Rare eat figs

Dora narrated that a man came to the crossing and said I saw it as if I was eating figs, so he said you eat the number of every fig stick, and it was like this, then he saw after a while as well. He came to him and told that to him again. He said to him, “He should see the number of each fig tree with a boil, and it was like that.” Then he went, and after a while he saw a third. At the door of his house he found a bag with an amount in it, then he took it, then he told him what he had seen from the above, so he said to him you will find the number of each fig that you ate a dinar, so he said I found that and that bag fell from the passage, so he said to him, Glory be to God, interpreting the vision in your hand, and whatever you say, he said: Did I eat you? The fig was the first time, so the tree was bare from its leaves and it was a stick, so I gave it to it, and the second time I ate it from it in its branches, and it looked like a dammam, and the third time I ate it when it was clear and good, so it was like dinars and the sack that I found was its description such-and-such and it is mine and I gave it to you .