…White butterfly If you dream of a white butterfly, this foretells of an unavoidable disease, although you will be tempted to accuse yourself or accuse another person of doing evil, and this is what you think is the cause of the disease . If a woman sees a white butterfly hovering in a room at night, this portends desires that will not be fulfilled and that an action will affect other people’s pleasure . Seeing a white butterfly as it flies and then finally lands on something or disappears completely predicts the death of friends or relatives ….

…A butterfly caterpillar If you see a caterpillar in a dream, this indicates weak and hypocritical people who are present in your near future, and you will do well if you get rid of deceptive appearances . You may experience a loss in love or work . If you dreamed of a butterfly, this foretells that you will be placed in embarrassing situations and expect only a small amount of honor or profit ….

Butterfly If you see a butterfly between flowers and green grasses, this indicates prosperity and beautiful gains . If you see butterflies hovering, this means news from absentee friends by letter or from someone who met them . As for the girl, this dream means happy love that culminates in a life-long union ….

…The magician is in a dream a charming man, so if he bewitches an apple, then he charms his son, and if he is bewitched by a butterfly, then he charms his wife ….

…As for the mattress, it is interpreted by a weak man who throws his hand to perdition, and Al-Kirmani said, whoever saw that he caught a butterfly, then he buys a virgin maid and infects a child from her. If she dies in his hand, then it indicates the death of his child, and it was said that the mattress devolves upon a person who perishes himself and does not harm others ….

…Destiny is in a dream denotes the world sitting on the chair, and the meat and spices in it . Perhaps the ability to divorce her if she was on her cauldron, and boiling her divorce . Fate values ​​the house . Fate is in the patient’s home if it is boiling under fire and what is in it is not known, then the canon is a butterfly, and the flame of fire is his distress, and its boiling is his anxiety . And the ability to compete or to be satisfied with what is possible . Fate is a foreign woman . Whoever saw that he was cooked in a pot will get great money from the Sultan . Meat and broth in the pot is an honorable livelihood with words and quarrels ….