
Glass If you dream that you are looking through glass, this means that severe disappointments will hang over your bright hopes . If you see your imagination in a mirror, then this foretells betrayal and neglect in marriage, and futile commercial speculations . If you see another face with yours then this means that you are leading a double life and will deceive your friends . If you break a mirror or a window, this heralds a negative end for projects . If you receive a piece of glass, this means that you will be admired for your brilliance and talent . If you create glassware gifts, then your projects will fail . If a woman sees her boyfriend in a mirror, this means that she will find a reason to break the marriage vow . If a married woman sees her husband in a mirror, this warns her that she will find a reason to worry about her happiness and honor . If you look clearly through a windowpane you will find a job, but you have to work in cooperation . If the glass is clouded, you will be unemployed unfortunately . If a woman sees men other than her husband or lover in a mirror glass, she will be exposed in an unrestrained position that will cause her humiliation and anxiety for her relatives . If a man dreamed of seeing strange women in a mirror, this means that he will harm his health and work because of foolish associations .