Number 100 , 200 , 300 , 400 and 500

As for the hundred, he triumphed over the enemies, and Murad obtained the Almighty’s saying, ~ One hundred patient, they will defeat two hundred , ~ and perhaps the accusation of adultery is indicated by the Almighty saying, ~ So they flog each one of them a hundred lashes .~ And whoever thinks that a hundred pills are given to him, so that he will receive goodness, blessings, comfort and livelihood, because God Almighty says: ~ In every spike a hundred pills , ~ and it was said that he should be given to a group . As for the two hundred, it is an inability to gain victory over the enemy, because God Almighty says, ~They shall defeat two hundred .~ As for the three hundred, it is an intended occurrence within a long period of the Almighty saying, ~And they remained in their cave for three hundred years .~ As for the four hundred, he triumphed over the enemies because the Prophet, peace be upon him, said : The best of the brigades is four hundred and the best of the armies is four thousand . As for the five hundred, things stop .