She saw her father die

Saw her father die 66 – Abu Alopecia wooden Sahabi Jalil witnessed the pledge of allegiance Radwan and mystery nostalgia and was among those who descended Sham Badarba west of Damascus to the Qiblah, narrated that the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – talk and a group of companions, and was among those who Ajala heel inks, was Every night he goes out and looks at the sky and thinks, then raises him to the house and prostrates to God – the Almighty – and used to say : I do not hope that God will not disappear at death, as I see you suffocating, so while it is a night, he prays from the night as his soul seized while he was prostrating . And his daughter saw in a dream as if her father had died, and she noticed in panic and said to her mother, Where is my father? She said : He is in his prayer hall, so she called him, but he did not answer her, so she came and moved him, and he fell to his side, and when he was dead, may God have mercy on him, Abu Ubaidah, Muhammad bin Saad, Caliph and others said : His death was seventy-five years old