Rare in backbiting

Rare narrated on the authority of Al-Junaid, may God Almighty have mercy on him, that he was sitting at the door of his house, so a blind person passed by him asking people who were not for the sake of his life, and he said to himself if this man trusted in God Almighty and sat in the side of a corner or a mosque, God Almighty would provide him with no question. He said so I slept that night and I saw in a dream according to whom Copper was placed between my hands and on the plate that blind man was stretched out and said, “All the flesh of this is what I said, by God, I did not repent, but my soul happened, and my tongue did not utter it.” So he said, oh, Junaid, I am not one of whom I accept this argument, so when I sat at the door of my house thinking repentant to God Almighty and if I am a blind man who has accepted his condition, so he said, O Abu Al-Qasim, I am satisfied with what I saw yesterday and repent . And he also narrated from him that he saw in a dream after his death, and he was told what God did to you, Junaid, so he said that these sciences were gone and those drawings were erased, and only rak’at we used to kneel with magic .