
Locusts are in a dream a torment and the soldiers of God Almighty . And whoever sees that the locusts fall into a place, or fly in the sky, and there is harm from him, then he has recruited misfortune they will descend there . And the bear from him is a soldier with bad morals, ugly conduct, and worse than locusts . And it was said : The locusts stripped the land, and if they see that something has fallen from them, then they are the torment of God Almighty . And if he saw it in a place to be eaten, then he provided sustenance . If it is poured into a bowl or saucepan, it is dinars or dirhams . And every place in which locusts appear and do not harm him, for it revealed concern, turnout and pleasure . And if gold locusts rain on him, then if money goes to him, then God Almighty will compensate him, and if he is distressed, God will forgive him . It was said : locusts are a baker who cheats people with food . And it was said : locusts are a sedition or an enemy . And locusts in villages and farms indicate distress, unemployment and destruction, because they fall on the plant and spoil it, and as for other people, it indicates the consent of the spirits to them . And whoever sees that he takes the locusts and puts them in a jar, he will hit the dirhams, and he leads them to a woman . And locusts are soldiers, and their commoners are mobs rippling with each other, and it may indicate rain if it falls on the roofs, and if it is very numerous, or it is unlike the locusts, and it is between people, or between the earth and the sky, then it is torment, unless the people gather and eat it, and it is not for it It is worthless and does not harm, for it is the livelihood that will be given to them, and a livelihood will be abundant in them . And it was said : locusts indicate stubbornness with the enemy, and crawling on fortresses, and plundering money . Perhaps locusts indicated a halal livelihood . Whoever sees that he eats locusts, he will suffer a little better than the soldiers . And whoever saw young locusts, they are common people and their guards, and it may be rain and camels . And it was said : Whoever saw that he took locusts a lot, he would say a lot in the sermon of women .