
Adultery If you dream that you are committing adultery, this foretells that you will be summoned to court for an illegal act . And if a woman dreams this dream, she will fail to preserve her husband’s sentiments, letting her mood and hatred drown her at the slightest excitement . If the adultery is with her husband’s friend, he will unjustly ignore her and trample her rights cruelly . If she thinks she is seducing a young man into this work, she will be in danger of desertion and will be fired for her open attempt to arouse the interest of others . For a girl, this dream includes degeneration and lowly desires, in which she will find strange adventures that provide her with pleasure . It is always a good thing to dream that you have successfully resisted any temptation . Surrender is a bad thing . If a man chooses low targets, seductive influences will rally around him ready to assist him in his infamous plans . Dreams like this may just be the result of debauchery, primitive influences . And if a man chooses lofty goals, he will be enlightened by the principle of veneration inherent in him and he will be exempt from immoral dreams . The man who denies the existence and power of evil spirits has no secret knowledge or knowledge of matters of magic and astrology . Didn’t the black magicians of Pharaoh’s time compete with the wizard Simon Magnus the men of God? Whoever dreams of treats that denotes love, this warns him to beware of scandal .