The whip

The whip is in a dream a sign of fulfilling needs and forcing the enemy . If a whip descended from the sky indicated hatred and torment . The whip is Sultan, and if the whip breaks when beating the Sultan will go, and if it splits the Sultan will double . If he saw that he struck his donkey with his whip, then he invokes God Almighty in his livelihood . If he strikes a horse that he has ridden, then he calls to God for something difficult for him . And if he sees that he strikes a man and feels pain, then he will rebel and repent, and if he does not hurt him, then he does not accept the preaching . If blood drips from him when he is beaten, then it is unjust, and if it does not flow then it is right . If he was struck, his skin was split from the beating, and his sin would be doubled . And if the whip is crooked when beating, the mind is crooked, or the man who uses him is ragged . And whoever sees that the sultan struck him with his whip, then it is dirhams for the number of whips .