What is your message to those interested in seeing the dead , and to those who are frightened by seeing this kind , or to exaggerate the matter remarkably?

What is your message to those interested in seeing the dead , and to those who are frightened by seeing this type , or to exaggerate the matter remarkably? 1 – You are now from the living, and you are in the workplace. Today is work, no reckoning, tomorrow is reckoning, and no work, so what will you do today? What will you do tomorrow ? 2- You should show righteousness and kindness to the parents in their lives . And do not wait until if they die, or one of them dies – after Omar Mubarak, God willing – you begin to regret and hope that you will see them in visions, and carry out their instructions, which may be pipe dreams and long thinking and remorse over their death . 3- If you have two parents or one of them, and they are very old, sit with them and forget their loneliness and remember the words of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace : “ Despite a nose despite a nose despite a nose despite a nose – he said it three times – they said who, O Messenger of God? He will enter Heaven . The meaning is that he is righteous with them, and in the novel “ On the Greatness, ” which means when they joke and weaken their movement and need the strength of a son or daughter . 4- Did you write your will? The reader may be young in age and say what is the reason? I say : Death does not know young or old, and our noble Messenger, as it came from Ibn Umar – may God be pleased with him – said : “ What is the right of a Muslim who has something to recommend to spend two nights without his will is written with him ” There is no doubt that the implementation of the deceased’s will is required unless he commanded a Muharram for example Or a rupture of the womb , just as writing a will prevents disagreement between the heirs as well, and God knows best .