Bull –

A bull If you see a bull chasing you in a dream, then a problem will burden you at work by jealous and envious competitors . If a girl meets a bull, he will offer her to marriage, but she will improve her fortune if she refuses this offer . If you see a bull attacking a person, you will be in distress as a result of your reckless use of other people’s property . If you dreamed of a white bull, this means that you will elevate yourself in life to a higher level than those who insist on idolizing their material affairs . The white bull usually denotes profit . If you dreamed of seeing a fat bull, it means that you will become a prominent figure in your country and will be admired by women . If you dreamed of a fat bull in a green pasture, then this means wealth, luck, and the attainment of positions that you did not dream of, and if the bull was lean, then its interpretation is the loss and evaporation of wealth and the departure of friends from you . If you dreamed of a fat bull tied to the yoke of cultivation, then that is a good omen, and it means a happy marriage with a wealthy person, or it means that the woman whom she married is a sincere and faithful person . And if you see a dead bull, this means that you will witness the death of someone dear to you . If you dream of bulls drinking from a pool of clean water or a stream of water, this means that you will become the owner of real estate and property, and it may mean your marriage to a beautiful and honest woman . And if a woman dreams about this, this means that she will have the admiration and devotion of her beloved .