…It is forbidden money in a dream . Whoever sees that he is lying in blood, then he is turning around with forbidden money or a great sin . If he sees blood on a shirt from a place where he does not know its source, then he is lying to it from where he does not feel . If he sees his shirt stained with the blood of a feline, then a text lies on it . If his shirt is stained with the blood of seven, then the power of the wrong and deceitful lies to him . If his shirt is stained with ram’s blood, then an honorable, rich and impregnable man will lie to him, and after the lie, he receives forbidden money as much as the amount of blood and its flow from the skin, and if he is absent, he returns from his journey safely . And whoever sees that the blood is coming out of his body, and he sees the wounds of his body, it affects health in the body and an increase in money, even if he is absent peacefully and will obtain good, righteousness and pleasure . If he sees that he drank human blood, then it is money and benefit, and he is saved from every trial, calamity and distress . And it was said : Whoever sees that he has fallen into a well of blood, he will be tested with forbidden money . And whoever sees a valley of blood in his place, his blood shall be shed there . And whoever sees blood that came out of him without intending or cupping or wounding, money came out of him as much as that blood if he has money, and if he is poor, he will benefit like it . If blood is seen in a jar, tied with a rag, it is the menstrual bond . The blood indicates the life and power of its owner, his money, the one who helps him and supports him, whether a guarantor or a king, and whoever conceals him from clothing or whatever praise or slander reaches him . And perhaps it indicated its sperm, which weakens its exit . And perhaps he referred to money and the forbidden one who ate it, and if excessive blood came out of it in a dream indicates the ineffectiveness of the one who was happy with him by a father, son or partner, or a lack of his money, or sold something of his clothing, or the difference of a wife or other loved one . A person’s blood indicates his demon from whom the bloodstream flows, while he is in his house like an enemy . Excessive emission of blood is distressing, and its emission when necessary in a dream is a rest and their demise . The menstrual blood of a single woman is a husband, and a pregnant woman has aborted menstruation, and a disease is desperate for menstruation . And whoever sees that blood stains it, then forbidden money comes out of it ….

…And whoever sees that blood comes out from him without a wound, then if he is in a position he accepts a bribe and takes it, then he is isolated, and if not, then harm will occur, and if he sees the blood coming out from surgeries, then they are suffering and distress and loss and whoever sees that he drank blood, it is forbidden money and blood is spilled unjustly, and whoever sees that in his body A place from which blood or pus comes out, so it stains his body or his garment, then he hits forbidden money by his measure, and if he does not stain anything, then it comes out of sin. From his veins, he is devolved with a shortage of his money according to the amount of blood, and if he is poor, he benefits from his wealth, and whoever sees blood coming out of his penis, it indicates that his wife has fallen and whoever sees blood coming out of his anus. If he struck his body or his clothes, he hit forbidden money, and whoever saw blood coming out of his teeth would have struck him from Before his relatives, and whoever sees in a place a river of blood or a liquid gutter, then it will happen in a place where blood is shed, and whoever sees that blood has come out from his nose, then it is interpreted by obtaining forbidden money, and if the blood was little and did not see weakness when it came out, then it was relieved of them and grief and it was said that nosebleeds are a treasure hit. If his nose drips on the road, then he pays zakat on his money on the project, and if he sees that blood comes out of his eye, then he is sad Refined…

…Whoever falls into a well of blood : or a scarred or jar of blood, after the blood is high on him . It cannot be pushed away, for he is in blood that is afflicted with him . Likewise, every conquering blood that he sees in a place of water, in a bowl, in a bowl, in a basin, or other traces of running and stagnant water, after it is often, unless he sees that the blood is weak, that he drank, or stained with it, then it is forbidden money that befalls him and if It was often blood cursed with it . And whoever sees blood sprinkled on him, he will receive it from the one on whom that blood is sprinkled, like a spark from fire, so it is bad words that befall the one who does it ….

…And blood is forbidden money or sin, and if he sees that it is smeared in blood, then it turns into forbidden money or a great sin . If he sees blood on his shirt from a place he does not know, then he lies to him from a place he does not feel, according to the story of Joseph, peace be upon him . If he sees his shirt stained with blood, the blood of a feline, then he is lying to him the power of the treacherous and the unjust . If he is stained with ram’s blood, an honorable, rich and impregnable man will lie to him . Likewise, the blood of all animals, because those attributed to that animal lie to them . If he sees that he drank a person’s blood, he would gain money and benefit and be saved from every trial, calamity and distress ….

…It was said that he who drank the blood of people was bored from sin and escaped from it . Whoever falls into a well of blood will be afflicted with blood or forbidden money . And blood flow from the body health and safety . If he was absent, he would return safely from his travels . And a man from Azad said : One of our great men prayed with us the next evening prayer, soundly and soundly, and he became blind, so we entreated him and told him: What is this that has knocked you down? He said : I came in my sleep and I took, so he took me to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and if he was sitting with blood in his hands, he said that you were the one who fought Hussein? I said yes, so he took these two fingers, meaning the index and middle fingers, and dipped them in blood, and then he said that in my eyes . And he nodded with his two fingers, and said : I cannot see anything . A man came to Ibn Al-Musayyib and said : I saw as if I had a drop of blood in my hands, and the more I washed them the brighter . He said : You are a man who is banished from your son, so fear God and make him worthy . Sufyan said, I saw blood on my dress, so when I went out to the mosque, and there was a crossing on his door, I recounted my vision to him, and he said : He is lying to you . It was as he said ….

…Whoever saw in a dream that he had a wound on his body, that would be money to him . If he was injured on his right hand, then it is money that benefits him from a male kinship that he has, and if he was injured in his left hand, it is money that benefits from a relationship he has from women . If a wound is on his left leg, then his money is from plowing and planting, and if he is wounded on his heel, then it is money that will come to him from his son . If he has a wound and blood is flowing from him, then he has a debt, and he spends hardship on it . And whoever sees that his body has soft wounds from which blood is flowing, then it is harmful to his owner in money and speech . He was hit in the head and had money to keep . And if he saw that he was wounded and did not shed blood, then he has overlooked a virtue that will come to him . And whoever is wounded and spills blood from him, then he will have money, the effect of which on him becomes clear . And if he saw the Sultan as if he had been wounded in his head, he would see the death of his peers . If his bone is broken, his army will be defeated and his leadership weak . If he was wounded in his left hand, his soldiers would double . If he was injured on his right hand, then what was on his hand would be double . If he was wounded in his stomach, the money in his safe would double . And if a wound in his thigh multiplied, his clan would multiply, and if a wound in his legs would double his life . If he was wounded on his feet, he would double his steadfastness in his kingdom . If a man injures him, cuts off his organs and divides them, then the one who strikes has authority over the one struck with a right tongue . If he was wounded and came out of the injured person with blood, then the one who struck him is sinning and the one who was beaten will be rewarded for him. If he stains the one with his blood, then he will receive sin and money that is forbidden to the extent that he stains the blood . And whoever sees that he has wounded an unbeliever, then he has control over an enemy who has apparent enmity, and says the truth in him, and obtains from him money as much as blood, and that the unbeliever’s blood for the believer is permissible . And if he saw a person wounded him, and no blood came out of him, then he says in al-Majrouh in true words, he will not have an answer . If he saw that he was wounded, and blood came out of him, then he backs him with what is believed . And whoever sees that he is wounded with a knife or something iron, then his corruption appears, and there is no good in him . And whoever sees that some parts of his body have surgery, then the expression in it is for the organ in which the surgery is to take place, and if it is in the chest or in the heart, then it is in the youth, and young women indicate love, and in the elderly and the elderly it indicates grief . And if it is on the thumb of the right hand, then it indicates a debt that he rides, and an instrument to write on . And whoever sees that an angel of the angels has wounded him with his sword in his stomach, as if he had died, he will suffer wounds and ulcers, and then he will be cured of them . And whoever saw that he was wounded in the neck, he would get money on the side of his heel ….

…As for surgeries, whoever sees that he has a wound on his hands, that will be money . And if a wound is on his right hand, it is money that will benefit him from his male kinship, and on the left from his female kinship . If a wound is on his left leg, then money is from plowing and planting. If a wound on his heel hits his heels, he hits money from the side of his heel and his son . And surgery on the thumb of his right hand, evidence of religion riding it . And every liquid surgery expense and money damage . And whoever sees in his body a soft surgery with blood flowing from it, it is harmful to its owner in money and speech by a person who falls into it and gets a reward for that . And the surgery in the head and no blood flowing from it, because it was close to hit money . If blood is flowing from her, it is money that shows its effect on him . If a Sultan or an imam saw that he had a wound on his head until his skin and bone were lost, he would extend his life and see his peers . If the bone is broken, his army will be defeated . The wound on his left hand . His militarization increased . The wound on the right increased his possession . If a wound in his stomach increases his treasury money, then a wound in his thigh increases his clan . The wound in his leg is long . And if a wound on his feet increased in matters of integrity and steadfastness . If he sees as if a person cut off his organs and divides them, then the decisive person speaks truthful words regarding his matter that bequeathed that and separate his children and disperse them in the country . If the injured person becomes stained with the blood of the wounded man, then he hits forbidden money as much as the blood that he stained with . And whoever wounds an unbeliever and sheds blood from an unbeliever, he will gain an enemy who has apparent enmity, and he will obtain from him money that is permissible as much as the blood that comes out of it, because the blood of an infidel is permissible for the believer, and if it stains his blood then it is stronger . And whoever sees that a person has wounded him and no blood has come out of him, then the offender will say a true saying in it in response to him . If blood comes out, then he backs him with what is true, and the one who is battered comes out of sin . And it was said that whoever saw as if he was wounded with something of iron with a knife or other, then it shows its equal and disadvantages and there is no good in it . Some of them said : Whoever sees a wound in some of his organs, the expression in it is for the member in which the surgery was permissible . If in the chest it is the heart, then in young men and women it is a sign of love . As for the sheikhs and the elderly, it indicates sadness . As for murder, whoever thinks that he has killed a person is committing a great thing . And it was said that it was a deliverance from distress , because God Almighty said, “And you killed a soul, so we will deliver you from the gloom and your deception and deception .”…

…Daniel said, ~Whoever sees that blood has come out from his nose, then it is interpreted as a wealth obtained from a forbidden face, and if the blood was little and did not stain his garment and he saw weakness with him, then it indicates poverty and lack of money, and if his strength returned after weakness, then it was forbidden money, and if he did not see weakness when he came out.~ The blood is very little, because it is the relief of those who are distressed, because some of them say a drop of blood for their discharge ….

…Al-Fasad is in a dream a man who obeys the conversation . If he breaks a man by display, then he is stabbed, and he is enmity, and if he breaks in length, then he speaks the beauty and composes among people . And Almusdod evidence of comfort and cure from ailments . And whoever has been seized in a dream of an organ, he needs to be spotted in it while awake . And whoever sees that a young man turns his sweat long, then he hears an enemy speaking or stabbing that affects him . And if he sees that he has lost his sweat, and his sweat is cut off, then his relative will die . And if the phlebotomy is in his right hand, then his money doubles, and if it is in his left hand, then he is victorious over his partner . And if he sees that a person has turned him away, then he hears a word from a friend, and if blood comes out of his sweat, then he will be rewarded for it, and if no blood comes out of him, then it is said that it is right and the one who is committing sin comes out . If a scholar breaks him and the blood comes out of him in a basin or in a plate, then he will get sick . If he breaks him and does not see blood, then he hears words from his wife . And if he despises blood coming out of him, then he will get sick and he will suffer harm in his money . And if his wife bears a daughter if the upper arm is longitudinal, and if the upper arm is longitudinal, and if it is transverse, then what is between her and her relatives shall be cut off by death or life . And whoever sees that he wants to mourn, then he wants to repent of sin . And if he thinks that blood has defeated him, then he is in whim and sin overcomes . If the blood is black, then he persists in a grave sin and will repent from it . And the bloodletting is the outflow of money in writing an argument, and the scalpel is like the pen, and the blood is like the ink, and the virgin if she gives birth, then she gets married . A phlebotomy for a boy is circumcised . And the prisoner visited Bishara, because blood is imprisoned in the veins . And the pregnant woman visited her and her childbirth . If the phlebotomy was not in the month of delivery, it is aborted . And the rich man paid zakat on his money . And the unknown woman’s visitation in the world is coming to those who saw her ….

…If he sees it as if he shed blood after the phlebotomy, then he is repenting of sin, because the blood coming out is repentance . If the blood is black, then it is determined to commit great sin, because the blood is a sin, and it is a repentance . If he sees as if he took a vagina and his wife spotted it for a length of time, then she is giving birth to a girl . And if he crosses her by accident, he will sever her from her relatives . If he sees that he intends to phlebotomy, he intends to repent ….

…And whoever sees that he has killed someone and the blood has flowed from his body is rich with the amount of blood that came out of money, and if no blood is spilled from him, unlike him, and if he sees that his body is stained with the blood of the murdered, then he will get money from his money ….

Blood The bloodstained robes denote enemies who seek to tear apart a successful career that opens before you . It is imperative that the dreamer beware of strange friendships . If you see blood flowing from a wound, this indicates physical illness and anxiety . Bad action resulting from tragic dealing with foreign groups . If you see blood on your hands, this indicates immediate bad luck if you are not careful about your person and your affairs ….

…As for phlebotomy : If someone sees an old man, then he discards him, he hears a word from a friend . If it comes out of a blood sweat, it will be rewarded . If no blood came out of it, then it is said that it is right and the separator comes out of sin . If he turns him off paradoxically, then he stops talking about him, and if he stops him lengthily, then he increases the words and doubles them, and if he sees as if he is a young man then he turns him away lengthwise, then he hears from his enemy a stab at him and increases his money . And whoever sees it as if the young man turns him away, then it is the death of some of his relatives . If the young man breaks him long and blood comes out of him, then he hits him from the Sultan and takes money from him as much as the blood that came out of him . If a scholar turns him away and a lot of blood comes out of him in a bowl or plate, then he gets sick and his money goes to the children and the doctors, because the plate is the doctor . If he breaks it and does not see any blood or a scratch, he hears words from his relatives who are attributed to that organ, as much as he suffered from pain . If he despises blood coming out, then he becomes sick and harms his money, and if it is in his conscience that the phlebotomy benefits him and the blood comes out of it in a known and agreed amount, then his religion is valid and his body is also healthy in that year ….

…As for spoiled blood : it indicates sickness in all people, generally . If the blood is a little like a puff, it indicates the household and kinship, and the attainment of evil, then get rid of it . It was said that vomiting blood is a repentance from sin or forbidden money, and it leads to trust in his neck . As for urination : in interpretation, it is forbidden money, so whoever sees as if he has urinated in an unknown place will marry a woman in that place, and cast his sperm in her by intermarriage with the people of that place or his neighbor, and it is said that he is seen as if he urinates, then he spends an alimony that belongs to him, because God Almighty says : “ And what you spent of something He succeeds him, and he is the best of the future . If he saw as if he was in a well, then he is spending from earning permissible money . If he sees as if he has worn out on a commodity, then he is unclean on that commodity, and if he has worn out in a niche, then a scholar boy is born for him ….

…Al-Kirmani said, and whoever sees that he is drinking blood, it is forbidden money to come, or blood is spilled unjustly ….

…And whoever sees in a place a river of blood or a liquid gutter, then he shed blood ….

…And whoever sees that blood comes out of his veins, it shall be interpreted with a shortage of his money according to the amount of blood, and if he is poor, he benefits from his wealth ….

…And whoever saw that he was cupped and his canopy was stained with his blood, then he would die because Maan bin Zaida when he cried in the door of a house, he saw in his sleep as if he was cupped and his canopy was stained with his blood, so when he became blackened, they killed him ….

…Whoever sees as if he is urinating blood, a woman will come when she is menstruating . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I was urinating blood, so he said : You come to your wife when she is menstruating, and he said yes . And it was said that the owner of this vision, if his wife was pregnant, miscarried ….

…If blood came out of him, it is his sin . If he gets stained with it, forbidden money comes out of it, and it was said that blood came out of the back passage for children ….

…Saeed, the preacher, said: ~Whoever sees that blood comes out of his thumb and forefinger blood while he drinks from them, he will marry a woman and her sister .~…

Bloodstone If you dreamed of seeing a blood stone, this means that you will not be lucky in your work . If a girl dreams of receiving a bloodstone as a gift, then this means that she will suffer alienation from a friend, but thus she will gain another friend who is worthy of her . ~ Blood Stone : Agate green with red dots .~…

…And whoever thinks that some things have come out from the deceased, such as urine, faeces, pus, blood, sputum, sputum, and the like, then it is in two ways. It was said that it was not interpreted because it could not be issued from it, and it was said that everything of that is interpreted from the meaning of the above and comes on its heels, and it may be in a kind. Other than that which the expressers see fiercely about the meaning, and others have said otherwise, and it is advanced that if he sees something that cannot happen to the deceased from it, it is expressed by analogy, toxicity, consequence, and so on ….

…And whoever sees that he has bitten a person and blood came out of him indicates that he loves him because he has sinned ….

…And whoever sees that he eats human flesh with desire and his blood is flowing, then he will get abundant money without asking ….

If he sees as if blood is burning his urethra or hurting him, then he comes to a divorced woman, or a woman with a mahram, and he does not know that

…Al-Kirmani said: ~Whoever saw that he was stung and came out of blood or pus from him, then he will be residing in the service of the kings steadfast in his affairs, and if otherwise, the period of his stay is short .~…

…And whoever sees that he shed blood from him from a spear stab, he will receive words from someone who harms him but will be rewarded for him ) and he may see what he denies or someone on his side speaks something that is not befitting of his mind ….

And whoever sees that it is redeemed and blood comes out of it, then it comes out of sin, and whoever sees that it was molested and blackened blood came out of it, and he had health in his body, then his religion is valid, and the bloodlust on the right is an increase in money and the left is an increase in friends. And there is no blood coming out of it, because it is obstructing a matter and some of them said that if he saw that he had blood and blood came out of him, then he is told to speak of truth that will benefit him, and if the blood comes out long until all of it is drained from it, then its deadline

…And whoever sees that he stipulates that he does not have any blood, then something that he hates will happen ….