The eyelid

If the eyelid is free of pain, then this is commendable to all people, especially women . And if the eyelids were of little flesh, and there were sores in them, then they indicate sadness and sadness . The eyelids are indicative of what a person should protect from weapons, and whoever withholds harm from a person . The eyelids may be indicative of brothers and sisters, husbands and children, door and chest shutter, wardrobe and veil, guards and boys, the keepers of secrets and the owners of deposits, disease and anger . If the eyelids refer to the husbands, the upper eyelid is a male and the lower eyelid is a female, and what is generated between them of rums and others, which is evidence of the boy . The hair in them is evidence of their state of motivation for harm, for their goodness and purity from blinding is evidence of the good condition of the one whose eyelids point . She likened the eyelids to clouds and tears of rain . Sick eyelids indicate adoration for the seeker . If the eye points to money, the eyelids will be his fortress .