The vision of Ibrahim, peace be upon him, that he slaughtered his son

The compassionate father and the noble Sheikh did not leave his son in that desolate, wilderness place in the desert of Makkah , without longing for him and remembering him , and without visiting him from time to time , and on one of these visits , and the boy had grown up and moved , he tolerated what his father did in pursuit and work , the opinion of Hebron – Peace be upon him – that he was commanded to slaughter this son of his son , and when the prophets of God slept in their eyes and did not sleep in their hearts , then (the vision of the prophets is revelation ), and that is why Hebron determined to implement the command of his Lord , and he did not commend him for this determination , that Ishmael is alone , and that he was blessed Sheikh large , on the eighty – six years old head of age , and after having been hoped for for years and for years , despite all this , the Khalil God has determined to accomplish what is done , the faith of the faithful , and the surrender of Muslims to God alone , demonstrating the ultimate obedience and compliance with the order of God , this is Islam particular , since Islam is obedience and compliance to God , which is the first religion and others , and this has been described God – the Almighty – this , saying the Almighty ( this is a scourge shown ) from Surat Avat verse 106 that Hebron , but the view that displays This is for his son to be kinder to his heart and easier for him to forcibly take him and slaughter him Forcibly . Let us read these generous verses (and he said that I am going to my Lord , they will guide me , Lord grant me from the righteous , so we preached to him a boy who is haleem , and when he reached with him the sa’i , my father said that I see in a dream that I am slaughtering you , so see what you see . He said, Father, do what you are commanded , you will find me, God willing, from the patient. , when they became Muslim and a hill to the forehead , and Nadenah that O Abraham vision has ratified Verily well Ndza benefactors , this is a scourge shown , and Vdenah great slaughter , and we left it in others , peace on Abraham , as well as We recompense benefactors , he was one of our faithful , and We gave Isaac a prophet of Righteous ).