or cooked wheat, he was disliked, and whoever saw that his stomach, mouth, or skin had filled with dry wheat, that was the death of his life. Otherwise, as long as he was left in it, what was left of his life . And whoever sees that he ate moist green wheat, then he is good, then he is a hermit in religion .