…Currency If you dream of gold, it means a great recovery and much happiness resulting from frequenting beautiful citizens and trips in the ocean . A silver coin is a jinx in a dream . Disagreements will arise in the most ancient families . If a girl dreams that her fiancé gives her a silver coin, this indicates that he will reject her . Copper coins mean despair and physical burden . Nickel coins include an act of a menial nature that will develop on your hand . If silver coins were your ideal money, clean and shiny or clearly visible on your property, then the dream will be good ….

…Following that king . And whoever sees the just authority entering a place, the mercy of God Almighty suppresses that place, and if the place is something that denies its entry into wakefulness, then it is a calamity . And whoever sees that he differs to the gates of kings, he will gain victory by giving . If he sees that he has entered into a king, he will receive honor and pleasure . And whoever saw that he contended with a king, he obtained a grace of an eye, pleasure and goodness, and seeing the dead kings indicated what they left after them . The king’s vision indicates victory over enemies and immorality . Seeing the unknown sultan denotes fire, sea, and sleep . If he saw that the king was in a poor quality, that was evidence of his poor management in the parish . Perhaps seeing the king indicated the coin of dirhams or dinars . And whoever sees in a dream a prince or sultana, perhaps he may oversee people’s symptoms . Whoever sees that he embraces the Sultan or shakes hands with him, he will settle his condition with him . And whoever sees that he is quarreling with a sultana then he argues with the Qur’an, because the authority is in the language of argument . And if the patient sees that an unknown sultan was sent in his request, that is the messengers of the Angel of Death, and God is the Sultan . And whoever saw that the Sultan took his hoods, he would take his money . And whoever sees that the Sultan is in distress, then he is upset . And whoever sees that the Sultan is crazy, then he is concerned . And whoever thinks that the Sultan has withdrawn from his council, that is the diminution or demise of his authority . And whoever saw that the sultan’s pulpit was broken with it, or that he did not complete his prayer, or that his sword was taken from him, or his house was destroyed, or a bull gored him, or that he was trampled by an animal, all of that removed him from his authority . The black garments of the Sultan increased strength, the whites increased the splendor and the release of sin, the cotton garments the appearance of piety and modesty, and the clothes of wool were abundant blessing . If the spy sees that he has become a ruler, then his condition becomes apparent, and if the woman sees that she is a ruler, then she becomes revealed, and if she is sick, then she dies . If he sees the Sultan’s blindness, I will blind him to the news of his people . That king . And whoever sees the just authority entering a place, the mercy of God Almighty suppresses that place, and if the place is something that denies its entry into wakefulness, then it is a calamity . Whoever sees that he differs from the gates of kings, he will gain victory by giving . If he sees that he has entered into a king, he will receive honor and pleasure . And whoever saw that he contended with a king, he obtained a grace of an eye, pleasure and goodness, and seeing the dead kings indicated what they left after them . The king’s vision indicates victory over enemies and immorality . Seeing the unknown sultan denotes fire, sea, and sleep . If he saw that the king was in a poor quality, that was evidence of his poor management in the parish . Perhaps seeing the king indicated the coin of dirhams or dinars . And whoever sees in a dream a prince or sultana, perhaps he may oversee people’s symptoms . And whoever sees that he embraces the Sultan or shakes hands with him, he will settle his condition with him . And whoever sees that he is quarreling with a sultana then he argues with the Qur’an, because the authority is in the language of argument . And if the patient sees that an unknown sultan was sent in his request, that is the messengers of the Angel of Death, and God is the Sultan . And whoever saw that the Sultan took his hoods, he would take his money . And whoever sees that the Sultan is in distress, then he is upset . And whoever sees that the Sultan is crazy, then he is concerned . And whoever thinks that the Sultan has withdrawn from his council, that is the diminution or demise of his authority . And whoever saw that the sultan’s pulpit was broken by it, or that he did not complete his prayer, or that his sword was taken from him, or his house was destroyed, or that a bull gored him, or that he was trampled upon by an animal, all of that removed him from his authority . And the black garments of the Sultan increased strength, the whites increased the splendor and the release of sin, the cotton garments the appearance of piety and modesty, and the clothes of wool were abundant blessing . And if a spy sees that he has become a ruler, then his condition becomes apparent, and if a woman sees that she is a ruler, then she becomes revealed, and if she is sick, then she dies . If he sees the Sultan’s blindness, I will blind him to the news of his people ….

…The pearl by joining, is in a dream a male boy for a pregnant woman, so whoever sees his wife handing him a dora a livelihood from her, a male child is well-photographed, and if the free woman has no light, then she is a slave girl . If he takes a Dora from his wife and hides it in a box, or covers it with a rag, she is also a slave girl . Dora is good for a woman, if the woman is not married, she indicates that she is married, and if she does not have children, she indicates that she will have children, and if she has a husband and gave birth, she indicates wealth and money . And whoever buys in a dream or trades jewels for glass, or a coin with a coincidence, indicates his choice of the world over the Hereafter, or disobedience to obedience, or that he is apostatizing from his religion . Al-Durr denotes the Qur’an, knowledge, good speech, boys, slave girls, children, and money . Whoever sees that he is drilling a drake, then he explains the Qur’an correctly ….

…Glass is in a dream they are . And his interpretation that it is from the essence of women . And whoever sees the glass when something is hidden from him, it appears to him and it becomes clear that the glass does not hide anything . As for what is made of colored glass, these are suspicions about money, husbands and children, hypocrisy and hypocrisy , and what is treated with it is evidence of scholars and wise men . Whoever bought in a dream or seized a jewel with a glass or a coin with a coincidence indicates his choice of this world over the Hereafter, or disobedience to obedience, or that he is apostatizing from his religion ….

…Money If you find money in a dream, this foretells that you will face simple problems, followed by many joys and a change of state . If you paid money in a dream, this is a bad omen . If you caught a gold coin, this foretells of general good and delights . If you lose money in a dream, this foretells that you will face some upsets in the family surroundings, and your business will witness some pitfalls . If you counted money in a dream and found it deficient, this foretells that you will pay an amount of money and will be sad for that . If you dreamed that you stole money, this foretells that you are in danger and that you should weigh your steps . Saving money in a dream symbolizes wealth, wealth and peace of mind . If you dream that you bought money, this foretells that you will rent something. If you see yourself in a dream watching an amount of money, this indicates that wealth and prestige are not far from your reach . If you dreamed that you found a roll of securities and that a girl asked you for it, this foretells that a friend of yours will cause your loss in your trade . The person who saw the dream will discover that he is living far from reality and subconsciously squandering his money . This kind of dream is a warning . If you dream that you have an abundance of cash, but it may borrow, this foretells that others will look at you as a prominent man, but those who approach you will find that you are a mercenary and insensitive . If a girl dreams that she is spending borrowed money, this foretells that she will be caught caught in deception and will lose a valuable friend ….