Sofa If you dreamed that you sat in luxury on a sofa and discussed matters of love with your sweetheart, this foretells that there are those who compete with you and are jealous of you and seek to discredit you in the eyes of your sweetheart, so you must accelerate the marriage ….

In a dream, it is the house of money, so whoever sweeps it is poor, and if it overflows until it flows, then it is them . And whoever falls into Knif and does not get out of it, he will be imprisoned . The kunif is a servant guarding the house . See also the toilet ….

Couch : running or servant . If someone sees that he is using a copper bowl, he will buy a Turkish maid, because the copper is carried by the Turk . If the bowl is of silver, the slave girl is Roman . If it is of gold, then she is a beautiful woman who demands what he cannot and costs what he cannot bear . It was said that the dish was a woman who advised her husband to indicate the reason for his purity and his salvation ….

…In a dream, he is a servant, on whose hand the solution and the contract are conducted . The vestibule is the eyebrow or gatekeeper, or the work by which he reaches heaven or hell, or the animal that communicates his purpose . Perhaps the vestibule indicated the grave because it is the corridor of Heaven or Hell . Perhaps it indicates the walking of the patient or the couch, because his light, wide and good, is evidence of a good outcome, and his darkness, narrowness, and frequent sympathies are evidence of the bad outcome ….