…It is in a dream denotes a woman or a servant . And perhaps glass mugs indicated the appearance of hidden objects . A full mug indicates a pregnant woman. If the water disperses, her pregnancy will fall, and if the mug is broken, the woman will die . And whoever sees a mug in his hand, and the mug falls from his hand and breaks, and the water remains in his hand, then his wife gives birth to a boy and dies and her son remains, and if he hands the mug and the water is gone, then the child dies and the woman receives . And the mug is underway . And mugs from the essence of women . Glass mugs may indicate severity due to their refraction . And whoever sees that he eats glasses, he will fall into great distress, and whoever breaks his cup will die his legs . See also Al-Qab ….

…If the sheath breaks and the sword is drawn, the woman dies and the boy is delivered . If they were all broken, the child and the mother would die ….

…If he saw that he was drinking from a mug of clear water, he got good from his family and his son, and the glass mug is a man, and if it is of metal or substance, then he is a woman ….

…As for the mug, it is interpreted by the woman, and whoever sees that he gave a mug with water to drink and drank from, then he marries a woman or buys a maid and gets from her a good son who can rest with him, and if there is wine in it and drank from it, then it indicates the occurrence of a bad spoiled child who does not rest from him ….

…A mug is also one of the women’s jewels, as it is of glass . And drinking in a mug is money from the side of a woman . It was said that glasses of gold and silver in the vision are better for their survival, and glasses of glass are quick to break, and indicate the hidden objects of their light . And mugs a dialogue or a boy happened ….

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever sees that he has a mug and that it has broken and what is in it has changed, then it is interpreted by the death of his wife and safety, and whoever sees an empty cup, then it is interpreted as not having children ….

…And whoever sees that he drank water from a mug and did not hold it, then his vision indicates the recalcitrance of his wife ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said he who saw that he gave water in a mug to give birth to a son ….

…And whoever sees a mug that has been emptied of what is in it, whether he drinks it or cups it, then it shall be interpreted as soon as it is due, and if there is something in it that he hates the taste, then it shall be interpreted by death .)…

…And whoever sees that his ring lobe has broken, he indicates otherwise ….

…And he narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said, I saw as if my ring was broken. He said if you believed your vision, I divorced your wife ….

…And whoever sees that its cooler is broken or lost, it indicates the difficulty of its work and its repair ….

…And it was said that he who saw that his spear was broken and then repaired it, because his son is on the verge of death, then he recovers, and perhaps the visionary’s affairs are weak and then return to what it was ….

…And whoever sees that the heel of his sword is broken, then it is interpreted by the death of one of his household ….

…Whoever sees that his leg is broken, do not come close to the Sultan for a time, and pray to God Almighty ….

…And whoever saw that his vault was broken, it indicates a dispute with the judge’s attorney and left his companion and friendship ….

…And whoever sees that his ring has broken and lost and remains of his lobe, it indicates the disappearance of his status and honor, but his hardness and appearance will be the same ….

…And whoever sees that his bed is broken, he will lose his pride and authority, otherwise he will leave his wife with death or life .)…

…The sword is in a dream a boy and a sultan . Whoever sees that he wore a sword, he has assumed a great mandate . If he sees that he has weighed down the sword and dragged it on the ground, then he weakens from his mandate . If he sees that the clans have been cut off, then he is isolated from his state, and the clans have the beauty of his state . And whoever saw that he gave his wife a blade or gave him a blade, then he is born a male . And if he saw that he gave her a sword in its sheath, he hit a girl . And if he saw that he wore four swords, he would have four children . If his sword was drawn in a dream when he was rusty, and his wife gave birth to a boy, the boy was ugly, and if it was broken, then it is the death of his son in his mother’s womb . If the sword is cut, bright and clear, then his words are sweet and it is true, and if it is rusty then it is false . If the sword was heavy, then he spoke words that he could not stand . If he sees a drawn sword in his hand, and he is in a quarrel, then he has the right . If a sword is thrown at him, then he is a woman, for Luqman, peace be upon him, said : The woman is like a sword . And whoever sees that he has two or three swords, and it is cut off, then he divorces his wife three . And whoever sees that he draws a sword, he shall spread his tongue with something that is not permissible . And whoever sees that the blade of the sword is broken, it is the death of his father or uncle, and it was said : the death of his aunt or his mother . And whoever sees that the sole of his sword is broken, then he is his servant or follower . And playing with the sword was his sophistication . And if he sees swords with the wind, it is a plague . And it was said : The sword indicates the anger of the visionary . And whoever sees that he swallowed a sword, he eats the money of his enemy . And whoever saw that the sword was swallowed by his sting alive . And the sword is affliction . And the cover of the sword indicates the woman, if the jacket was broken and the sword surrendered, it indicates the death of a pregnant woman and the safety of her son, and if the sword was broken and the jacket was delivered, the woman was delivered and the boy perished, and if they were all broken, they died together . And the sharp sword is unable to speak . And whoever saw that he made a sword in his cover and was celibate, he married . And whoever sees in his hand a sword made of glass and has a pregnant woman, she brings a child who does not live . And whoever sees a great sword that does not resemble the sword of this world, then it is the sword of sedition. If it sheaths in the air or rises to the sky, or is thrown into the sea, the temptation will subside . And whoever sees that a striker strikes him with the sword and cuts off his limbs, then the one who was struck will travel . And whoever sees that a man has stabbed him with the sword without a dispute, then the stabbing person and the stabbed participate in a marriage . And the sword denotes livelihood, king, knowledge, or crazy woman ….

…And whoever saw that his head was cut, injured, or broken, the first in three aspects of guardianship, prevalence and occurrence in money, and it was said that this is expressed in the right of his boss as mentioned above ….

…As for the broken dirhams, they are interpreted in three aspects: true speech, strife, distress, grief, restraint, imprisonment, and bad dirhams as mentioned for money and its expression comes in its chapter ….

…And whoever sees the edge of his sword broken, it indicates the death of his father or mother ….

They are broken boats

…And whoever sees that his saddle is broken, his wife will die ….

…Daniel said, ~Whoever sees that his one leg is cut or broken, it indicates that half of his money has gone or that one of his parents has died .~…

…And whoever sees that his spear has been broken, he indicates that he has been damaged by the enemy ….

…And whoever saw that his tools were broken, lost from him, or someone stole them, then this indicates that he married a woman who was immoral ….

…Some of the expressors said that he who saw that his legs were broken should never come close to a person of authority ….

…Al-Kirmani said: ~Whoever sees his nails missing, cut off or broken, then his money is gone and his ability is weak, and if he sees them equal and clean, then he is good in this world and religion, and if he sees them as extra and longer and he fears breakage, then there is no good in him, and it was said that they are sad and fearful .~…

…And whoever sees that his sword has been broken, fallen from his hand, snatched from it, oppressed, thrown, mortgaged, stolen, loaned, or sold, it shall be interpreted in ten aspects of isolation, death of his relatives, a victory, a fine, the occurrence of misfortune, lack of dignity, the death of a child, the divorce of a woman, the death of a servant and the weakness of ability ….