Dates : It was narrated that Umar saw it as if he had eaten dates, and he mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said : That is the sweetness of faith . And types of dates are many, and dates for those who see it, indicates rain . And for those who eat it, a pure general livelihood will be made to him, and it was said that it indicates reading the Qur’an, and it was said that dates indicate money saved . The vision of reckless eating is for the dhimmis . And it was said that whoever saw it as if he was eating good dates, he hears a good and useful word . And whoever sees it as if he is burying dates, he is storing money, or getting money from some of the safes . And whoever sees as if he cut a date and discerns its intentions from it, then he will have a son, because God Almighty says : “ Indeed, God creates love and the seeds . ” The vision of eating dates with tar is evidence of a woman’s secret divorce . As for seeing the scattering of dates, it is a travel art . And the agent of dates, Ghanima . And whoever sees as if he comes from a palm tree in its own days, he will marry a venerable, rich and blessed woman . And it was said that he hits money from a noble people without getting tired, or from his estates, and it was said that he hits a useful knowledge that he works with . If it is out of time, then he hears a flag and does not work with it . If he saw as if he had picked a palm tree with black grapes, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black owner . If he saw as if he had harvested from a dry and wet palm, then he learns from an immoral man a science that will benefit him . And if the dreamer was distressed, he would gain relief, for what the Almighty said in the story of Mary : “ And I will mock you with the trunk of a palm .” It was said dates scattered dirhams do not remain . And whoever sees that dates are harvested for him, then money is reaped for him from men with dangers . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I found forty dates, and she said : You hit forty sticks . Then he saw him a while later and said : I saw as if I had found forty dates at the door of the Sultan . He said : It affects forty thousand dirhams . The man said : I crossed my visions this time unlike what I did the first time . He said : Because you told me your vision the first time, and the trees dried up, and you managed the year, and this time you came to me with life in the trees . The matter was both times what he crossed . And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : I saw as if a man came to me and fed me a morsel of dates, so I went foreign, and if a kernel came out, I spelled it out . Then I gave me a second morsel, and if a nucleus, I blew it . Then I gave me a third summit, and if a nucleus Vlvztha . Abu Bakr said : Let me, O Messenger of God, cross it . He said : cross it . He said : A company is sent, and they gain and greet and infect a man . Then a company was sent, and he said three times, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : Likewise the king said . Anas bin Malik saw in a dream as if Ibn Omar was eating a secret, so he wrote to him that I saw you eating in secret, and that is the sweetness of faith . And it was said that a naked man saw baskets of baskets falling from the stomachs of pigs, as he pushed them and carried them to his home . So he asked the one who expressed it, and he crossed it with spoils of the infidels’ money. Soon, the Romans came out and the victory was for the Muslims, and what he passed through came to him . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who saw as if she was sucking a date and giving it to her neighbor and sucking it, so he said : This woman shares a good favor with him, so she washes his garment . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if I had a waterfall in my hand and had dates in it, and my head and face were immersed in it, and I ate it and said : How sour it is . Ibn Sirin said that you are a man who has indulged in earning money to the right and to the left, and you do not care about the security of forbidden. Security was from permissible, but I know that it is forbidden . It was so . If a woman sees that she is eating dates with tar, then she takes her husband’s inheritance and she is divorced from him ….

…Whoever sees dates in a dream, they are a symbol of rain, and for whoever eats them a pure general livelihood that will be achieved by him, and no one will associate him with it . The buried dates are money saved, as well as the reeds and the sawn dates are dirhams that do not remain, and whoever eats wheatgrass he is from the dhimmah . And whoever sees that a date comes to him, money comes to him from men with dangers, and the agent of dates is a booty . And whoever reaps a date in his time, he will marry a wealthy, honorable woman, who has a lot of goodness and blessing, or that the man hits some honorable men with money without fatigue, and perhaps he will have knowledge . If the dates are not in time, then he hears knowledge and does not act upon it . If he spreads from a dry palm tree on himself, then he learns from a hypocrite man with knowledge, and if he is in a cloud or they are so far away from God for the story of Mary, peace be upon her : ( And he mocked you with the trunk of the date palm falling on you damp ) . If she sees that she eats dates with tar, then she takes an inheritance from Her husband, and she is divorced in secret, and inheritance is forbidden . If a person saw that he took a date and cut it and extracted its products from it, he would have a son . And whoever saw that he picked a black grape seed from a palm tree, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black kingship . Dates are explained by good and halal livelihood . And whoever sees that he eats good dates, he hears good words and obtains great benefit . And whoever saw that he was burying a date got money from the safes, or from the money of orphans, or stored money . And whoever saw that he was eating forty dates at the door of the Sultan, and that was not the time when the dates appeared, nor the time of their Istiha, he would hit forty whips . And whoever sees it as if he ate forty dates and was at the time of maturity, he will have forty thousand dirhams . And whoever sees baskets of brown dates fall from the stomachs of pigs, while he raises them and carries them to his home, he gets spoils from the money of the infidels, and whoever sees it as if he sucks a date and gives it to another and sucks it, then he will share with him a good favor . And whoever sees as if he has eaten dates, he will find the sweetness of faith . And whoever sees as if he split his date and discerns its intention from it, then he will have a son ….

…And whoever sees that he eats dates with the seeds, then he mixes permissible with forbidden, and likewise the rest of its kind and every fruit that has thumbs, and he sees that he eats dates and their stones, so he expresses it similar to that ….

…And whoever saw that he had hit something from the Hijaz dates, then he would have better livelihood than the absolute dates, and perhaps he indicated Hajj and he is very praiseworthy in any case ….

…It is rare for him to narrate that Aba Al-Abyadh was a worthy man, so he slept and saw as if he had come to him with dates and raisins, and he ate from it, then he entered Heaven, and he came to Al-Abbas Ibn Al-Walid. With dates and raisins, then he ate them all and said this is good news for the realization that you are from the people of Paradise, so he went out of his possession, and he carried an infidel against him and killed him, and perhaps he was killed in a raid, and it was as he saw .)…

…The date is in a dream a livelihood, or a good messenger . And whoever sees that he eats dates, he will benefit from permissible money . And dates are money that is not left ….

…As for dates, it was a good source of wealth and knowledge, and it may be an inheritance, and it was said that whoever saw that he had struck dates and ate them, he would hit the present money of an old man ….

…And whoever sees that he eats dates that are not in this world like it, of the taste and purity of color, then he thinks about what God Almighty has commanded and forbidden in the Qur’an ….

Dates : money that is permissible according to the extent of its smallness and its abundance, and whoever picks fruit from a tree other than its fruit, then he is working for something forbidden, or he seeks something for which he cannot be answered, or draws unfair fees . And picking the fruit from the tree indicates that a scholar has been awarded a flag, and picking it from the root of the tree is a quarrel with a man . And it was said that fruits for the poor are riches, and for the rich an extra amount of money, because God Almighty says : “And fruit and a father as something for you and for your livestock .” And those who are afraid have security. God Almighty said : “ They call in it for every fruit .” It was said that wet fruits have no sustenance, because they spoil quickly . And the land remains a lot of livelihood . And whoever sees as if fruit is sprinkled on him, he is known for good and good . And whoever sees it as if he is plucked from a joined tree without its fruit, his visions indicate a righteous son-in-law, and a good partner . And whoever sees a fruitful tree in the winter and approves that, then he needs a man who thinks that he is wealthy, and if he does not reap anything from its fruit, he will escape from it equally, and if he reaps from it then he spends as much of his money on that as he earned ….

Dates : money that is not left, and whoever sees that it is a date palm, then the matter in which it is a dispute, guardianship, or hated travel is done . And he considered it like the hair of women . And whoever sees a nucleus that has become a palm tree, then there is a child who becomes a scientist, or there is a lowly man who becomes thin . Some of them said longevity palms ….

…And whoever saw that he was squeezing grapes or dates, he would have a livelihood for the Almighty saying: ~ And from the fruits of palm trees and grapes, you will take from him sugar and good food .~…

Dates intended to travel in a dream

Tamar saw in a dream indicates halal earnings, or the world according to the Sunnah ….

And whoever sees that he has hit something from the date intent, then he intends to travel, and it was said that a vision is intended to be interpreted by what he intended, and if something happened from it, what he intended was desired, and if it did not contain it, then it is a travel guide ….

And whoever sees that he eats from its date or its secret, then he will gain profit and livelihood, and whoever sees that he has hit a date or ate it, he will hit a present money of an old man and eat dates is a good provision, and whoever sees that he eats dates with the seeds, then he mixes permissible with a haram, and whoever sees that he has hit one date or one date If his wife is pregnant, then she comes with a male and whoever thinks that he ate dates unlike him will be of bone and clear color in this world, then he thinks about what God has commanded and forbids it, and whoever sees that he has hit the dates of the dates, then he intends to travel and whoever sees that he has hit a date palm, then he will hit money. It is the boundary of a palm tree, so the matter in which it is from an argument or something else will be closed

He said he saw Kirmani from eating or Ha Bsra it comes to him Rizk and profit did not hope or ice it, but it pollens Mubarak Nam money ~ and palm Basqat have come up for a baby Ndad slaves .~…

And whoever sees a date that has become wet, he will have pleasure and benefit on his part ….

…And Ibn Al-Fadl was a worthy man. He said I saw tonight in my dream as if I had come with dates and butter, and I ate it then entered Heaven. Al-Abbas Ibn Al-Walid said, “We speed up the dates and butter for you, and God is yours in heaven. Sham Fassar then came back from the road and said to him what Wardak said , if I saw the sun and the moon meet and some planets with the sun and some of them with the moon , said Omar with whichever you said , with the moon zap said and do not work for me in accordance never then read { Fmhona verse night and made us a verse day photoreceptor } When it was Siffin Day, the man was killed with the people of Levant…

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said dates are permissible money that is not left, and it was said that whoever saw that he cut dates from a date palm then he would give birth to a son, and if he ate from it then he would be blessed with an inheritance from a son ….

…Fadl Ibn Omar 62 – on the authority of Anas – may God be pleased with him – he said : I saw what the sleeper saw as if Abdullah Ibn Omar was eating dates, so I wrote to him that I saw you eat dates, which is the sweetness of faith, God willing ….

…Rain : indicates God’s mercy, religion, relief, and help, knowledge, the Qur’an, and wisdom, because water is the life of creation and the goodness of the earth, and with its loss the destruction of people and cattle and the corruption of the matter on land and the sea, so how about if its water is milk, honey, or fat . It indicates fertility, prosperity, cheap prices and wealth . Because he is the reason for all of this, and he appears, and how, if it is wheat, barley, oil, dates, raisins, or dust without dust, and so on, which indicates money and livelihood, and it may indicate the needs coming down from the sky such as locusts, hail or wind, especially if it is in it Fire or its water was hot, because God, glory be to Him, expressed in His book what He had revealed to the nations of His torment with rain, such as the Almighty saying : “And we rained on them, so the rain of the warning ones .” And perhaps indicated by sedition and blood being shed, especially if its water was blood . And perhaps the ills and illnesses are indicated by smallpox and the drawing, if it is not at its time and while it is harmful to its cold and its good point, and everything that harms the earth and its vegetation from it is harmful to the bodies who were also created from it and grew in it, so what if the rain was especially in an unknown house, village or locality, and perhaps it indicated On the affliction and torment of the Sultan, such as adversaries and orders, especially if it was raining with lives, and so on . Among the evidence of torment, and perhaps evidence of medicine, reason, prevention, and vacation for travelers, craftsmen, and everyone who works under open air, because God Almighty says : ~ If there is harm in you from rain .~ Whoever saw a public rain in the country, if the people were in poor fertility, their price was cheap, either with rain as he saw it, or for its kindness, or ships that offered food . And if they were in oppression, torment and sickness, then let that go away from them if the rain was beneficial at that time, and if it was harmful or there was a stone or fire in it, multiplying what they are in, and the frequency with them according to the strength and weakness of the rain . If it was spraying, then the matter is light in evidence . And whoever sees himself in the rain or trapped under a roof or a wall, then he orders harm through speech and harm . And either he struck as much as the rain hit him, or he was hit by a drainer if he was sick, or that was his time, or the place was his place . As for what is forbidden under the wall, either he is absent from his work or from his travel or because of his illness or the cause of his poverty, or he is imprisoned in prison according to what is inferred in each aspect of it in the place in which he saw himself, and with an increase in his vision, and what is in his wakefulness, unless he has washed In the rain from impurity, or purification from it for prayer, or washing his face with its water, so his eyesight is correct, or he was washed with impurity that was on his body or his clothes, if he was an infidel, he became Muslim, and if he was an innovator or a sinner he repented, and if he was poor, God enriched him, and if he hoped A need with the Sultan or someone like him succeeded him, and he allowed him what he might need . And every kind is desirable for his kind, for he is praiseworthy, and every kind who hates his kind is hated . And Ibn Sirin said : There is no relief in the book of God Almighty if the name of rain comes, it is cloudiness, as the Almighty said : “And we rained on them with rain .” And he said : ~ And we showered stones on them .~ If it is not named Faraj rain the general public, for the verse : ~ and we went down from heaven , blessed water ~ , and said some of them : rain shows a convoy of camels, and the caravan camels show rain . And the general rain is absurd, and if he sees that the sky has rained swords, then people are afflicted with arguments and quarrels, and if it rains watermelons, they get sick, and if it rains without clouds, then he does not deny that, because the rain descends from the sky . And it was said that he was a relief from a place where there is no hope, and a livelihood from a place that does not count . The word rain and water falling and the like, is more correct in interpretation than the word rain ….

…A horse If you dreamed of seeing or riding a white horse, this indicates that the indicators are favorable for success and enjoyable mixing with harmonious friends and beautiful women . If the horse is dirty and emaciated, your confidence will be betrayed by an envious friend or woman . If the horse is black, you will get rich, but you will cheat, and you will be found guilty of wrongful dates . This dream means for a woman that her husband is not loyal to her . If you dream of dark horses, this indicates refreshing conditions, but with a great deal of discontent . Fleeting pleasures often follow this dream . If you see yourself riding a beautiful horse in a chestnut color, then this means an increase in wealth and fulfillment of emotions . For a woman, this dream means a yearning for urgent improvements, and she will enjoy material matters . If you see horses passing in front of you, this means ease and comfort . If you ride a horse that speeds up, the folly of a friend or user will harm your projects . If you see a horse running away with other horses, this means that you will hear about friends ’illness . If you see beautiful horse stallions this indicates prosperity and lavish living and you will be dominated by an excessive feeling . If you see a foal, then this means harmony and lack of jealousy between married couples and lovers . If you ride a horse and drive a stream, you will bring great wealth into your hands and enjoy luxurious delights . If the stream is turbulent or foggy, the expected pleasures will be disappointed somewhat . If you swim on a horse in a clear and beautiful river, you will easily realize your idea of ​​emotional bliss, and that foretells the businessman of a great profit . If you see a wounded horse, it speaks of trouble for friends . If you dream of a dead horse, this indicates various disappointments . If you dream of riding a wild horse, this means that it is difficult to fulfill your desires . If you dream that he throws you down, you will face a strong competitor and your business will suffer from weakness due to the competition . If you dream that a horse has kicked you, someone you love will alienate you . Your poor health will confuse your fortune and wealth . If you dream that you catch a horse in order to tame it and brake or to harness it for riding, then you will see a great improvement in work in all fields, and people will prosper in their professions . If you fail to catch him, luck will let you down . If you see spotted horses, this foretells that various projects will bring you profit . If you dream that you have a horseshoe, then your success is certain . This dream promises the woman a good and loyal husband . If you dream that you put a horseshoe on a horse, this means that you will try to obtain, and you may get, suspicious wealth . If you dreamed of a horse race, this means that you will be overwhelmed with a weak life, but this dream means prosperity for women . If you dream that you mount a horse in a race, you will succeed in life and enjoy it . If you dream about killing a horse, you will hurt your friends because of your selfishness . If you mount a horse without a saddle, you will gain wealth and ease, but through hard struggle . If you mount a saddle horse in the company of men, you will meet honest men who will help you and your success will be well deserved . And if you are in the company of women, then your desires will be free and your success will not be as abundant as it would have been if women had not filled your heart . If you clean a horse, you will not neglect work projects at the expense of being a man of money or a good farmer . Writers will be very diligent in their works, and others will take great care of them . If you dream of a horse, you will accumulate wealth and enjoy life to the last drop . If you see horses pulling carts, then this means wealth with some obstacle, and love will face obstacles . If you climb a hill on a horse and the horse fails to reach the summit while you succeed, you will gain a fortune although you will fight against enemies and jealousy . If you and the horse arrived together to the top, then your ascension is certain, but it will be a material one . If a girl dreams that she is riding a black horse, then this means that she will deal with a wise authority, and some wishes will come true at unexpected times . Black color in horses indicates a delay in expectations . If you see a mare with weak legs, this means that an unexpected distress will thrust himself into your auspicious position . If you try to fix a broken, very small shoe on a horse’s list, you will be accused of doing fraudulent deals with unaware parties . Going downhill from a horse, your business will undoubtedly disappoint you . If a girl dreams that a friend is riding behind her on a horse, then this means that she will be the focus of attention of many prominent and successful men . If she is frightened, it will arouse feelings of jealousy . If the horse turns into a pig after it abandons it, it will not be indifferent to honorable marriage proposals, preferring freedom until it loses all desired opportunities for marriage . If she subsequently sees the pig slipping on the lightning and telephone wires, she will push its center forward by the deception . If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse going up or down a hill and she is constantly looking back and seeing a person on a black horse chasing her, this means that she will face a period of success mixed with sadness, and her enemies will, within this period, seek to disturb her description with depression and disappointment tirelessly or Boredom . If you see a horse with a human body descending on a hammock in the air, and when it approaches your house, it turns into a human form and approaches your door and throws something that looks like a piece of rubber at your door but soon becomes impossible into big bees, then this means disappointment and useless efforts to recover lost benefits . Seeing animals in human forms indicates a great improvement for the dream and he will make friends by acquiring the virtues of honest profit . If this human body appears sick or stained with freckles, then this means the failure of carefully and carefully drawn plans ….

…Generosity and grapes : Generosity is indicative of women because it is like the garden for its drinking and carrying it and the pleasure of its taste, especially since the narcotic sugar of the body comes from it, and it is like numbness of intercourse with the juice in it, and it is indicative of marriage because it is like the sperm . And perhaps the generous man indicated the beneficial horse because of the abundance of benefits of grapes, as he is like the ruler, the world, and the horse with money, so whoever owns a vineyard as we describe it will marry a woman if he is celibate, or he is able to a generous man, then he looks at his consequences and what will happen to him in the time of generosity in the turnout and management. This was in the period of time and the woman was sick and perished from her illness, and if she was pregnant she came to a slave girl, and if he was hoping for a release, connection, or money from a ruler or at the hands of a ruler or a ruler or a woman such as a mother, sister and wife, that is forbidden and he is unable to, even if her marriage contract was not He has to reach his wife to him, and if he is affluent, then he is poor, and if he is in demand and hypocrisy in his market and his industry, he is excused and stagnant, and if that is in the coming of time and summer, the matter is against him, and all of that is valid . Black grapes in their time are sickness and fear, and they may be whips for those who possess them according to the number of love, and it does not benefit from the blackness of its color with harm to its substance . White grapes in his time are the juice and goodness of the world, and at other times he will receive money before the time he was hoping for . And whoever sees that he is squeezing a vineyard, take the juice and leave what is left over, which is that the king should take possession of the king of juice by force . Likewise, cane juice and other things, because juice and its benefits prevail over what is other than what is with it from what is not touched by the fire, except for what is differentiated in its essence . It was said that whoever picked up a bunch of grapes got from his wife a sum of money, and it was said that the money was 1,000 dirhams . And it was said that black grapes are money that does not remain, and if they see them drooping from their vine, then it is very cold and fear . Some of the commentators said : Black grapes are not disliked, because God Almighty says : ~ Sugar and good food .~ Zachariah, peace be upon him, used to find him with Mary, as he did not hate and most expressers hated him . It was said that he was next to the son of Noah when his father called for him, and he was white in color, so when the color changed, the grapes around him changed, and the origin of the black is that . And what was fruit is not cut off in all parts, and it has no time and no substance that spoils it, it is good like dates and raisins, and whatever was found at the time and executed at the time of others, it is good during its time except what it has a hated name or an ugly news, and in other than its time It is eventually hated . Whatever has an origin indicating the abomination is in his desire and distress, and at other times he was beaten or sick, like the two . Because Adam, peace be upon him, was afraid of his leaves and blamed him at his tree, and he was worried and regretted, so this was necessary at all times, and his tree and paper were also required . Whatever was yellow in color was a disease, such as quince, hawthorn and watermelon, with its harm outside his life, and other than yellowing worries and sorrows . If it was sour, it was beaten with the whips to eat it, especially if it was a number, because the fruit of the whip on the end . And the trees, which are the root of the fruit, are a dry stick . And what had a name in its derivation of benefit, carry its interpretation to its wording if that was stronger than its meanings, such as green quince at other times is tired, and yellow is a disease . And green peaches : the pain of them or a brother, and yellow disease . And the jujube : in his time he is appointed by the company or the division, and the green in the other than his time is misfortune and accidents that afflict him, and his dryness at all times has a blue flower, and his tree is a man of complete mind and good face, and it was said an honorable man who is a man of pleasure, pride and sultanate ….

…Some of the interpreters said, perhaps the vision of al-Matbat indicates good religion because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : I saw tonight as if I was in the house of Uqba ibn Nafi ‘, ​​and he brought us a good dawn, so the elevation was given to us in this world and the hereafter, and that our religion has been good, and as for dates, it is interpreted in a way ….

…The pits : a sign of deceit, deception, nets, the role of adulterers, prisons, restrictions, observatories, and the like, and the origin of that is what is dug for usury in them to hunt if they fall into them, and the buried may indicate a pregnant, pregnant mother, the nanny, because the food of the child in his mother’s womb is hoarded like food in the landfill. It is accompanied by something after something, until it is empty or dispensed with something else . Perhaps the unknown signified the breadth of food that took place while the excavations were taking place in it, because it was a pit, and whoever saw a buried land collapsed or collapsed, if his mother was ill, she perished, and if he had a pregnant woman, she would be saved and her grave was buried, because the grave of the pregnant woman is open, unless there is what confirms her death in the vision. Then that would bury her . If none of that, see . If he had food in it while awake, he sold it, and the dirt and garbage that you poured into it was its replacement, and it is its price . And if he sees his particular food as scum or dirt, his price is cheap and his money is gone in it, and if he has no food in it and he sees it filled with dirt or dirt, then he fill it with food when it is allowed . And if she was full of food, her wife became pregnant if he was poor or his mother . If the landfill is unknown in a mosque or tablecloth, or it must have a group of people, and there is food in it while it is deficient, then the price will be reduced in the area to the extent that the landfill is lacking . And if it overflows and flows and people separate from it and not lack it, the price is cheap and the food is plenty . And if he saw a fire that fell in the food, it was in the food that contained a great high price, or an accident from the Sultan in the vastness, or locusts or a stone in the acres . If he sees dates or sugar in her food, then the price goes up and the sex she has in the food is exaggerated, according to the amount of sweetness it contains in the few and many . If it is like half of her food, then it is in half, otherwise, for this amount . As for whoever falls into a landfill or an unknown pit, according to the aforementioned, it is considered that a fall into a well is considered ….

…And whoever sees a mercury in his hand, he leaves a person with dates . And if he ate it, he was the one afflicted with the back ….

…As for the tears : the cold is joy, and the hot one is sadness, and whoever sees tears on his face without crying, he is challenged in his lineage, and the saying of his obedience is fulfilled in it . If he sees tears as dates in his eyes, then he is saving money that is permissible in the matter of debt, and he does not want to show it. If it flows on his face, then he will please his heart by spending it ….

…Ajwa is in a dream the sum of money that is halal and good, and dates are a cure for every disease ….

…Wine : Originally is forbidden money without hardship. If someone sees that he drinks wine, he will suffer a great deal of sin and wealth, for the Almighty says : “They ask you about alcohol and the facilitator, say there is a great sin in them, and there is a greater benefit to them .” And whoever sees that drinking it has no one to dispute with it, for it will hit forbidden money, and they said, rather, money is permissible . If drinking it and he has someone to dispute it, he will dispute with him in terms of speech and quarreling as much . If he sees that he struck a river of wine, then he is afflicting sedition in his world . It entered him into sedition as much as he got from him . Some of the interpreters said : The excessive drinking of wine in the vision is not only bad, and if a person sees that he is among a great crowd tainting wine, then that is bad, because the abundance of drinking is followed by drunkenness, and drunkenness in it is the cause of riot, opposition and fighting . Al-Khamr said to those who wanted marriage and marriage consent because of its mixing . And it was narrated that a man saw as if he was black-faced with shaved head drinking wine, then he narrated his vision on a crossing, and said : As for the blackness of the face, you prevail over your people, and as for shaving the head, your people leave you and your order is gone, and as for drinking wine, you have a woman . A man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if in my hands there were two vessels, one of which was wine and the other had milk . He said : Milk is justice, and wine is isolated, and soon he was isolated and he was a governor . And he drank wine to the governor, who was isolated, and he dispensed wine of dates with suspicion, and he drank date wine . They differed in drinking wine mixed with water, and it was said that he receives money, some of which is permissible and some of it forbidden, and it was said that he takes money in company, and it was said that he takes money from a woman and falls into sedition . And sugar without a drink is fear and horror . For God Almighty says : “And you will see the people drunk, but they are not drunk .” And drunkenness from drinking is money, badness and power that the visionary attains . And sugar from drinking is a safety of fear, because a drunken person does not panic from anything . If he saw that he was drunk and tore his clothes . For he is a man if his world is expanded, and he cannot tolerate blessings, and he does not control himself . And whoever drinks alcohol and gets drunk from it, he will make forbidden money, and he will gain from that money as much as the amount of sugar from it . It was said that drunkenness is bad for men and women, and that is that it indicates a lot of ignorance, and he saw a man as if he was a guardian, and he rode in his work with a people, and when he wanted to leave, he found them all drunk, so he could not help any of them, and every one stayed on his drunkenness . He told it to Ibn Sirin, so he said : They finance and dispense with you and do not answer you and do not follow you ….

…He said that a person saw that he carried a sweet sesame camel from the Lord of the carob while he was heading towards the stones, so he sold them and bought dates, and they were scattered from him. So the bottom of Al-Hodge was waiting, and the money was wasted, and that was the reason for his abstention, because God wanted him to reveal his visions ….