The cock

As for the decks that are placed in the places of the presidents with a drawing of sitting on them and placing the thing as well, they are interpreted by women, and if they are furnished, then it is the best and it was said the vision of the ascension on the perches, beds, pulpits, chairs, barrages, and the like, it is the height of the amount and the height and the attainment of grace, goodness and benefit, and the descent of something of that is not that praised and perhaps Those with positions were defenseless, and whoever hopes for not being injured and every ascending, he finds and every drop or descent is not praiseworthy .) And whoever sees that he makes something of that, he attributes that in approximation to what is attributed to him that type, let him express his expression and the burning and breaking in all of that is not Mahmoud . And whoever sees that he has affixed something to each other, he shall interpret that by collecting that in one place, let him consider his condition in the vision . Whoever sees that he has any of these types is praiseworthy in any way . And whoever sees that his deck is placed and has other galleys on it while he sits on top of it, it is interpreted in three ways. Either he marries two women or takes two jobs if he is qualified for that. Otherwise, it is a great honor and elevation, and whoever does not deserve that is not good in his right . As for the deck who was bathed, it is interpreted with a lift in which the corruption of the religion occurs, and it may indicate a useful veiled woman, and perhaps she was of little modesty, a prostitute, and perhaps committing an unpleasant matter. As for the coffin and the coffin, they are one meaning .