
Lightning in dreams heralds short-term happiness and success . If lightning strikes an object near you and you feel in shock, it will strike you a good friend’s luck, or you may be disturbed by gossipers and fans of spreading scandals . If you see pale lightning separated from black clouds, sadness and hardships will almost follow luck . If you are struck by lightning, you will be filled with sorrows that you do not expect, whether in love or at work . If you see lightning over your head, this heralds the coming of joy and gains . If you see lightning in the south, luck will be withheld from you for a while . If it’s in the southwest, luck will keep your way . If it is in the West, the signs of your potential will appear more bright than they are in appearance . If it’s in the north, obstacles must be pushed aside before your potential can shine . If it is in the East, you will easily gain favor and luck . Lightning coming from dark, ominous clouds always portends threats, losses and disappointments . Businessmen should stay close to their business, women should be close to their husbands or mothers, and children and the sick should be closely looked after .