
Friday: Whoever sees in a dream that on a Friday, God Almighty gathers his separate affairs and transfers them from hardship to ease, and blessings will come to him . If he sees that people perform the Friday prayer in the mosque while he is in his house or shop, he hears the sound of the takbeer, kneeling, prostrating, tashahhud and salutation, and he thinks that people have returned from prayer, if the ruler of that region is isolated from it . If he sees that he memorizes the prayer, then he attains honor and honor . And it was said : Whoever sees that it is Friday, then it is something he thinks is good . And whoever sees that he prays Friday, he travels reluctantly, in which there is merit of money and livelihood that he attains, if that prayer is completed, and if he is connected to authority then he affects something, or a need is asked of him and it succeeds . And whoever sees that he prays Friday, he will complete what he wants and achieve what he hopes for . Friday prayers in a dream are evidence of joy and happiness, witnesses of holidays, seasons, Hajj, or meeting with a lover, and fulfilling a need he asks for .