…A ghost Seeing ghosts in a dream denotes the occurrence of unexpected problems . If the ghost is white, then this foretells that the disease will afflict a dear friend to you, or that you will lose some of your work . If he is dressed in black, beware of those around you because they deceive you and have fraud and bad intentions for you . If the ghost speaks, then evil and problems are just around the corner from you, and you can avoid that with wisdom by hearing the voice of reason in your behavior . If you hear ghosts knocking on doors or walls, this predicts painful events that will happen suddenly . If you see ghosts moving under a curtain of cloth or moving behind you, this is a call to you to control your feelings, as you are committing foolishness, you may face problems and quarrel with others . If you see the ghost of your friend hanging in your room, this foretells that you will face failure and disappointment, and you will be accompanied by a feeling of insecurity . If you hear ghost music, then this predicts sorrows and changes in the family environment . If you dream that a ghost is following you, this foretells that you will enter into strange and exciting events . If the ghost escapes from you, this indicates that the problems surrounding you will weaken and lessen their severity . Unnaturally beware of all those who depend on you . A disaster awaits you and awaits those who belong to you . Property and life together are at risk . Young men should be without hesitation upright in their communication with the opposite sex . You may treat the character in a way that reduces its importance ….

…Takht, his vision in a dream indicates the wife, the animal and the position . If it was wood, then the evidence for it is great . And if it was dry, it was mean . Takhtat cloth indicates pride and sublime, goodness and good speech, goodness, new clothing, familiarity and meeting . And the clothes were covered with glad tidings and joy that would reach those who saw him within days ….

…Friend If you dreamed of pleasant and happy friends, then this means good news about them, or that you will see them soon or see their relatives . If you see your friend tired or exhausted, this indicates that illness or misfortune has followed him . If you see your dark-colored friends, this means an unusual illness for you or them . If you see them taking on animal shapes, this means that the enemies will separate you from your closest relatives . If you see your friend wearing dark colors with red flames, this foretells that abominable things will happen to you, causing you anxiety if not a loss and that your friends will be concerned with that . If you dreamed that you saw your friend standing like a statue on a hill, then this means that you will advance in your current situation, but you will restore previous impressions of justice and knowledge, searching for them through every change that occurs . If the boyfriend statue is low, you will ignore the old friends when things get better in the future . If the statue is above a plain or at a level where you are away from it, you will force yourself to search for change despite ties of friendship or self-love . If you dreamed that you saw a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, then this means that you will be hurt by someone who will try to preserve the friendship with you . If you dreamed that you shook hands with a friend who had offended you and that he left you and he seemed sad for him, then this foretells that you will face a quarrel with a raised friend, and a reconciliation may follow . You sure are about to lose someone ….

…Dust is in a dream denotes people because they were created from it . And perhaps he indicated cattle and beasts or the world and their people, because dust is from the earth, and it contains the consistency of the livelihood of creation, and the Arabs say : A man is dusted if he is rich . Perhaps dirt indicates poverty, the dead, or the grave. So whoever digs a ground and extracts its dirt, if he is sick or sick, then this is his grave, and if he is traveling, his dust is his earnings, money and interest, and beating on the earth is his travel, and if he is seeking marriage, the earth is a wife, and the digging is a dissolution, And the pickaxe is a male, dirt is a woman’s money . And if he was a fisherman, then he dug it for hunting, and his soil is his gain and what he benefits, otherwise his digging is required in his pursuit and he earns it deceit or trick . As for the one who shed his hand from the dirt, or shed a garment of dust, if he was rich, his money was lost, and he was afflicted with humiliation and need, and if he had a debt, or he had a deposit, he would return that to his family, and he removed all of it from his hand and needed after him, and if he was sick, then he shed his hand From the gains of the world, and stripped of his money . Hitting the hand with dirt is evidence of speculation and gain, and hitting it with a belt or stick indicates a good travel . Some of them said : Walking through dirt is seeking money, and if one collects or eats it, he collects money, and the money flows on his hands, and if the land is for someone else, then the money is for someone else, and if he carries something from the dirt, he will benefit as much as he carried . If he sweeps his house and collects dirt from it, then he is tricked into taking money from his wife, and if he collected it from his store, he collected money from his livelihood . And whoever sees as if he is blowing dust, then it is money that befalls him, and that dirt is money and their dirhams, and if he sees it as sweeping dust in a house and taking it out, then his wife’s money is gone . If the sky rains with dust, then it is good if it is not often . And whoever collapses his house and is struck by some of its dirt and dust, then he will get money from his inheritance . If he puts dirt on his head, he struck a wealth of weakening and weakening . And whoever sees it as if a person is pushing dirt on his head and eyes, then the one who pushes dirt spends on the one who is urged to wear an order on him, and obtain something intended . If he sees as if the sky rained much dust, then he is torment . And whoever sweeps his shop, and takes out dirt with cloth, he is transformed from place to place . The man walked in the dirt, seeking money . Whenever the dust on his head strikes him, they do not refer to God Almighty in it . Dust is the age and life of man . And dirt indicates livelihood, agriculture, satiety and hunger . And whoever saw that he sat on clean, good dirt, indicates happiness and victory, and perhaps even a doubt about religion . And perhaps he indicated the soil of the man from which he was created, or the soil to which he returns . And dirt with a woman in a dream is a doubtful lamb . Perhaps dirt refers to water, fire or wind because it is one of the elements . And it indicates the arduous travel in which there is a need for ablution . If someone goes to a point of dust, he praises the people with his poetry and disappointed his intention . Perhaps the dirt indicates the bad fortune . Perhaps dirt indicates the debt that dishonors the debtor . Dirt indicates the speed of relieving the need and the fulfillment of the promise, because it is dusted with it . And whoever has goods, Barthes, especially if he sees dirt with it or on it, even if the dirt is reversed ….

…And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer while he is asleep, then he is underestimating his wife and his dependents, and whoever sees that he is giving the call to prayer at the door of his home, it indicates that his time is imminent ….

…The handkerchief is in a dream indicative of kindness, wife, or child, especially if it is embroidered, it indicates gentle meanings and a lot of virtue because it is protected from the heat and cold, and is carried with it and then prayed for it, and it is a safety and a gesture of taking and giving, and dust is removed from the face and clothes . A servant and servant . And whoever sees that he wears a handkerchief from the handkerchiefs, he will marry an adulterous woman ….

…The nest is in a dream the home of the one who pointed the bird to it, and perhaps the nest pointed to the wife . And the vision of the nest for a pregnant woman giving birth ….

…Al-Hassa : denotes men and women, young women, and counted white dirhams, because it is from the earth and on memorization and counting, because of the knowledge or poetry suffered by the student, the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones, the cruelty and distress, and the insults and slander . Whoever saw a bird descended from heaven to earth, then picked up a pebble and flew with it, and if that was in a mosque, a good man or one of the righteous people perished from it, and if the visionary was sick, and he was among the good people or someone who also prayed in it, and no one involved him in the disease. Those who also pray in it, then the person with the vision is dead, and if he picked up the pebble from a church, the consideration for the patient’s corruption is like the one we presented, and if he picked it up from a house or from an unknown place, then the patient of the person who had the vision from a child or other is lost, as for the one who picked up a number of pebbles and their fate In his garment or swallowed it in his stomach, and if he picked it up from a mosque or a scholar’s house or a male circle, he counted from knowledge and the Qur’an, and he benefited from the remembrance and the statement as much as he picked up from the siege . If it is picked up from the markets or from acres and tree roots, then it is benefits from the world, and in dirhams it consists for him on the cause of fruits or plants or from trade and brokerage, or from asking and giving charity to each person according to his concern and habit in his awakening . If his capture is from the sea, then gifts from the Sultan if he serves him, or benefits from the sea if he trades in it, or knowledge he acquires from a scientist if that is his request, or a gift and a link from a wealthy wife if she has a son or something similar . As for whoever threw it into the sea, his money went into it . And if he throws her into a well, he takes money to marry or buy a servant . And if he threw it in a rainy or under conditions of food, or in a storehouse of the sea, he bought with what he had or as much as he threw it, a trade that is evidenced by the place in which he threw what was with him . The common people say : So-and-so threw what he had of dirhams into wheat or oil or something else . If he threw them an animal, such as a lion, a monkey, a locust, a crow, and the like . That was during the days of the Hajj, and it was heralded by the pilgrimage and the throwing of stones in the future of his command, because the origin of the throwing of the stones is that Gabriel, peace be upon him, commanded Adam, peace be upon him, to throw the Devil when it was presented to him, and it became Sunnah for his son . If this was not done during the days of Hajj, the pebble was his supplication against an enemy or an immoral person, or cursing and insulting him, or testimonies to testify against him . And if he threw them against these races, such as pigeons and Muslims from among the people, the man would be a backbiter, speaking in the righteousness and the women protected ….

…And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer with his family, then this indicates that a calamity has occurred, and the same applies if the woman sees that she is giving the call to prayer ….

…Some of the expressers said, as Ibn Sirin said, I like to take from the dead and not give them, and in the sentence whenever a person sees that a dead person gives him something, it is better if that thing is not of the kind of stinging vermin, and as for giving in all respects it is not praiseworthy unless he hates it and it is of the kind mentioned above. It is the demise of worry and distress ….

…The call to prayer in a dream denotes the pilgrimage if the call to prayer is in the months of the Hajj, and it may indicate gossip in a way that stirs movement, mobility, and preparation for war, and it may indicate theft, or the height of the degree, the honorable position, the elevation and the heard word, and the wife to the single . Perhaps he indicated the correct news . And if the call to prayer other than the qiblah, or the call to prayer in a language other than Arabic, or with that was black-faced, he may tell us about lying and gossip . Perhaps this indicated the Ba`a and the Kharijites in that country . The muezzin is the caller to good, the broker, or the marriage contractor, the king’s messenger or his eyebrow, or the caller in the army, and if the woman gave permission in a dream in the minaret of the mosque, a great innovation appeared in the country, and if the young boys ’ears took over the king, especially if the call to prayer was At the wrong time . And whoever saw that he was calling on a beacon and was qualified for the state, he obtained a mandate as much as he reached his voice and ended up with him, and if he was not worthy of the state, many of his enemies became president over them, even if he was a merchant who profit in his trade . The call to prayer may indicate supplication, righteousness, obedience and doing good, or safety and deliverance from the plots of Satan . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a well, and if he is in an unbelieving country, he calls people to the method of religion, and if he is in Muslim countries, then he is a spy, and he may have been the owner of a heresy that he calls people to . And whoever sees that he calls the call and is a Muslim, then he enjoins good . And whoever sees that he calls the call and no one answers him, then he is from a people of wrongdoers . And whoever saw that he was calling on the roof of his neighbor, he would betray his neighbor about his wife . And whoever sees that he is calling on the roof of the Kaaba, then he is a heretic or insults the companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . And whoever sees that he recites the call to prayer while lying down, then his wife provokes people and annoys people with her tongue, even if he was celibate, he married . And whoever saw that he was calling in the market, he is a thieves’ spy . And whoever saw that he was calling at the door of the Sultan, he would bear witness to truth . The call to prayer in the alleys and markets indicates a good life, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a caravan, he is accused of stealing . The call to prayer may also indicate the departure of the partner . And whoever saw that he was calling in a place where the age of the place was destroyed and there were many people in it . And whoever saw that he was calling in the bathroom, he would have a fever . The call to prayer or raising the voice in the remembrance of God Almighty indicates closeness to the elders, especially if the call to prayer is in a beautiful voice, and people listen to it . But if the call to prayer was changed, or he was tampering with it, or he changed the remembrance of God Almighty, or if the awrah was exposed, this indicates a bad recklessness and distress . And whoever sees that he calls the call to a people gathered together, then he calls people to the truth and they are unjust . And perhaps the call to prayer indicates understanding in religion . The call to prayer may be a prayer for an order on the authority of the Sultan . And whoever sees that he is giving the call to prayer and does not memorize the takbeer and cheer, then he will be sorry for his enemy . And whoever sees that he is calling in the sky and people have answered him, then he calls people to good and they answer him . And whoever sees that he has given the call once or twice, and abides and prays according to the obligatory prayers, God Almighty will provide for him for Hajj and Umrah . And whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer on a hill that has been affected by the mandate of a non-Arab man, and if he is not qualified for the state, then he will strike a profitable trade or a great craft. He calls men to reconciliation . If the permission is over a house, its family will die . And whoever sees a boy calling, then his parents are innocent of lying and falsehood . And whoever saw that he was calling for fun and play, God robbed him of his mind . Whoever hears the call to prayer in the market indicates the death of a man from the market . He who earns on a dump will invite a foolish person to reconcile, and a fool will not accept that from him ….

…Medicine If the medicine in the dream tastes good, then this indicates that you will run into problems, but after a short period your affairs will improve . But if the taste of the medicine is unpalatable, then that predicts that you have a permanent disease, or deep sadness or loss . If you dream that you are giving other people’s medicine, this means that you are working to harm someone who trusts you ….

…It is in a dream the hardship of a man and his exhaustion in his life . If he sees that her skin is strong, then it is his livelihood . If he saw that her skin was sloughed, he would have toil and exhaustion in his life . If he saw that her skin was thick and contained swelling and tubercles, he received money from his hard work, and money went to him that he had earned from hard work and fatigue . The knees are the strength of the body, its movement, and the quality of its knowledge. If they are sound and strong, then this is evidence of travel, movement, or actions that he does, and the health of the body . If a pain or a problem is seen in it, it indicates the weight of the knees, and if he is sick, that indicates his death . The knee of the traveler is a vehicle, his passengers and his vehicle . And the knees cross the brothers and partners, and they may cross Mawali . The knee may be derived from it . Perhaps the knee indicates the completion of bowing and prostration, and indicates a person’s taking and giving, his movement and his stillness, his travel and his standing, and the money he collects and what he spends . And whoever saw that his knee had grown large or become more strong and was in distress, God would so away from him . Perhaps this indicates his adherence to prayer and fulfilling its conditions . And if he saw it ripped or broken, or there was a sore or blood in it, this indicates that his movement was immobilized . If it was a journey, sit on it . If there was affection between him and someone, it was separated, and it may indicate that the boat and the animal had broken down ….

…Dates : It was narrated that Umar saw it as if he had eaten dates, and he mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said : That is the sweetness of faith . And types of dates are many, and dates for those who see it, indicates rain . And for those who eat it, a pure general livelihood will be made to him, and it was said that it indicates reading the Qur’an, and it was said that dates indicate money saved . The vision of reckless eating is for the dhimmis . And it was said that whoever saw it as if he was eating good dates, he hears a good and useful word . And whoever sees it as if he is burying dates, he is storing money, or getting money from some of the safes . And whoever sees as if he cut a date and discerns its intentions from it, then he will have a son, because God Almighty says : “ Indeed, God creates love and the seeds . ” The vision of eating dates with tar is evidence of a woman’s secret divorce . As for seeing the scattering of dates, it is a travel art . And the agent of dates, Ghanima . And whoever sees as if he comes from a palm tree in its own days, he will marry a venerable, rich and blessed woman . And it was said that he hits money from a noble people without getting tired, or from his estates, and it was said that he hits a useful knowledge that he works with . If it is out of time, then he hears a flag and does not work with it . If he saw as if he had picked a palm tree with black grapes, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black owner . If he saw as if he had harvested from a dry and wet palm, then he learns from an immoral man a science that will benefit him . And if the dreamer was distressed, he would gain relief, for what the Almighty said in the story of Mary : “ And I will mock you with the trunk of a palm .” It was said dates scattered dirhams do not remain . And whoever sees that dates are harvested for him, then money is reaped for him from men with dangers . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I found forty dates, and she said : You hit forty sticks . Then he saw him a while later and said : I saw as if I had found forty dates at the door of the Sultan . He said : It affects forty thousand dirhams . The man said : I crossed my visions this time unlike what I did the first time . He said : Because you told me your vision the first time, and the trees dried up, and you managed the year, and this time you came to me with life in the trees . The matter was both times what he crossed . And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : I saw as if a man came to me and fed me a morsel of dates, so I went foreign, and if a kernel came out, I spelled it out . Then I gave me a second morsel, and if a nucleus, I blew it . Then I gave me a third summit, and if a nucleus Vlvztha . Abu Bakr said : Let me, O Messenger of God, cross it . He said : cross it . He said : A company is sent, and they gain and greet and infect a man . Then a company was sent, and he said three times, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : Likewise the king said . Anas bin Malik saw in a dream as if Ibn Omar was eating a secret, so he wrote to him that I saw you eating in secret, and that is the sweetness of faith . And it was said that a naked man saw baskets of baskets falling from the stomachs of pigs, as he pushed them and carried them to his home . So he asked the one who expressed it, and he crossed it with spoils of the infidels’ money. Soon, the Romans came out and the victory was for the Muslims, and what he passed through came to him . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who saw as if she was sucking a date and giving it to her neighbor and sucking it, so he said : This woman shares a good favor with him, so she washes his garment . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if I had a waterfall in my hand and had dates in it, and my head and face were immersed in it, and I ate it and said : How sour it is . Ibn Sirin said that you are a man who has indulged in earning money to the right and to the left, and you do not care about the security of forbidden. Security was from permissible, but I know that it is forbidden . It was so . If a woman sees that she is eating dates with tar, then she takes her husband’s inheritance and she is divorced from him ….

…Homeless If you dream that you are homeless, then this predicts poverty and deprivation . Seeing the homeless foretells of a severe epidemic invading your city . If you dreamed that you were giving a homeless person or improving to him, this foretells that your generosity and magnanimity will meet others’ approval and pride ….

…As for the nose : it is said that it is a beauty for men, and it is said that it is the relationship of a man, and if he sees as if he has no nose, then there is no mercy for him . If he sees as if he has two noses, then it indicates a difference between him and his family, because the nose is not a stranger, so if he smells a good smell, it indicates a vulva that affects him . If the woman of the visionary is pregnant, she is giving birth to a happy son . And it is said that the nose, the boy, and it is said to be prestige and wisdom . It is said the parents, and the interpretation of what enters the nose, the course of medication, and whatever is bad for it enters into it, it is a sinner that suppresses it, and whoever sees it as if it has a hose, indicates that it has a strong calculation ….

…Diamonds Dream of owning diamonds is a dream that bodes well and indicates great honor and special interest from officials . If a girl dreams that her lover is giving her diamonds, then this foretells that she will have a great and honorable marriage, and it will fill her people with pride, but if she loses a diamond and does not find it after that, then this dream is one of the most sinister dreams and predicts shame, poverty and death . If a prostitute dreamed of diamonds, this promises her many days of success and wonderful gifts . This dream means profitable deals for those who work in commercial speculations . The same goes for porn men and prostitutes if they dream of owning diamonds . Diamonds promise good luck, unless they are stolen from the bodies of the dead, in which case they foretell that your friends will discover your insincerity ….

…Mosques : The mosque denotes the Hereafter because it is sought in it, just as the garbage dump indicates the world, and it indicates the Kaaba because it is the house of God, and it indicates the places that combine wind, benefit, reward and help, such as the house of the ruler, the circle of remembrance, the season, the ribat, the field of war, and the market because it is the market for the hereafter . Then every mosque indicates its manner in its size, fame and essence . Whoever builds a mosque in a dream, and if he is worthy of the judiciary, he will obtain it, and likewise if it is a subject of the fatwa and he may indicate in the world a useful work of classification, and in the papers to a Qur’an he writes, and in the bachelors on marriage and marriage, and for the students of money and the world on a building that he builds on which the yields and the benefits of which last. Such as the bathroom, the hotel, the store, the oven, the ship, and the like, because of the current reward in the mosque with the abundance of profits in it in congregational prayer, and people come to it from every side, and enter it without permission . And whoever in his awakening influenced the world and its money, or was influencing its afterlife on its urgency, the winning proverbs returned to the profits and benefits in this world for him, or to the hereafter and the reward in the future which is his demand in his awakening . As for the one who demolishes a mosque, he is going against the one who built it, and he may infer the vulgarity of his situation by the one who builds it in its place or makes it happen in its place after demolishing it, so if he builds a store he favors the world over the Hereafter, and if he builds a bath, his debt is corrupted because of a woman, and if he digs a hole in its place, he is sinning Whoever is a compulsive deceit, or for the sake of a group that separated him from knowledge, goodness and deeds, or for the sake of a ruler who dismissed him, or a righteous man who killed him, or a place in which he had a vacation or a contract marriage, he corrupted and invalidated him . And if he sees himself stripped of clothes in a mosque, he will be stripped of what is appropriate for him from the signs of the mosque, and if that is during the days of Hajj, then he will perform Hajj, God willing, especially if he is giving the call to prayer, and if he is guilty, he goes out of what he is in to repentance and obedience, and if he prays in it on the basis of repentance and obedience. A situation other than the direction of the direction of prayer in the face of the storm, because he is devoted to seeking the world in a market of markets and a season of seasons, in which he is deprived of what he hoped for, and in it he loses everything that he bought and sold, due to the corruption of his prayer and the loss of his labor . This may indicate the corruption of what is included in his negligence of the forbidden and usury if it is met by it .. As for the Sacred Mosque, it indicates the pilgrimage to those who deny it or give permission, even if that is not in the days of Hajj with its essence in that and its evidence, because the Kaaba that the pilgrimage is in it . It may denote the forbidden house of the Sultan who wants it from whose income he is safe, the house of the world, the mosque of Medina, and the great market of great and forbidden affairs, such as the exchange market and the goldsmiths because of the large number of inquiries that are required in it and what enters into its people of forbidden, shortage and sin, as well as all the forbidden by what is human in it The guardian is required to avoid doing forbidden things, from trespassing on animals, and from causing harm ….

…A birthday gift Receiving happy surprises means a multitude of high-profile achievements . People who work will advance in their businesses . Giving birthday gifts means small submissions if they are given at a festival or reception ….

…And whoever sees his horse giving birth, then his pride increases and his livelihood is acquired, and perhaps the birth of a child from a woman, and if he is celibate, he gets married and struck a profession or a home or something like that ….

…If he sees it as if he shed blood after the phlebotomy, then he is repenting of sin, because the blood coming out is repentance . If the blood is black, then it is determined to commit great sin, because the blood is a sin, and it is a repentance . If he sees as if he took a vagina and his wife spotted it for a length of time, then she is giving birth to a girl . And if he crosses her by accident, he will sever her from her relatives . If he sees that he intends to phlebotomy, he intends to repent ….

…Can the science of expressing visions and dreams be learned and instructed? It is no secret for anyone interested in this art that this knowledge is very honorable, and that is why God is grateful to His Prophet Yusef by saying the Almighty [and also your Lord will answer you and teach you about the interpretation of hadiths …] , and our Prophet Muhammad [ peace and blessings be upon him ] used to express visions and often asked the Companions as In the hadith of Samra bin Jundub : When the Prophet [ peace and blessings be upon him ] prayed the morning, he came to them with his face and said : Did any of you see a vision yesterday ? In fact, I have a point of view on this issue. I mean the possibility of learning, and teaching this science, which is that it can be learned, and taught . And this opinion may be strange to some; This is because this science is more like inspiration and physiognomy, and as if it imitates the messengers, so he found embarrassment in this regard, but I hope that we will raise this issue for discussion so that our proposal is objective . Here is the most important thing that makes me inclined to this opinion, and I have spoken about it in detail in my book : The expression of the vision, contemporary terms, questions and answers, p. 96 , and beyond, the publisher : Dar al-Tadmuriyya . Nuclear Commenting said on an interview Samra former : it is mustahabb to ask about the vision, the initiative to interpret, and accelerate the first day, and it is permissible to speak in science and interpretation of Revelation, and the like .15 / 30 Ibn Hajar said , commenting on the previous talk as in the opening 12/437: Induction To teach the science of vision and its expression, and to neglect the question about it, and its preference because it includes access to some of the unseen and the secrets of beings . Ibn Abd al-Barr said, as in al- Tamheed 1/313, commenting on the previous hadith : This hadith indicates the honor and virtue of the knowledge of the vision, because he [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] was only asking about it to tell him and pass it on, so that his companions knew how to speak about its interpretation . Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab said, as in the collection of his books 5/130: The science of expression is a true science that God bestows upon whomever He wills of His servants . And he said in another place 5/143: The term vision is a true science mentioned by God in the Qur’an, and for this reason it was said : Only those who are knowledgeable can interpret the vision , because it is a part of the revelation . Al- Shatibi, may God have mercy on him, warned in Al- Muwwafaa 2/415: that there is no merit and a veil that the Prophet [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] gave except what was exempt, except that his ummah was given a model, and this is known by introspection, and from that he gave revelation to him, and his ummah was given the righteous vision . Imam Malik said, and he was asked : Does the vision explain every Sunday? He said : He plays with prophethood, then he said : Only the best of the vision will pass the vision . If he sees something good, tell him, and if he sees something unpleasant, let him say something good or keep silent . And Imam Ibn Al-Saadi said in his Tafsir 2/442: And among them are the benefits of the previous verse : that it has an origin for the expression of the vision, for the knowledge of expression is one of the important sciences that God gives to whomever He wills . He also said 2/449: Including that knowledge of expression is one of the Sharia sciences, and that a person will be rewarded for his learning and teaching . And what indicates the existence of learning and education among the Companions – Ashraf al-Khalq – is what was proven that Umar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, used to ask Asma bint Umais al- Khatha’a’miya about the expression of the vision as in Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb by Ibn Hajar 12/399. Ibn Saad mentioned in al- Tabaq 7/124: Said bin al-Musayyib was the one who crossed the people to the vision, and this was taken from Asmaa Bint Abi Bakr, and names took him from her father Abu Bakr, and Abu Bakr took this knowledge from the noble Messenger, who used to let him sometimes cross some Visions, and he corrects him sometimes, and he may mistake him like any teacher and his student, and this student was proficient in many situations in which he was examined, and therefore we find him after one time, and he was expressing a vision that the Messenger saw, the Messenger says to him with admiration for his expression : Likewise said the king . But it also happened to him that I made a mistake in his ijtihad, and the Messenger [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] did not compliment him, rather he did wrong. So he said to him once after he passed over to him : Tell me, O Messenger of God, of my father, are you wrong or wrong? The Prophet said : You hit some and you missed the other . Aisha, may God be pleased with her, also had educational attitudes with her father, so she presented visions to him, and he had some situations with the Messenger of God [ may God’s prayers and peace be upon him ] . Therefore, she was violent once when she expressed a vision to a woman that her husband was dying and giving birth to a child who was wronged by saying : [ What, O Aisha If you express the vision to the believer, then express it to him in goodness ….] And the witness from the hadith asked Aisha to follow a specific approach to expression, which is to spend it on good . Imam Ibn Khaldun stated in his introduction, p. 389, that this knowledge is one of the Sharia sciences, and it is an accident in the religion when the sciences became artifacts and people wrote about it, and its expression is found in the predecessors and the back, and this knowledge is still transmitted between the predecessors ….

…And whoever sees that he is practicing an old woman or giving it to her, then he will be seeking the world and urging it and obtaining it from it as much as he is favorable and the unknown old woman is stronger than the well-known old woman. If she is of good appearance and pure will in the form of people who met it is a minimum forbidden or hated in religion. If it is an ugly shaggy looking bad, there is no religion Neither religion nor Zain ….

…As for the perpetrator : A friend, partner, or hired employee, and his shoulder is a woman, and his shoulders are his adornment, beauty and recklessness, so what he saw in them of a state or event, he is with these . And it was said that if the awaits were thick and good in flesh, it indicated manliness and strength in business, and indicated in the detainees the length of time in prison, so that they could bear the weight of their chains . If he sees something wrong with him, then it indicates the brothers’ sickness or death, because those who are bound are brothers . And a man saw as if he wanted to see one of his shoulders and was not able to do that, so he suggested that he was blind, that is a duty, because he could not see the shoulder on the side of the one-eye . As for the right hand, it is a reason for the man’s pension, money, and charity, and the length of the hand in the interpretation of the governor is victorious, the trader has a profit, and the marketer is savvy . It was said that the length and strength of the Imam’s hands indicates the strength of his assistants and the increase in his life, and his vision of their bones is an increase in his money . If he saw as if they had turned marble, he happily extended his life . It was said that the two hands are correct in interpretation and their goodness indicates good reception and giving, and it was said that the right hand indicates the relatives of men, and the left hand humiliates the women of them, and if he sees as if he lost one of his hands, this indicates the loss of some of his relatives through absence or death . If he saw as if he had put his hand under his armpit and brought it out with a light, then he would gain knowledge if he was from his family, or a profit if he was a merchant . And if she goes out and has a fire . Because he attains power, pride and pride in his matter, which he takes, and if he takes it and has water, then it is money . As for the extra hand : with the two hands, it is an increase in the state and power, and indicates a child or the arrival of an absentee, or a brother born to him . If he sees that he is left-handed, then he is more difficult . If he saw that he was working with his left hand on his own effort, he finally got his need . The extension of the hands indicates generosity, and if he sees as if he is walking on his hands, then he depends on his matter on some of his relatives, and if he sees as if he sees with his hands as he does with his eyes, then he touches a lot with those who are forbidden to him . And whoever sees as if his right hand is his word good, his life will improve . If he saw as if the North spoke to him well, then thanked his relatives, and if they spoke to him or one of them with a rebuke, that indicates his bad action . If he saw that his right hand was made of gold, then his partner or wife died . And whosoever his hand is desired, the hand of his authority will be transformed, because he will gain authority, and what happened on his hands by that authority, in terms of justice or injustice . If he saw that he had two wings, two sons were born to him ….

…Whoever saw them in his sleep with good qualities, that was evidence of his good belief in them and his followers of their Sunnah . Perhaps their vision indicated the movements of soldiers and sending missions . Perhaps it indicated the spread of knowledge, enjoining good and forbidding evil . Their vision also indicates familiarity, love, brotherhood, help, and safety from enmity and envy, and the removal of prejudices, because they were, God pleased with them, for that . If the visionary is poor, he becomes rich because they are, may God be pleased with them, conquer the states . And if the seeker is rich, he will choose the Hereafter on the world and spend his life and money on the pleasure of God Almighty . And their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates honorable buildings such as mosques and the purity of lineage, tribes and clans . Their turning away from the seer or insulting him in a dream indicates falling into trees among them, and preferring some of them to others, and their hatred for him, and their vision indicates repentance and giving up on anything but God Almighty . Their vision, may God be pleased with them, indicates goodness and blessing according to their homes and their well-known values ​​in their path and path . Perhaps seeing each of them indicated what was revealed to him and what was in his days of sedition or justice . And whoever sees that he is crowded with the companions of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he is one of those who seek integrity in religion . And whoever sees one of the Companions, let him interpret for him the derivation, such as Saad and Saeed, then he will be happy . Perhaps he had a share of his biography and actions . And whoever sees any of them alive, or that all of them are alive, his visions indicate the strength of religion, and indicate that the visionary attains glory and honor and is supreme . If he sees as if he has become one of them, he will experience hardships and then the nail will be soft . And if he sees them repeatedly in his sleep, his livelihood is narrow . As for the Ansar and their children and grandchildren, seeing them in a dream indicates repentance and forgiveness . Seeing immigrants indicates good certainty and confidence in God Almighty, departure from this world and asceticism in it, and honesty in speech and action ….