Number 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 and 90

As for the twenty, it is an increase in strength and victory over the enemies, and Murad’s obtaining of the Almighty’s saying, ~ If among you twenty are patient, they will overcome two hundred .~ As for the thirty, it indicates that if he had a quarrel with someone, he would quickly separate and win over his enemy, because God Almighty said: “And his pregnancy and his separation are thirty months .” As for the fortieth, it is the interpretation of a matter and confusion and wandering, because God Almighty says: ~ They are forbidden for forty years .~ As for the fifty, it is not Mahmoud, and it was said that the life of the visionary is complete . As for the sixty, it is not Mahmud, because expiation is required for the Almighty saying ~ or feeding sixty poor persons ~ and it was said that a journey is due to the Almighty saying ~It has become a month and its soul is a month .~ As for the seventy, there is a need to delay and arise fear on the part of the Sultan . And if the number is an excuse, then it is not praiseworthy because the Almighty said, “ Then there is seventy cubits in the chain of arms. ” It was said to seek forgiveness and flatter the one who has no good, and God will forgive him for saying, “ If you seek forgiveness for them seventy times, God will not forgive them .” The accusation eightieth afraid Bzna him of his skin to the verse ~ Vagelteke eighty lashes ~ and said to a meeting and a pool . As for the ninety, it indicates that an elder woman betrothes him and he gets benefit from them, and if he is from the people of the state, this will happen to him because God Almighty said: ~ Ninety-nine ewes ~ and it was said that it is distress and hardship .