
Lake If a girl dreams that she is alone in a muddy and raging lake, this foretells that many upheavals are approaching her, and she will regret her previous negligence and ignore the teachings of virtue . If the water seeped into the boat and was able, with bitter struggle, to reach the boat’s anchor safely, then this indicates that it will be under the influence of wrong instigation, but it will eventually overcome this incitement and rise to the ranks of honor and distinction . This may portend the illness of someone close to her . If you see a young couple in a situation like hers who manage to save themselves, she will find that a friend has committed follies but will succeed in regaining his place in her care home . If you dream that you are sailing over a smooth clear lake with happy, homogeneous companions, you will feel very happy and the wealth will fulfill your requirements . A muddy lake surrounded by barren rocks and bare trees signifies sad consequences for work and emotion . The muddy lake surrounded by green trees predicts that the ethical behavior inherent in your character will immunize itself against emotional desires and when it overcomes it will direct your energy into a safe and profitable course . If the lake is clear and surrounded by a wasteland, ethical emotional entertainment will spoil your profitable way of life . If you see the reflection of your photo in a clear lake, this indicates upcoming joys and many enthusiastic friends . If you watch the reflection of trees crammed with leaves in a lake, you will enjoy to the point of satiety the requests of love of emotion and happiness . If you see strange and muddy creatures pouring out of the lake and threatening you, then this indicates failure and poor health due to the waste of time, energy and health in forbidden pleasures . You will squeeze out the last drop of happiness and drink deeply from the bitter syrup of regret .