…As for the twenty, it is an increase in strength and victory over the enemies, and Murad’s obtaining of the Almighty’s saying, ~ If among you twenty are patient, they will overcome two hundred .~ As for the thirty, it indicates that if he had a quarrel with someone, he would quickly separate and win over his enemy, because God Almighty said: “And his pregnancy and his separation are thirty months .” As for the fortieth, it is the interpretation of a matter and confusion and wandering, because God Almighty says: ~ They are forbidden for forty years .~ As for the fifty, it is not Mahmoud, and it was said that the life of the visionary is complete . As for the sixty, it is not Mahmud, because expiation is required for the Almighty saying ~ or feeding sixty poor persons ~ and it was said that a journey is due to the Almighty saying ~It has become a month and its soul is a month .~ As for the seventy, there is a need to delay and arise fear on the part of the Sultan . And if the number is an excuse, then it is not praiseworthy because the Almighty said, “ Then there is seventy cubits in the chain of arms. ” It was said to seek forgiveness and flatter the one who has no good, and God will forgive him for saying, “ If you seek forgiveness for them seventy times, God will not forgive them .” The accusation eightieth afraid Bzna him of his skin to the verse ~ Vagelteke eighty lashes ~ and said to a meeting and a pool . As for the ninety, it indicates that an elder woman betrothes him and he gets benefit from them, and if he is from the people of the state, this will happen to him because God Almighty said: ~ Ninety-nine ewes ~ and it was said that it is distress and hardship ….

…The consequence of the violation of the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – 87 – said : He Cyrene : He told me Faqih said : was when a man frequently fasting and Asrdh but it was delayed mushrooms and saw in a dream as if blacks on you disputed the age of the Messenger of Allah – peace be upon him – , it He commanded to hasten the breaking of the fast while you delay it. He said : His face became black from the glow of fire, so he was walking with a masks in the people…

…Whoever sees a hermaphrodite or has become by himself, it is interpreted with five aspects of non-sexual intercourse, offspring, delay in status, weakness of strength, compassion and compassion ….

…Rheumatism If you dreamed that a rheumatic disease has hurt you, this predicts an unexpected delay in the completion of your projects . If you see others afflicted with rheumatism, then this means news that carries sadness and worry ….

…What is the opinion that the author adopts regarding the one who invokes and then has a vision? In view of the large number of questioners about these topics , especially girls who are approached by proposers , and they ask God for their sake and ask God to show them a vision that helps them to know whether this applicant is good for them, and some of them may make the visions generated under these circumstances a basis for response or acceptance This suitor !!! And for those who are surprised at the women’s actions, I add to it and say that there are some fathers who approach him and address his daughter, and he writes to me and asks me, after Istikharah, about dreams that he saw, and they may be visions, while he is confused before her. Does he spend the sermon or respond to the suitor? I have several pauses here. I hope to contemplate and reflect on it for whomever falls under the previous description : 1 / Whoever proposes a suitor to her, she must follow the path of knowledge, not dream !! 2 / To the one who presented to her, address the question about his religion, character, and faithfulness, and this is usually done by the guardian, from a father, brother or similar, and after the question he takes the path of Istikharah and there is no objection to repeating it, and after that he looks at the opinion of the girl, and after the legal vision it is decided and decided Her order, and so her decision is informed and wise, and not about dreams or visions . 3 / I noticed a lot of women who write to me, especially women, that they greatly over-accept those who apply for her early, and invoke illogical arguments, including : study, young age, somewhat old age of the fiancé, lack of financial, employment or pedigree, and some These girls refuse for no reason, but because she did not find anyone advising her or urging her to accept, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about the virgin : and her ears are her silence … as evidence of modesty, or the inability to declare approval, so those around her think that she is rejecting. This invites me to say that the guardian has a great task in managing the marriage and signing it, or hindering it – if you will . 4 / The guardian of a woman or a girl must not include dreams or visions in his decision-making, either with or without consent, and most of the dreams that are seen and generated in such circumstances are like the frustrations that are from the talk of the soul . 5 / Girls should not give up their first age, and to know that the sooner the age of marriage, the better for them, and with love, companionship, compromise and understanding with the husband, she can discuss any topic. To study, complete her studies, or work …. etc. 6 / The experience has indicated that a woman prefers marriage, or pregnancy and childbearing, more than studying or working, and therefore I do not see a reason why a girl would delay her marriage under the pretext of completing her studies, and what she does That someone will apply for it? And how do you know that the speech will continue to knock on her door? Ask a lot of those who missed marriage, or missed the golden age of marriage, and their refusal was due to work, self-formation, or study, and you will find that most of them, and most of them, wish that they are married and have a family, and children . 7 / It is not a requirement that whoever invokes God’s daughters, or fathers or mothers, sees a good vision, and what if he saw such a good vision; It is not a requirement that he know her correct interpretation, or be informed of it from the crossing. The expression may be contrary to the situation, or absent from the truth – and this is possible from the expressors – they are human beings who make mistakes and suffer, and there is no infallibility except for a Prophet . 8 / Most of the dreams that were seen after Istikharah have little, if not non-existent, scope for honesty. So whoever invokes it, or who is asking for something, then thinking is focused on it, in the state of waking up, and before sleeping, and this makes the person who is seeking istikhaarah may see something related to the subject of his Istikharah, and it is because of thinking about it, while its owner thinks that it is a sincere vision, and it must be expressed. And taking a decision based on its light, but what I see is a pipe dream . 9 / The abstraction may see a vision in which there are no direct symbols of the subject invoked for its sake, for here it may have a meaning in his vision that can have a significance for the extractive, and all this is according to the expression of the one who expresses the vision . 10 / There may be some type of vision that has a strong significance for the extractive; And that is if the seer was a person far from the sought-after, and he did not know about his news that was renewed and was reclaimed for its sake, and then he saw a vision that is directly related to this is sought, and what he invoked for his sake, and this is returned and happens very much, and in this type of vision there is a great degree of truthfulness, Especially if the seer is known for his honesty and righteousness . 11 / Perhaps one of the funny things about what is said here is what is said about the ancient Indians, that they used to say : The night brings us advice, and that is that they discover through their dreams an indication of their good or bad luck, and this meaning is present in the meaning of a good vision and the legitimacy of seeking it out, informing it and awaiting its realization ….

…Al-Assad : Sultan Qahir is mighty, because of the greatness of his danger, the severity of his bravery, the horror of his creation, and the power of his anger . It denotes the warrior, the pilfering thief, the traitorous worker, the owner of the condition, and the enemy calling . Perhaps it indicates death and distress, because the one looking at it turns yellow, becomes confused and faint . And the authority of the embezzled man indicates the oppression of people, and the enemy and the ruler . Whoever sees a lion entering his home, if he is sick in it, he will perish, otherwise it will be caused by a force of authority . If he sneakily robbed him and plundered his money, hit or killed him, if he had awakened his soul in a dream, cut off his head, or divorced him . As for the lion entering the city, it is a plague, distress, power, mighty, or enemy that enters upon them according to the evidence that he has in waking and sleeping, unless he enters the mosque and rises above the pulpit, then he is a power that tries against the people and causes them affliction and fear . And whoever rides the lion rides a great matter and grievous deception, either as a dispute over the ruler and a daring over him and his alienation, or he rides the sea without expression, or he will happen in something that he is unable to advance or delay, so he indicates the consequence of his command, by increasing his sleep and his evidence . Whoever disputes a lion is fighting an enemy, authority, or whoever the lion is attributed to . And whoever has a knee while he is humiliated or obedient, he will be able to overcome an oppressive and mighty power . And whoever receives Al-Assad or sees him with him and does not mix with him, a kind of authority will strike him and it will not harm him . Whoever escapes from a lion and the lion does not seek him, escapes from something he warns of . And whoever eats the meat of a lion, he will get money from a Sultan and nail his enemy, and likewise if he drank the milk of a lioness . If he eats the meat of a lioness, he will strike a great ruler and king . And the skin of the lion was the money of an enemy, and the head of the lion was cut off to gain a king and a power . And whoever sponsors lions is true, mighty kings . And whoever is hit by a lion, a fever will take him, because the lion is feverish . And whoever mixes with the lion and does not contradict him, he is safe from the evil of his enemy, enmity rises from them, and friendship is proven . And whoever kneels and is afraid of him, he will be afflicted with trouble . A lion puppy is a boy . And it was said that he who saw as if he had killed a lion would have escaped all the sorrows . Whoever turns a lion becomes unjust according to his condition . And the lioness was said to be the daughter of a king . And he told : A man came to Muhammad bin Sirin and said : I saw as if a lion pup was in my hands, and I hugged him . When Ibn Sirin saw his poor condition and did not see him as a worthy person, he said : What is your business and the affairs of the princes? When he saw his condition, then he said : Perhaps your wife breastfeeds the son of a man of the princes . So the man said, by God . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if I took a lion’s pup and brought it into my house, so he said that some kings matched . Yazid bin Al-Muhallab saw that he was on a lion in a stretcher on the days of his departure from Yazid bin Abdul-Malik, so the vision was told to an expressive old woman, and he said : He rides a great thing and is surrounded by it ….