A vision of what happened in the battle of Uhud

** The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, saw me the vision of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, when he took place in the Battle of Uhud on the authority of Abu Musa – may God be pleased with him – on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who said : I saw in a dream that I was migrating from Mecca to a land with palm trees. Until it is Al-Yahama or Hajar, and if it is Madinah Yathrib, and I saw in this vision that I shook a sword and cut off his chest. So, what was struck by the believers on Sunday . Then I shook it again, and it returned the best of what it was. So it is what God brought with him from the conquest and the gathering of the believers, and I also saw in it a cow, and God is good. So, if they are a group of believers on a Sunday, and if good is what God has brought with it after the reward of truthfulness that God brought us after the Day of Badr . On the authority of Ibn Abbas – may God be pleased with her – he said : The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , emptied his sword Dhul – Fiqar on the day of Badr, and he was the one who saw the vision in it on Sunday, and he said : I saw in my sword Dhu al-Fiqar, so he said : I saw in my sword Dhu al-Fiqar, not his first, so it is not in you. In a fortified shield, I turned it over to the city, and I saw cows being slaughtered, so cow is good . So he was the one who said the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and killed his uncle Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and the cows that were slaughtered is what happened among the Muslims of killing on Sunday .