the leg

It is in a dream the age of a person and his pillar in his life . If he sees that his leg is made of iron, his life will be long . If he sees them from flasks, his life will approach . And if he saw that he lifted a leg and extended one, then his legs were turned together, then his life has come nearer, or close to him is a tremendous difficult matter . If he saw a woman’s leg and then knew her, he would marry her or marry another . If a woman uncovers her legs, her religion is good and she will be better than she was . And whoever sees a lot of hair on the legs of his legs, Dion rides it, dies in prison . And whoever sees that he is crooked, he will become an adulterer . The leg is a person’s money and his livelihood . So whoever sees that his leg is made of iron, his money remains with his long life, and if his leg is of wood, then he is weak in seeking his livelihood and seeking his livelihood, and if he sees his leg of clay, he will soon die, or his money will go away . And if he had a son, an animal, or a king, some of that went on his behalf . And if he sees his leg decreased, that is a shortage of his money that he must depend on, and that may be his age . And whoever pursues one leg, half of his money will be gone . And whoever sees that the legs of his legs have been cut off, all of his money has gone, and perhaps indicates his death, unless there is evidence in the vision that indicates goodness, then he is promoting himself with a bear that he rides, or indicating a ride on a ship, or a good that he does, or a friend who reaches him . And the leg is from the shank to drive, just as the foot is from the foot is offered, the heel is from the heel, and the heel is from the heels . And whoever sees in a dream a good, fat leg, this indicates the goodness of what he is driving or driving to . The hair on the leg of the woman increased in humiliation and deception, and this may indicate the emergence of secrets and guidance after misguidance, and perhaps the leg indicates severity . If he sees two legs wrapped, that indicates fear and affliction . And revealing the leg is evidence of leaving prayer and humiliation after glory .