…Al-Sadr The expansion of the chest and its goodness in a dream is evidence of the infidel of his Islam, and it is for the disobedient to repent and relieve obedience, and indicates facilitation of the difficult . Perhaps Hassan al-Sadr indicated altruism . Al-Sadr may refer to the knowledge, money, guidance, or delusion that he conceals in him . Al-Sadr is a guest, wife, or position . And chest tightness astray . If my dhimmi sees that his chest is tight, he will lose his money . And it was said : The capacity of the chest is generous and its tightness is stingy . He felt : that his chest turning a stone , it would be callous . The breadth of the chest also indicates injustice, and the chest is the place of worry and joy, so whoever saw his chest wide will be pleased, and whoever saw his chest narrow, he will get distress and delusion . And it was said : his expansion of Islam and his narrowing of tyranny . And if an unbeliever sees his chest, then he becomes Muslim and profits in his trade . And whoever saw a pain in his chest, he sinned and was punished for his sin, and it was said : He is extravagant in obedience to God Almighty . And if a man sees two breasts in his chest, then he gets married if he is celibate, or if he is in love, then his affair becomes clear ….

…Al-Sadr and its Expansion : It guides him to knowledge, dream and the righteousness of the situation . The wideness and tightness of the heart and chest is against that . Perhaps he pointed his chest to his chest, box, and bag, and all that he considers the best of his belongings and the soul of his money, because the heart is in it, and the heart is the place of the secret of every contract, and it was said that tightness of the chest indicates miserliness, and its capacity indicates generosity ….

As for Al-Sadr, it is interpreted according to the aspects of Sharia, religion, and so on. If he sees that his chest is wide, then it indicates the increase in his religion and his piety, and whoever sees a narrow in his chest, it indicates a decrease in his religion, and whoever sees in his chest what he denies while awake is not Mahmoud, and if he sees what he praises, he is praiseworthy and whoever sees in his chest What hurts him, he is spending his money in extravagance

…As for body hair : planting it for a man bore his wife . The abundance of body hair for the afflicted increases his distress, and his loss is the remission of his distress . And the abundance of body hair for the happy, the increase of pleasure and richness, and his loss the riches go . Increase the body hair for the rich is money, and the poor have a debt . And whoever is rich in an oven, his money is spent by stealing . And if he was poor, then he should spend his debt seriously, exhausted and demanding . If he sees his body hair white, then if he is rich, you lose his money, and he will oversee the death . And if he is poor, then it is a debt that he can pay off . As for the impossibility of his body hair, the hair of a beast or seven, this indicates his fall in adversity . Narrow chest delusion . If my dhimmi saw that his chest was tight, he would suffer a loss of his money . It was said that man’s chest is generosity, and his narrowness with his miserliness . The abundance of hair on the chest is a debt that he rides, and if he sees his chest turning into a stone, then he will be hard-hearted . Ibn Sirin came, a man said : I saw a lot of hair growing in my chest, and I was knotted . He said : I made a trust and I paid it . And the chest capacity also indicates the flag . As for the breasts, the man’s woman and his daughter, for his beauty is her beauty, and his corruption is her corruption . Whoever saw a woman hung by her breast, then she committed fornication and gave birth to a child of adultery, because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “On the night of my captivity, I saw a woman hung by her breast, so I said, O Gabriel, who is this? He said that she was born from adultery . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had a great breast that had reached the forest, that you are committing adultery with a prohibited one . This is because the breast is from it and from its skin, and that is forbidden . Rather, the righteousness of this vision is a forbidden marriage . And it was said that if a man saw milk in his breasts, if he was celibate, he would marry and give birth to him, and if he was righteous, he indicated to his left, and if he was a young man, he indicated his longevity . As for the young woman, if she sees this, it indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and as for the old woman, if she sees it, it indicates her poverty and the loss of her money, for a virgin if she sees it indicates her wedding, and the young woman if she sees it indicates her death . And the length of the man’s breast until they hit his chest, is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty, and it was said that it is evidence of a children’s voice . If he did not have a son, it indicates poverty and sadness . And the length of the woman’s breast is beyond the limit, evidence of the purpose of sadness . If women were afflicted with grief, they would pull and scratch their breasts . And whoever sees it as if he is nursing a woman, he will get sick, unless his wife is pregnant, then she will give birth to a son . If the visionary is a woman, then she will give birth to a girl . The belly : who is visible and from the inside of the man’s owner and his son, or a relative of his clan, or his closet and the shelter of his children . And the smallness of the few of these, and the large number of these . And his smallness without hunger is a lack of money, and if he sees that he is hungry, then he is careful, and he hits money equal to the amount of hunger from it . It was said that the belly bone ate usury, and walking on the stomach became accustomed to money . If he sees that his stomach has become small, then he will be a lot of baggage . Satiety is a wealth of money, and thirst is bad in his religion, and irrigation is good in his religion ….

…Ibn Sirin said, ~Whoever thinks that his chest is wide indicates the increase in his religion and his piety, because God Almighty said, ~ Is God Almighty explaining his chest to Islam ….

…And whoever sees a narrowing or smallness in his chest, it indicates the lack of his religion, because God Almighty says, ~He makes his chest narrow and embarrassing .~…

…Chevonnera ~ chest of drawers only ~ If you see or search in a chevoneira then you will be made with disappointing speculation . If you see a tidy chefoneera, this indicates joyful entertainment and friends ….

…And whoever sees that his chest is weak and in pain, he will be negligent in the rights of his children and will not satisfy them in their strength ….

…And whoever sees that someone squeezes his chest, then it is a decrease in his religion ….

…And whoever sees that his hands are flat on his chest, he will be reached by someone who has grief and delusion ….

…And whoever sees that he is applying a false oath to his mustache and chest ….

If he sees his chest turning a stone, he will be heartless

…And whoever thinks that the jinn is whispering in his chest, then it indicates his diligence in worshiping God Almighty and his work in obedience to triumph over his enemy for his saying, the Almighty, from the evil of the obsessive whispering, the verse .)…

…And whoever sees that his chest is hot, he sees a benefit from his people ….

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said: ~Whoever sees in his chest what hurts him, he is spending his money in extravagance .~…

…And whoever sees that his chest is shaking, he will be distressed by words that he hates ….

…And whoever sees that he plucked hair from his chest or from his back, if he has a trust that he can do to its owner and before the pubic hair there is harm, but if the woman sees that, then it is praiseworthy, and it is said that if the woman sees that it is cut, then it will result in distress and harm ….

…And whoever sees that in his chest what we deny while awake, then it is not praiseworthy, and if he sees what he praises, then he is praiseworthy ….

…He said Kirmani saw that chest tightness it narrow the creation of the verse ~ do not in your chest awkward ~ and perhaps the power of sin for the verse , ~ It is given that leads him astray makes a narrow chest , embarrassed .~ And if he sees it wide, then his expression is against that ….

…The heart is in a dream a person’s courage and command, its softness and boldness, its gentleness and existence, its praise and manners, and if it sees a panic in his heart, then it is guided to the truth, because God Almighty says : ( Even if it turns away from their hearts, they said : What did your Lord say ? They said : The truth ). The heart is the property of the body and the one who carries it out in his religion and world, his secret and his openness . And whoever saw that his heart departed from his chest, his religion will be good . And it was said : hearts are interpreted by women . He who saw his heart cut off and was sick was cured of his distress . And the heart indicates the wife of the person who has a vision, because she is the manager of all that a man possesses . The heart is the religion and intelligence of man . Whoever sees an eye in his heart, then he is his wit, understanding, correctness of religion and good speech . And perhaps the heart refers to the master or prince of man . And whoever saw that his heart was snatched from his chest, his heart flew out for fear or the corruption of his debt . And whoever sees his heart black, he is lost, guilty of having blinded of his senses . And if he saw his heart cut off and he was one of the people of fear and asceticism, his heart would be with God Almighty, he would not be distracted by his fear of him . And the heart is in measure . And the Sultan turned his army . And whoever sees that his heart is beating, he will leave a quarrel, travel, or marriage ….

…What are the descriptions of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that came in the biography , and which if I saw it in a dream, I know through which I saw him real . . ? I liked to write his descriptions, so if any of you saw a vision in the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, let him compare what he saw with the descriptions, if they match. He saw him, and at that time let him rejoice and not be glad, and if it does not coincide, then he did not see him, and at that time the vision is a vision of interpretation, and according to the state of the seer, and its description was mentioned in several hadiths, including : the hadith of Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, he said : The Prophet , may God be pleased with him, said : God be upon him, with long and not short, bowed hands and feet – that is, thick and rough fingers – large-headed, huge cradles – that is, the bones and the corpus, every complete bone is large – long leaked – that is, the hair that is between the chest and the navel – . If he walks, they are cuffed, as if descending from a pile I did not see before or after it, peace be upon him . Al-Tirmidhi said : This is a good and authentic hadith . The man asked Al-Bara : Was the face of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, like a sword? He said : No, like the moon . And Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, said in another description : It was not a long, fluffy one, nor a wavering short, and it was four of the people, and there was no curly cat, nor a tribe. I cringe the eyes, fringe the lips, the glorious of the mushroom and the shoulder, the bare one with a leakage, the hands and the feet bowed. He has a tone, and softens them, and I honor them with ten. Whoever sees him will give him a wit, and whoever mixes him with a knowledge that he loves, he says his name I have not seen before or after him, may God bless him and grant him peace . Explain the strange talk : Almmguet : outgoing length AC : inside some of it in some palace cats : severe Aljaudh Almthm : Albadn a lot of meat Almkltm : Medawar face drink : that in albumen red Alodj : severe darkening of the eye Alohdb : long labia Ketd : shoulders community , which withers leaked It is the delicate poetry that is like a penis from the chest to the navel. The thin : the thick fingers from the hands and the feet, the dislocated : to walk with the power of Jalil Al- Mushash : the heads of the processions Aisha said about him : The Messenger of God did not narrate this narration of yours, but he used to speak words that clarify it, a chapter that he preserves from the one who spies to him . And Abdullah bin Al-Harith said about him : The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, used to laugh except with a smile . On the authority of Jabir bin Samra, he said : There was a Hamousha in the legs of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he used to laugh only with a smile, and if I looked at him I said that the eyes are darker, not the darker . And on him he said : He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used to have a ribbed mouth, shaped like eyes, obsessed with the heels . Explain the strange talk : confused eyes : a long incision eye manhoos Stub : little meat ,,,,, quoting Sunan al – Tirmidhi, Book virtues…

…The breast is in a dream the woman of a man or his daughter, so her beauty is her beauty, her corruption is her corruption . And whoever sees a woman hanging from her breast, she commits adultery, and gives birth to a child other than her husband . If a man sees milk in his breast, then if he is poor he is rich, and if he is not married, he indicates that he will have children . And if a young woman sees that, it indicates that she will become pregnant and that her pregnancy will take place, even if she is a rich garment that lacks and spoils her money . And if she was an aware virgin, that indicates her wedding . If she was young, far from the time of marriage, that indicated her death . And whoever sees that he is nursing a woman who knows him and does not know her, this indicates that he will become ill for a long time, unless he has a pregnant woman, then that indicates that he has a son . And if a woman saw this vision, she would give birth to a girl . If he sees that his breasts have grown in moderation and look good, then they are indicating to his children and things that he owns . And if he sees them fallen, then it is evidence of the death of his children . And whoever saw that and did not have children, this indicates his lack and his sadness, especially with regard to women . In breastfeeding women, it indicates the horizons of the person breastfeeding . A large breast indicates what is indicated by a breast that has been bone . And indicates in women immorality . And whoever saw that his breasts were striking his chest, this indicates that he is very old, that bad news is coming to him from someone who knows him . If men and women are young, that indicates love . And whoever sees as if he has one large breast and has reached the pubic area, he commits adultery with a forbidden marriage, or has a forbidden marriage, and the breasts in a dream are girls, so what happened in them is interpreted in girls . And whoever sees that a breast has grown for him along with his breasts, that is more than a girl . And whoever sees that he has a lack of a breast, that is the death of his daughter . And milk in the breast is an increase in money and it refers to the child, so whoever sees that there is milk in his breasts, he is honored to have a minimum increase that brings him or whoever owns it . Likewise, in women, if the milk produced by a person is breastfed, then he is locked up, and a door is closed over it, and there is no harm in it for the nursing infant, then it is humiliation and grief . And it was said : If a man saw that there was milk in his breast, then if he was celibate, he married and had a son . If he was poor, he indicated Bishara, and if he was a young man, that indicated his long life . And the young woman, if she sees that, indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and the length of a man’s breast until they hit his chest is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty . And before : It is evidence of the death of children, and if he did not have a child, it indicates poverty and sadness . The length of a woman’s breasts beyond the limit is evidence of the purpose of grief . A man’s breast indicates his quality, position, health and sickness . And a man’s breast may refer to brothers, companions, children and husbands who are of no use to them . A woman’s breast is evidence to the contrary, given the provision of God Almighty . If he sees that his breasts are like a woman’s breast, and milk is dripping from it, he indicates that he is standing on his children, and that he begins to do what the women need in their labor, and this may indicate religion, or he has a disease in which he is ashamed of people, then he saw him famous for that . And if . The breasts became copper or iron, indicating the loss of children and the failure of causes or pregnancy . The breast on the beast is a husband, and the breast on the infertile woman was born after despair from him . And perhaps the breast of the virgin referred to the jihad, clothing, or money adorned with . And the baby or girl has ailments, diseases and sores . A single breast for a single woman is a marriage, so if water or milk comes out of it, she loses her son or sister . And the breast is an adulterous woman . He crossed the breast with ostrich eggs or Altrj . They may be owned by breasts, and were told : they were father and mother . And the breast is indicative of a bottle of wine if it contains milk . It was said : The breast is a generous man ….

…The Fund : a woman or a slave girl . Al-Qayrawani mentioned the box in his own language and called it the coffin, and said that it indicates his house, his wife, his store, his chest and his store, as well as the threshold . So what was seen in him or went out of him to him, he saw him in terms of good or evil according to the extent of the essence of the incident, because there is a house in which a spoil entered his chest . If his wife is pregnant, she gives birth to a son . And if he had merchandise he lost or regretted in this way ….

…About Wahab bin alarm that Nebuchadnezzar after the ruins of Jerusalem and argued the children of Israel in seven years , the opinion in a dream , a great vision of his aura gathered priests and Alhzar and asked them about his vision that , they said : to Iqsa king even tell him Ptooelha , he said : I have forgotten but did not tell me it to three days people who killed you for Akrkm went scared and Glenn from his festival heard that Daniel – peace be upon him – and is in prison , said the jailer : Go to him , tell him : that here a man who has knowledge of your vision and interpretation went to him told him Aftlbh when he entered it did not bow down to him and said to him : what prevented you from prostration Mine? He said : God gave me knowledge, taught me, and commanded me not to prostrate to anyone else , so he told him shortly : I love those who fulfill their covenants to their lords , so he told me about my vision , so Daniel said to him : I saw a great idol with his feet on the ground and his head in the sky , above it of gold, its middle of silver, and its bottom of copper And his leg of iron and his feet of clay, so while you were looking at him, you liked his beauty and the tightness of his making, God tossed him with a stone from the sky, and he fell on the top of his head until he crushed it and his gold, silver, copper and iron mixed in until you imagined that if people and jinn met to distinguish some of them from others they would not be able to do that To the stone that he was thrown, it was raised, magnified, and spread until it filled the whole earth , so that you saw nothing but the stone and the sky , so he said : The vision that I saw was true, so what is its interpretation? Daniel said : As for the idol, there are different nations at the beginning of time and in its midst and in its midst and at the end , and as for the stone with which an idol was thrown, it is a religion that God throws at these nations at the end of time, then he will show it to them, so God sends an illiterate prophet from the Arabs, so that the nations and religions will be thrown into it as I have seen the stone dizzying the types of idols And it appears on the religions and nations as I have seen the stone appeared all over the earth , so God examines the truth with it, the falsehood is lost with it, guides the people of misguidance by it, teaches the illiterate by it, strengthens the weak, strengthens the humiliation with it, and supports the weak . In another novel : about Wahab bin alarm , and in which that Nebuchadnezzar the opinion of a vision while he had liked what opinion as the opinion of something injury Vonsah who was called Daniel and Ananias and Azaria and Mahil of the strains of the prophets , he said : Tell me about the vision I saw and then I’ve become something Vonsaneha was I liked , what she ? They said to him : Tell us by Ptooelha let you know , he said : What did not mention them if you tell me to Ptooelha Onzaan Octavkm , they went out from him , they called God and Astgathua , and pray to him and asked him to teach them Voalmanm , who asked him Fjah they said to him : I saw a statue? He said : You are right . They said : His feet and legs are of clay, his knees and thighs of copper, his stomach of silver, his chest of gold, and his head and neck of iron? He said : You have believed . They said : While you are looking at him, he has liked you, and God sent a rock from the sky upon him, so he met him. He said : You are right , so what is its interpretation? They said : interpretation you saw the King of Kings was some Allen king of some , and some of them was the best king of some , and some were more king of some was the first king of pottery , a weakened and Olinh , then it was above the copper is the best of it and more , and then it was above the copper silver which is Better than that and better , then there was over silver, gold, which is better than silver and better , then iron was yours, because he was more powerful and dearer than he was before him , and the rock that you saw was God sent to him from heaven, so his accuracy was a prophet whom God sold him from heaven, so that all of it knocked and the matter came to him. . And in another narration : Daniel and his companions said to Bakhtasar : I saw such-and-such and they told it to him , so he said : You are right , they said : We cross it for you . As for the idol whose head you saw of gold, it is your possession as good as gold , and it possessed the whole earth , and the neck is similar to it. The king of your son after you owns, so his possession will be good and not like gold , and as for his chest that is of iron, it is the king of the people of Persia, who possesses after your son, so their possession will be strong like iron , and as for his humours, he goes to the king of the people of Persia and the people dispute the king in every village until the king will reign for the day and two days month and two months , and then kills do not people have the strength on it as it was not the strength of the fetish on the two men of pottery , while they are as well as God sent – the Almighty – a prophet of the land of the Arabs Vozarh on the rest of the people of Persia and the rest of the king of your son , and thy and destroyed and Ohlkh so as not to keep him anything as The rock came and destroyed the idol ….

…And whoever sees that his beard has grown longer than its destiny, that is their concern and distress, and it was said religion and religion, and it was said lightness, idiocy, and lack of mind, and if he saw it diminished and the decrease was not outrageous to her, this indicates the fulfillment of his religion and the lack of his concern. His religion or worried is gone. Others said that seeing this is very disliked, and whoever sees that some of his beard has been pulled out and its place has become deficient, or that it has become barren, then he is lacking in his right in all respects, and whoever sees that he plucked his beard, this is his money destroys it with his hand and destroys it. If he is ill, innocent or indebted, has paid off his debt or is distressed, his worry is gone, and it is said that this is very disliked, and whoever sees his beard as a third of hairs to most of it is an increase in his piety and dignity, and if he sees that it has become very white, then he is weak in strength and a decrease in money and whoever sees that he is young and has returned His beard is black, so he sees what he dislikes, and some of them said seeing gray hair for young people is interpreted by the arrival of an absent one. It was said that the grayness is longevity, and whoever sees that it is plucking its grayness is contrary to the Sunnah and underestimates the people of goodness. He plucked his armpits was the best and who saw that his armpit hair was long It is disliked in religion, and whoever thinks that he plucked his pubic hair, then he is fined money or squandered in a misplaced place, and if he sees that he removed something from that with a light, if he is rich, his wealth and power are gone, and if he is poor, he is rich, and if some left and some left, then something of his grace will be delayed and it is said whoever saw that he Shaving I suffered with a razor, it is praiseworthy, and if the woman sees that, she will do well from her husband, and if he sees that he is plucked from his chest or from the back of his head, if he has a trust that he performs to its owner, and whoever sees that he is combing his hair with a comb, then he is glorified and state, and if he sees that he has hair in a place where hair does not grow, then he It indicates the occurrence of a debt and some of them said that if a person saw that hair sprouted from his tongue, it is wisdom and a statement unless it goes beyond the limit and returns to concern. Some of them said eyelid, ear and nose hair is good unless it exceeds the limit and they also said if a person removes hair from a place that requires removal, then there is nothing wrong with it and if he removes it From a place where he is good, it is not Mahmoud. And whoever sees a young person whose mustache has grown indicates strength and arrogance. And whoever sees a woman who has grown a mustache, she gives birth to a boy, and if she is not pregnant then she does not give birth. Likewise, if he sees that she has grown a beard, but if she has a son who dominates his people, and if she is a widow, then she Married or married, she becomes a widow and is afflicted with distress and silver Even if someone sees that his hair has become young, then it is an increase in his debt, and it was said a lack of money, and whoever sees that he has applied something of his hair with oil, then he has adornment unless it is flowed, and if it is discharged, then it is cloudiness and if he finds an odor, then it is a good compliment, and whoever sees that his head is depressed, he will see some of his faults And whoever sees that he is combed and a louse fell from him, then he spends money from an inheritance that has infected him or a defect appears from him, and whoever sees that hairs have grown on his palm, this is a benefit that enters him and the hair in the chest is wisdom…

…Juice and juice : very good, so whoever undertakes that in a dream, I will look at his condition, and if he is poor, he will be rich, and if his visions for the public are as if they were squeezing grapes or oil or other other things in every place, and they were so fertile and released . If he sees that he is sick or imprisoned, then he escapes from his condition by leaving the pressurized from his imprisonment, and if he sees that he has returns or debts, then he must pay it and benefit from it . And if he sees that, the seeker of knowledge and Sunnah will understand him and squeeze his opinion from his chest . And if he sees this as a celibate, he gets married, then his sperm will come out and he fertilizes his livelihood . If the juice was too much, and he had figs, wine, or milk with sultan . And whoever saw it as if he squeezed grapes and made it wine, he gained favor with the Sultan and obtained forbidden money for the story of Joseph, peace be upon him ….

…And it is on its faces, and whoever sees that a great deal of food is stretched out on his tablecloth while he is sitting in his chest, then it is interpreted on eleven faces of glory, honor, guardianship, joy, circumcision, a banquet, good news, wedding, state, goodness and benefit ….

…And Daniel said tight-chested with miserliness and illusion, and widened it against him, and if one of the people of ill-wishers sees his chest widening, then he enters the religion of Islam for the Almighty saying, ~ Whoever wants God to guide him ~, the verse ….

…The dish is in a dream the man’s lover . The plate may refer to locusts or distress . It may be pointed out to women on the chest of men, and for men to the venerable woman ….

…Islam Islam man in a dream is righteousness in religion. If a polytheist sees that he has converted to Islam, and sees that he is praying towards the direction of the direction, or he sees that he thanked God Almighty, God guided him to Islam . And if he was in the abode of polytheism, and he saw in his dream that he had converted to the abode of Islam, then he would die sooner . If he sees a Muslim as if he is a second Muslim, he is safe from the horizons . And every polytheist who saw in his dream or someone else saw him as if he was in heaven, or that he was jewelry bracelets of silver, then he is greeted . And whoever sees one of the polytheists as if he were dead, then he will live, and he will greet . Likewise, if he sees his chest, or if he sees himself in a ship in the sea, he gives salutation . And whoever utters the two testimonies among the people of the Dhimma in a dream, he will get rid of his severity, or he is guided after he was deceived, and if his coercion was in the foreground, and if he was an apostate in awakening and saw in a dream that he uttered the two Shahada, he returned to his parents after he abandoned them, or returned to a place he left Or to a reason he used to do it even if he was a Muslim who testified to the truth or was famous for honesty ….