…Seeing rice in a dream is a good omen and a human being and indicates success and gaining friends as well as success in work, as well as a good omen for a farmer with an abundant harvest . If you eat rice in a dream, this foretells happiness and peace in the home . And if you see it mixed with dirt and dirt, then it means illness and separation from friends . If a girl dreams that she is cooking rice, she will take up a new job that will make her happier, which will lead her to wealth ….
Dreaming about eating rice
(46 interpretations and meanings of dreams about eating rice)…Rice is in a dream money in which there is fatigue and rioting and illusion, and if the rice is cooked, that indicates profit ….
…As for rice, it devolves with money, so whoever sees that he eats rice, it translates into getting money with fatigue and difficulty, collecting it or storing it is more likely because it is more and less cooked ….
…Hunger : it is money and eagerness to seek a pension . Satiety : collecting a pension and promises money . Eating : differs in its conditions . Some of them said hunger is better than satiety, and watering is better than thirst . And it was said that he who saw that he was hungry would be well, and be careful . And whoever sees that someone else invites him to lunch, his visions indicate a travel not far away, because God Almighty says : ~ We have seen from our journey this a rite .~ If he invites him to eat halfway through the day, he will be rested from fatigue . If he invites him to dinner, he is deceiving a man and deceiving him before he himself deceives him . And whoever sees that he has eaten food and has joined, he will strive to pursue his craft . And whoever sees that he ate the flesh of himself, he eats from the stored money and his treasures . If he eats the meat of someone else, then if he eats it raw he or one of his relatives will backbite him, and if he eats it cooked or grilled, then he eats someone else’s capital . If he sees as if he is biting the flesh of himself, cutting it and throwing it to the ground, then he is a man for a maz . And the woman eats the flesh of the woman who is oppressive or oppressive . And a woman eating the flesh of herself is evidence that she is fornication and consumes the hard work of her vagina . Eating a man’s flesh in interpretation is like eating a woman’s flesh, and eating a young man’s meat is stronger in interpretation than eating the flesh of the sheikh . If he sees that he is eating the flesh of his own tongue, he will gain a benefit from his tongue, and perhaps this vision indicates that its owner is accustomed to silence, restraining anger and melancholy ….
With regard to eating human flesh, whoever sees that he is eating it and when he eats it there is a visible trace, then he eats from that person’s money if he knows it, and if he does not know it, then he is getting money in every case, and if it has no apparent effect then he will backbite him and whoever sees that he eats the flesh of himself, then he will have a lot of money and great authority. And whoever sees that he eats the flesh of his enemy, he will gain it
And whoever sees that he is eating porridge, then he is in a good state, and whoever sees that he is eating in a plate and has absorbed what is in it, his life has run out, and if something remains of it remains of his life as much as that, and whoever sees that he licks a bowl or his fingers, then he is buried and deferred, and whoever sees that he is chewing food or chewing gum, he will multiply His words are about a matter, and whoever sees that he eats at a table, then he will gain good and livelihood, and perhaps the table is a field for war and meeting, and the meeting over it is a stabbing hand, and it was said whoever saw that he was at a table he got married, and if he did not eat on it, it was a virgin and whoever saw that he exchanged food between his hands with food other than the plant of the earth, then he lacked And moves to humiliation and humiliation
…And whoever sees that he eats rice bread, it indicates that hardship will arise and that things have stopped ….
…The rice is in a dream a contract of money like a hundred and a thousand . Perhaps the razza refers to the arzilla, so uprooting it from its place in a dream is razia, and renewing it or breaking it is infallibility and saving money or knowledge . Al-Razat may have indicated wearing trousers with a tie ….
…Rice : money of fatigue, riot and illusion . Corn and gaurs are a lot of money of little benefit, inert male ….
…And whoever sees that he peels rice, he strives to protect money from suspicions. As for barley, it is money, and it may be dirhams for its whiteness ….
…As for rice cultivation, it is diligence in money and position ….
…And some of them said, perhaps a vision of eating eggplant indicated that what he intended of good or evil would happen because he, peace be upon him, said : “ Eggplant is when he was eaten for him, and as for tarragon, it is interpreted with bad temper, and it may indicate a man of poor origin and work .”…
…The enlightened head : So, whoever saw it as if he had bought a big fat head from a head , he benefited from a useful professor . If it is emaciated, it is useless . If the head is stinky, then it is given an ugly praise . And eating the heads of raw cattle is evidence that he is backbiting a ruler attributed to that animal . And eating cooked and grilled from the heads benefited from some heads of money . Some expressions said . Whoever sees it as if he is eating a sheep’s head or a shepherd will hit a face and money from an inheritance or something else . And the head of the sheep said in the interpretation of money, which is ten thousand dirhams, the most of which is one thousand dirhams . And eat roast head eyes, eat chiefs money eyes . And eating the brain ate from the solid money, and from buried money . If he sees it as if he is eating from his own or someone else’s brain, then he is eating from his own money or the saved money of others . If he ate his leg brains, he ate his brain ….
Whatever is chewed without eating, the speech increases with the amount of that chewing
…And whoever sees that he is eating from the moon, one of those mentioned in the beginning of this chapter will miss ….
…And the boss is a man of opinion and measure . And the slaughter of animals is a man who influences the company of supervision over money . And whoever saw that he was eating the Sultan’s office, he would attain the mandate of a town, for the Almighty said : “ Eat from the provision of your Lord and thank Him for a good country and a forgiving Lord .”…
…Dates : It was narrated that Umar saw it as if he had eaten dates, and he mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said : That is the sweetness of faith . And types of dates are many, and dates for those who see it, indicates rain . And for those who eat it, a pure general livelihood will be made to him, and it was said that it indicates reading the Qur’an, and it was said that dates indicate money saved . The vision of reckless eating is for the dhimmis . And it was said that whoever saw it as if he was eating good dates, he hears a good and useful word . And whoever sees it as if he is burying dates, he is storing money, or getting money from some of the safes . And whoever sees as if he cut a date and discerns its intentions from it, then he will have a son, because God Almighty says : “ Indeed, God creates love and the seeds . ” The vision of eating dates with tar is evidence of a woman’s secret divorce . As for seeing the scattering of dates, it is a travel art . And the agent of dates, Ghanima . And whoever sees as if he comes from a palm tree in its own days, he will marry a venerable, rich and blessed woman . And it was said that he hits money from a noble people without getting tired, or from his estates, and it was said that he hits a useful knowledge that he works with . If it is out of time, then he hears a flag and does not work with it . If he saw as if he had picked a palm tree with black grapes, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black owner . If he saw as if he had harvested from a dry and wet palm, then he learns from an immoral man a science that will benefit him . And if the dreamer was distressed, he would gain relief, for what the Almighty said in the story of Mary : “ And I will mock you with the trunk of a palm .” It was said dates scattered dirhams do not remain . And whoever sees that dates are harvested for him, then money is reaped for him from men with dangers . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I found forty dates, and she said : You hit forty sticks . Then he saw him a while later and said : I saw as if I had found forty dates at the door of the Sultan . He said : It affects forty thousand dirhams . The man said : I crossed my visions this time unlike what I did the first time . He said : Because you told me your vision the first time, and the trees dried up, and you managed the year, and this time you came to me with life in the trees . The matter was both times what he crossed . And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : I saw as if a man came to me and fed me a morsel of dates, so I went foreign, and if a kernel came out, I spelled it out . Then I gave me a second morsel, and if a nucleus, I blew it . Then I gave me a third summit, and if a nucleus Vlvztha . Abu Bakr said : Let me, O Messenger of God, cross it . He said : cross it . He said : A company is sent, and they gain and greet and infect a man . Then a company was sent, and he said three times, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : Likewise the king said . Anas bin Malik saw in a dream as if Ibn Omar was eating a secret, so he wrote to him that I saw you eating in secret, and that is the sweetness of faith . And it was said that a naked man saw baskets of baskets falling from the stomachs of pigs, as he pushed them and carried them to his home . So he asked the one who expressed it, and he crossed it with spoils of the infidels’ money. Soon, the Romans came out and the victory was for the Muslims, and what he passed through came to him . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who saw as if she was sucking a date and giving it to her neighbor and sucking it, so he said : This woman shares a good favor with him, so she washes his garment . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if I had a waterfall in my hand and had dates in it, and my head and face were immersed in it, and I ate it and said : How sour it is . Ibn Sirin said that you are a man who has indulged in earning money to the right and to the left, and you do not care about the security of forbidden. Security was from permissible, but I know that it is forbidden . It was so . If a woman sees that she is eating dates with tar, then she takes her husband’s inheritance and she is divorced from him ….
…Eating the elders : There is a difference in it, some of them said that he consumed the money of orphans, and some of them said that he consumed the money of the elders of people, because the shepherds are money, and the sheep are evidence of the pride of people ….
…Al-Kirmani said a vision of eating hot bread indicates a good life ….
…And as for eating at the table . The length of life and raising the table indicates the expiration of the term ….
If you dream of seeing green and beautiful cedar trees, this means happy success in a project . But if you see her dead or infected with pests, this symbolizes despair and nothing will be obtained if you see it this way ….
Whoever sees a man riding satiated with food : It is not neglected that he is a despot, oppressive and prolonged in his affairs, he becomes what he has become in his condition at the end of the vision ….
And whoever sees that he eats something in it, then he indicates that something good will come from the servant, and if what he ate something sour in it, then it is they and sorrow ….
If he sees that he is praying and eats honey, then his wife will come while he is fasting
If he sees it as if he is drinking from her intimate body or a taste of her squad, then he works with a request for knowledge, and that knowledge becomes a scourge for him, and it is said that his affairs are difficult for him, and his visions indicate that blood is shed ….
Some of the expressers said: I heard from Sheikh Muhammad al-Qarouni, one of the sheikhs of the expression, that some kings saw in his sleep as if he had eaten a mermaid, so he told it to him, so he said to him that you should believe in something that will ward off evil from you. Command and magh apparent ….
Al-Kirmani said: ~Whoever sees that he eats human flesh and when he eats it has an apparent effect, then he eats from that person’s money if he knows it, and if he does not know it, then he is getting money in every case .~…
And some of the interpreters said, whoever saw that he eats the flesh of a dead person, then he will backbite him for saying, ~ Does one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? ~ The verse, and God knows best ….
And whoever sees that he strikes a cat until he scratches it or ate it, then he is interpreted by the injury of a long disease and then is cured of it, or whoever sees that he scratched a cat and then wakes up and becomes healthy, the thief strengthens ….
If he saw it as if he ate its fruits, then he would be given as much knowledge as he ate ….