Rare reader Hamza Al-Zayat

Rare narrated true bond connected to the group said entered Hamza Ibn Habib Zayat found him crying and I said what makes you cry , he said , and how not to cry and I saw in my dream if I offered to God the Almighty tonight , he said to me , O Hamza , read the Koran as taught Vothbt standing , he said to me , O Hamza , sit down , I I love the people of the Qur’an. Then he said to me, “Recite, and I read until I reached Surat Taha.” I said, “Rolled up, and I chose you.” He said to me: Between and we chose you. Then he said to me, “Read, so I read until I reached Surah Yassin.” Then he said, “Relieve the Mighty, the Most Merciful, by raising the blame. The Throne is likewise the reciters read, then he called for a bracelet, so he made me happy, so the Almighty said this by your reading the Qur’an and then in a region that he made sense to me, then the Almighty said this with your daytime fasting then called for a crown and crowned me with it, then he said this by your reading the Qur’an to people, Hamzah, do not let a download, I mean by blaming the blame, because I downloaded it so you blame me if I cry .)