Good , O Commander of the Faithful ( Harun al – Rashid )

Good, O Commander of the Faithful 102 – Harun Al-Rashid saw a vision that you understood, so he directed a letter to Al-Kirmani, and when he came to him and a parable in his hands he was empty with it and said : I sent you a vision that I saw, and he said : What is it? He said : I saw two dogs being bitten by a slave girl from my neighborhood. Al-Karmani said to him, “I have seen nothing but good, O Commander of the Faithful.” Al-Rashid said to him : Say what you see and what you have? Then he said to him : This is a maid who went with her for her intercourse, and you had no relationship with her, and she was a woman with hair. She thought to shave and found the trail of the mousse and she hated to stay in her shape, so she took a clog (1) So she shaved some hair and left some. Asking her about this, then she acknowledged it and believed Al-Kirmani, so Al-Rasheed went out to him, and said to him : You were happy and pleased with me, and he ordered him to have a Sunni connection, beware of talking about it when you were alive, he said : By God, what happened to it as long as Rashid is alive .