the turtle

A turtle is in a dream a woman who is wearing perfume, decorating, and introducing herself to men . And it was said : the turtle is the judge of the judges because it is the most knowledgeable and brilliant of what is in the sea . It was said : She is a scientist . If he sees a vineyard turtle in a country or village, the scholars in that place are dear . If he sees it in a dump, then there is a world lost among the ignorant . And it was said : She is a worshiper . And eating turtle meat is money or knowledge from a point of view that does not count, or that it befalls good or land, benefit and money . Whoever sees that he owns a turtle or brings it into his home, he wins a scientist . And if he saw a turtle lying on the road, there is a science on the table . And if he sees it hidden in a bowl or in a garment, the world there is lifted up dear . And it was said : The turtle indicates in a dream the deception and deception, espionage and disappearance, the well and the possession of weapons .