Nadera Qadi al-Sham

It is rare for Omar, who is a judge in the Levant, and he traveled one day from Makkah, and he saw as if the sun and the moon were fighting, and the planets, some of them with the sun and some with the moon, and that he had become a planet, so he returned to tell his visions to Imam Omar, may God be pleased with him, and when he came to him, he said to him, I did not return from your way. He said I saw a vision I went back to tell the Emir The believers, then Imam Umar, may God be pleased with him, said to him, when she saw that you were a planet, and you saw yourself with the sun or with the moon. He said with the moon. He said, So go out and do not do any work for me at all. When he went out from him, Imam Omar said to his companions. And if his vision is true, he will go out with those who are not victorious on us. Siffin incident killing the man with the people of Levant .