Gabriel, peace be upon him

Gabriel, peace be upon him, whoever saw him in a dream in awe of him, and used to speak to him with good words and exhortation, will or good tidings, would gain honor, pride, strength, victory and good news . And if he was oppressed, he triumphed, if he was sick, he was cured, and if he was afraid he felt safe, and if he was in the concern of God’s relief from him, or he did not perform Hajj . And if he sees himself as equating to Gabriel and Michael, peace be upon them, then he agrees with the opinion of the Jews about reparation, and proceeds with a matter in which there is a disagreement with God Almighty . And whoever sees that Gabriel, peace be upon him, greets him, then he will become a high scholar, exalted his memory, and be proud among his peers . The vision of Gabriel, peace be upon him, indicates the king’s messenger, the trustworthy of the sacraments, and the good news of bearing male children . His vision also indicates worship, or knowledge, and the teaching of sacraments to their masters . And his vision indicates the flow of the soul in whoever supervises damage and death . Perhaps his vision indicated mobility, movements, jihad, and victory over the enemies, and his vision indicates knowledge of Sharia sciences, astrology, and others . And whoever saw Gabriel, peace be upon him, sad and agonized, he would be afflicted with severity and punishment . And whoever sees that he has become in the image of Gabriel, peace be upon him, then he will be generous with abundant goodness and blessing .