Benefits of different visions

The benefit of explaining the difference in the visions, so the vision of righteous kings is an inspiration from God Almighty, and the vision of the lords of the state of kings according to their religion and closeness, and the vision of slaves if a good deed goes out to their masters, and the vision of women departing from near and the vision of immorality is an argument on the Day of Resurrection against them, and the vision of the rich is more valid than the vision of the poor because the poor are in distress. From hardship and distress, and the vision of the poor is delayed if it is good, and if it is not good, it appears quickly and the vision of the ungodly who did not reach the dream is healthier than others because they did not disobey God, and the vision of them is weaker because they are busy with their desires and the vision of the side, the menstruating woman and the drunk have no origin or validity .