Clothes bag

A garment bag A clothes bag in a dream predicts that you will go on a trip and that bad luck will accompany you . If you pack your bag, this means that you are about to travel on an enjoyable journey . If you see the contents of the bag strewn about it, then this foretells of quarrels and quarrels and an expeditious journey from which you only reap sadness and disappointment . An empty bag in a dream indicates failure in love and marriage . If you see a street vendor checking his bag of merchandise, this means success, happiness and contentment . If it appears to him that the bag is small and does not accommodate his goods, then this means promotion in the position and the fulfillment of desires . If a girl dreams that she is trying to open her bag without success, then this indicates that she will make every effort to trap a rich man, but she will fail to do so because of a simple accident . If she fails to close her bag, then this means that she will travel on a journey that she desires, but she will not reap anything from it except disappointment and worry .