
Whoever sees that he bows and prostrates and prays to God Almighty, then he submits to him, and absolves himself of arrogance, establishes the limits and statutes of God, and quickly obtains what he wishes in religion and the world, and conquers those who are his enemies . And it was said : Whoever sees that he has worshiped God Almighty will be victorious over his enemy, and he will be forgiven . And the prostitute is guilty, so if he prostrates he will repent of his sin, regret and escape from his dangers, satisfy his need, be pardoned, and the one who is pardoned will prolong his life . If he sees that he has prostrated to someone other than God Almighty or fell to his face without going to the prisons, then he would be humiliated and let down, if he was in conflict, war or quarrel, and if he was in a lost trade, and if he had a need, then it would not be eliminated. If he fell on a mountain prostrating to God Almighty, then he is He conquers an impregnable man, and if he is on a hill or a wall, he submits to a thin man who fails him . Prostration in a dream is evidence of belief in God and repentance for the sinner, and perhaps kneeling and prostrating indicates Hajj, because God Almighty says : (And purify my house for those who are praying, standing up, and kneeling in prostration ). Prostration may indicate following the Sunnah and accompanying the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Heaven . Sujdah in a dream is a guide to nail, a guide to repentance from sin, a guide to winning money, a guide to long life, and a guide to escape from dangers . Prostration is victory and righteousness in matters . Prostration may be a blessing that God Almighty has bestowed upon the one who has seen that . And whoever sees a brick of gold, she bows down a brick of silver, for an honorable man submits to a lowly man . And whoever is imprisoned for a cross, he is subject to the hypocritical people of beating ties, singing and musical instruments .