The call to prayer

The call to prayer in a dream denotes the pilgrimage if the call to prayer is in the months of the Hajj, and it may indicate gossip in a way that stirs movement, mobility, and preparation for war, and it may indicate theft, or the height of the degree, the honorable position, the elevation and the heard word, and the wife to the single . Perhaps he indicated the correct news . And if the call to prayer other than the qiblah, or the call to prayer in a language other than Arabic, or with that was black-faced, he may tell us about lying and gossip . Perhaps this indicated the Ba`a and the Kharijites in that country . The muezzin is the caller to good, the broker, or the marriage contractor, the king’s messenger or his eyebrow, or the caller in the army, and if the woman gave permission in a dream in the minaret of the mosque, a great innovation appeared in the country, and if the young boys ’ears took over the king, especially if the call to prayer was At the wrong time . And whoever saw that he was calling on a beacon and was qualified for the state, he obtained a mandate as much as he reached his voice and ended up with him, and if he was not worthy of the state, many of his enemies became president over them, even if he was a merchant who profit in his trade . The call to prayer may indicate supplication, righteousness, obedience and doing good, or safety and deliverance from the plots of Satan . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a well, and if he is in an unbelieving country, he calls people to the method of religion, and if he is in Muslim countries, then he is a spy, and he may have been the owner of a heresy that he calls people to . And whoever sees that he calls the call and is a Muslim, then he enjoins good . And whoever sees that he calls the call and no one answers him, then he is from a people of wrongdoers . And whoever saw that he was calling on the roof of his neighbor, he would betray his neighbor about his wife . And whoever sees that he is calling on the roof of the Kaaba, then he is a heretic or insults the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . And whoever sees that he recites the call to prayer while lying down, then his wife provokes people and annoys people with her tongue, even if he was celibate, he married . And whoever saw that he was calling in the market, he is a thieves’ spy . And whoever saw that he was calling at the door of the Sultan, he would bear witness to truth . The call to prayer in the alleys and markets indicates a good life, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a caravan, he is accused of stealing . The call to prayer may also indicate the departure of the partner . And whoever saw that he was calling in a place where the age of the place was destroyed and there were many people in it . And whoever saw that he was calling in the bathroom, he would have a fever . The call to prayer or raising the voice in the remembrance of God Almighty indicates closeness to the elders, especially if the call to prayer is in a beautiful voice, and people listen to it . But if the call to prayer was changed, or he was tampering with it, or he changed the remembrance of God Almighty, or if the awrah was exposed, this indicates a bad recklessness and distress . And whoever sees that he calls the call to a people gathered together, then he calls people to the truth and they are unjust . And perhaps the call to prayer indicates understanding in religion . The call to prayer may be a prayer for an order on the authority of the Sultan . And whoever sees that he is giving the call to prayer and does not memorize the takbeer and cheer, then he will be sorry for his enemy . And whoever sees that he is calling in the sky and people have answered him, then he calls people to good and they answer him . And whoever sees that he has given the call once or twice, and abides and prays according to the obligatory prayers, God Almighty will provide for him for Hajj and Umrah . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer on a hill that has been affected by the mandate of a non-Arab man, and if he is not qualified for the state, then he will strike a profitable trade or a great craft. He calls men to reconciliation . If the permission is over a house, its family will die . And whoever sees a boy calling, then his parents are innocent of lying and falsehood . And whoever saw that he was calling for fun and play, God robbed him of his mind . Whoever hears the call to prayer in the market indicates the death of a man from the market . He who earns on a dump will invite a foolish person to reconcile, and a fool will not accept that from him .