
Wheat If you see in your dreams vast fields of growing wheat, this indicates that your interests will take encouraging signs . If the wheat is ripe, then this is a confirmation of your luck, and love will be your happy companion . If you see clear and large grains of wheat circulating in the study of wheat, then this indicates that prosperity has opened its doors wide for you . If you see wheat in bags or in barrels, your determination to reach the pinnacle of success will be crowned by victory, and it will consolidate the foundations of your love affairs . If your store of wheat was not well covered and you saw its contents dampened, then this foretells that while you were amassing wealth you did not forget to protect your rights and you will see your interests diminished by the hands of the enemies . If a spike rubs her head on your hands and ate it, she will toil hard to reach success, and she will obtain your rights and be assured of them . If you dreamed of climbing a steep plateau covered with wheat and imagined that you were pulling yourself upwards by relying on the stems of wheatgrass, this indicates that you will enjoy great success and thus will be able to make yourself distinguished in any profession you choose .