Ring vision

As for the girdle, it is the occurrence of guardianship, and if it is studded, then it is more pronounced in the state, and it is as high as the value of the ring, and it is famous for honesty and fairness in that state . Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees a collar in his neck, it indicates his claim that he is from a so-and-so tribe or from a so-and-so people, and he is a liar in his case . And Jabir al-Maghribi said: “Whoever sees a gold collar in his neck, then it indicates the Hajj, and if it is all of gold, then it indicates the attainment of what is wanted .” And whoever sees that there is a gold ring in his neck, and if he is a corrupt person, then he is interpreted by committing sins and by his intransigence in that .) And it was said that whoever saw that his neck had a gasket of any metal, then he interpreted by his persistence in corruption and his wasting of his affairs and his betrayal in his faithfulness, let him fear God and reconcile what between him and God And stop hurting people .