…The hand is in a dream the man’s benevolence, his back and his support . Whoever sees that his hand is long and strong, and he is a ruler, then he will be victorious with his enemies, and the power of his aides and his pimps . And whoever sees that his hands are spread out is a generous man who spends all that he has . And whoever sees that he is walking on his hands, then he depends on something he asks for on his brother, son, or partner . And if he sees that his right hand is made of gold, then his earnings and his oppression will be gone . If he sees that his left hand is his word, then his brothers deny him or his wife or partner deny him . And if he saw that his hand brought it under his armpit and then took it out, and it had a light, and he was a student of knowledge who won a leadership in his knowledge, even if he was a merchant who won a presidency and a male . If water comes out of his hand, he will get money . And the hands indicate the rank and the two sons and the state, and they indicate the good deeds of the one who takes and gives with his hands . The right hand indicates a son, father, friend, or whoever takes the right place for you . And the left hand denotes the woman, mother, sister, daughter and slave girl . If he sees that he has lost one of his hands, that indicates that he has lost some of the people that this hand pointed to . And whoever sees his hand cut off indicates the death of his brother, friend, or writer, or the intimacy between them has fallen . And whoever sees a length in his hand, he will be too long for people . With thanks, grace, generosity and generosity . And whoever sees a ruler who cuts off his hands and feet without controversy, then he repents . And whoever sees that he has no hand, then he is a lover . And whoever saw from the governors that his hands and feet were cut off . It is isolated . And whoever saw that his hands were clenched indicated his stinginess . And whoever saw that he was walking on his hands, he used them for his pension . And whoever sees that he cuts his hands with a knife, he will marvel at something, because God Almighty says : ( When they saw him, they made him grow up and cut their hands .) And whoever saw that his oath was paralyzed, his livelihood would cease, or he committed a grave sin . And whoever sees his hand becoming gold indicates that what is in his hand has gone . And whoever sees that his hand has become the hand of a prophet, then God Almighty guides a people on his hands and drives goodness and blessing to him . And if he saw that he had cut his hand in a bowl of blood, then he would be at the risk of sedition . And whoever sees that he eats his hand or part of it, then he does something that he regrets, or it is unjust, because God Almighty says : (And on the day the oppressor bites on his hands ). The hand engraved with henna is a humiliation, need, or necessity . And whoever sees his oath being cut off, he will swear an immoral oath, and it may indicate theft, and whoever has his hands and feet cut off, he will die, and perhaps imprisonment, restriction or severe illness, and it may be poverty or need . And whoever has a hand so long that it has become like a spear, then he is unjust, he challenges people’s honor . And whoever has his hand cut off, he is absent from his family, or he turns away from his work, or is cut off from his womb, and he may stop incest and sin . The strange thing is, if he saw his hand cut off and blood flowed from it, he hit money and returned to his country . And whoever sees that his hands are raised, then he is poor from money or a lack of money from a son or brother or knowledge or news, and the hand indicates the industry that is issued by it, the pledge of allegiance, and the covenant . Perhaps losing a hand indicates the need for the question . And perhaps a good hand indicated victory over the enemies . Whoever saw that he was shaking his hands indicated a void of work and a boycott . The wealth in the hand is evidence of the corruption of religion . And whoever has lost his hands and is one of the people of obedience, his trust in God Almighty is good . And if his hands increased, he indicated his greed for the world and his interest in winning it . And whoever has the hand of seven, misses the prayer and follows the desires . And whoever becomes left-handed, it is benefit and livelihood, because after hardship is ease . See also the palm ….

…As for the lesions of the hand : The lesion on the hand indicates the distress of the brothers . On her fingers, she points to the children of the brotherhood . And whoever sees that he has no hands, he will ask for what he does not reach . And whoever sees it as if he shakes hands with a Muslim man and takes off his hand, he pays him a trust and does not pay it . And whoever sees as if his right is still cut off, then he is a man of swearing, and whoever sees as if his right is cut off and placed in front of him, he will hit money from his earnings . The lack of a hand is an indication of a lack of strength and aides, and perhaps cutting the hand indicates leaving a job that is in the pipeline . If he sees as if his hand was cut off from the palm, then it will not happen to him, and if it is cut from the joint, then it affects the injustice of a ruler, and if it was cut from the upper arm and gone, his brother died, if he had a brother . For God Almighty says : ~ We will strengthen your arm with your brother .~ If he does not have a brother or someone to take his place, then his money is reduced, and if he sees that a governor cut off the hands and feet of his flock, then he takes their money and spoils their earnings and pension . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw as if his hand had been cut off, and he said : This is a man who does a job and turns on him to someone else . As a carpenter, he switched to another job . Another man came to him and said : I saw a man had his hands and feet cut off, and another was crucified : He said : If you believe your vision, remove this prince and someone else’s guardian . So he isolated from his day smart bin Madrak, and the guardian of Jarrah bin Abdullah . If he saw as if a ruler cut off his oath, he forcibly took a false oath . If he sees as if he has cut off his left, then that is the death of a brother or sister, the interruption of the intimacy between him and them, or the cutting of a womb, the separation of a partner, or the divorce of a woman . If he saw that his hand had been cut off at the door of the Sultan, then the king left his hand . As for the shortening of the hand, it is an indication of missing what is meant and being unable to do what is meant, and the agents and brothers failing it . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw that his right is longer than his left, and he said : This is a man who does the favor and reaches the womb . And whoever saw that he was short forearms and forearms, his visions indicated that he was a thief, a traitor, or an oppressor . If he sees his arms and arms longer than they were, then he is a brave, generous crook . As for paralysis of the hands and their joints, whoever sees as if his hands have been paralyzed, he is guilty of a grave sin . If he sees his oath being paralyzed, he strikes an innocent and oppresses weak . If he saw that his left hand was crippled, his brother or sister died, and if his thumb dried out, his father died, and if his index finger dried, his sister died, and if his waist dried out, his brother died . And if the ring dried out, he hit his daughter . And if the pinky dried up, he was injured by his mother and his family . If he sees a warp behind his hand, he avoids sins . And it was said that he is gaining a great sin, for which God will punish him . And whoever sees his hands and feet cut off from disagreement, then he will increase corruption or get out of authority . For the Almighty said : “The reward for those who fight God and His Messenger is the reward ” verse . And it was said that whoever saw his oath was cut off, then he was stealing, because God Almighty said : ~ So cut off their hands .~ A man saw as if his hand was cut off, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A brother, friend, or partner is cut off from him, so he told him that a friend of his had died . A man saw that his hand had been cut off by a well-known man, so he said : You will receive five thousand dirhams on his hand if you are concealed, otherwise you will end with something wrong on his hand ….

…And if he sees his hand falling short of what he wants from working with it and oppression or withered, then its interpretation in the same hand and ability does not obtain what he wants, and he is let down by those who seek his help . And if he sees in his hand the virtue of strength and relaxation in oppression, then his interpretation is in his hand and his ability to do what he wants, and the aid of those who seek help from him, and there is another aspect in it, that its length, shortness, strength and weakness is a product of its owner, to whom the hand becomes, and a hand of good hands In his view, as was the saying of Abu Bakr and Saeed bin Al-Musayyib, they used the phrase ~vision~ with names and their meanings, and relied on that vision . If he sees that his hand has weakened, opened, dried up, or its wind stinked : excluding others of the prey, then this is a corruption of the work of its owner, to what it has become, or he left its completion with him, or a weakness of his power over him . If he sees that his hand has turned the hand of a prophet from among the prophets or some of the righteous, then see how that prophet or that righteous was like in the one who guided God on their hands from misguidance, or who saved him from perdition, and how his destiny was among his people, what he suffered from them of harm, and how it was The consequence of their command and command, so also God guides a people by the hand of the visionary, and it is the hand that has been described, and by which God delivers a people from misguidance to guidance, and whatever harm is caused in that, similar to what the Prophet met in God, so his condition and his deeds are in its consequence, like the crafts That Prophet, and this is an honorable vision that only people of virtue and met with hardly see . And whoever sees such a vision in particular without the people of virtue, piety and ability, and whatever it is described is impossible for it to be accepted and rejected ….

…And whoever sees that his hand has been transformed into the hand of a ruler, he will gain authority and run on his hands like what happened at the hand of that Sultan, whether he was righteous or wronged ….

…The inscription : Originally, it indicates joy and honor if the garment is not stained with it. If the garment is stained with it, it indicates a disease and that the one who stained it with it falls into it and throws it with a defect, and his innocence of that defect appears to people . And he may stain his robe in wakefulness as he saw it . The supply is extended and elevated, and the book is strength . Whoever sees in his hand a book that attains power, because God Almighty says : “ O Yahya, take the book with strength .” The book : A well-known news if it was published, and if it was sealed, it is a hidden news . And if it is in the hand of a boy, then it is good news, and if it is in the hand of a servant, then it is news of good news and joy, and if it is in the hand of a woman then he is expecting something in joy . If it is published and the woman is veiled, then it is a hidden news that he orders him to do . If she is good-looking and beautiful, then it is news and a command in which there is good praise, and if the woman is a savage, then it is news about a beast . And whoever sees folded books in his hand, he will die soon, because God Almighty says : “ On the day we fold the heavens like we fold the books for books .” If he sees that he has taken a leaflet from the imam, then he will obtain authority, bliss and grace if it is possible, otherwise he will be afraid of slavery . If he saw that he carried a sealed book to a person, he should refer it to him . If he was a sultan and an army came to him, then they were defeated . Although he was a trader, he lost his trade . If he was engaged, he did not get married . If he sees his book with his right hand, it is better . If there is a quarrel, doubt, or confusion between him and a person, then the statement will come to him . And if he is in torment that will bring relief, because God Almighty says : “ We sent down to you the Book, to clarify everything and is guided .” If he is insolvent, distressed, or absent, then it is easy for him and he returns to his family gladly . Taking the book with the right is all good, and if he gives his book with his left hand, he will regret doing what he did . And whoever takes a book from a person with his right hand, he will receive the most honorable thing for it . For God Almighty says : ~To take us from him with the right hand .~ And if an unbeliever sees in his hand a Qur’an or an Arabic book, then he is let down or falls into distress, distress or distress . Whoever looks in a newspaper and does not read what is in it is an inheritance he will receive . And it was said that he who saw as if he had torn a book, his anguish and sedition were removed from him, and he obtained good . Likewise, if the believer sees with his hand a Persian book, he will be humiliated and distressed . And whoever saw that he had a sealed book, he would submit to a king, and his investigation would seal it . Because Belqis turned to Solomon, peace be upon him, when he delivered a sealed book to her, and one of the reasons for the book was her entry into Islam . And whoever saw that he had given him a newspaper and found a piece that was wrapped in it, it is running with a rope . Ibn Sirin said : Whoever sees that he is writing a book, he is gaining a forbidden gain because God Almighty says : “ Woe to them from what their hands are written, and woe to them from what they gain .” The inscription : On the hand of a man is a trick that tracks humiliation, and women have a trick to acquire . And whoever sees that a verse from the Qur’an is written on his shirt, then he is a man who clings to the Qur’an . Writing with the left hand is ugly and delusional, and children may be born to him from fornication, or he may become a poet ….

…As for the perpetrator : A friend, partner, or hired employee, and his shoulder is a woman, and his shoulders are his adornment, beauty and recklessness, so what he saw in them of a state or event, he is with these . And it was said that if the awaits were thick and good in flesh, it indicated manliness and strength in business, and indicated in the detainees the length of time in prison, so that they could bear the weight of their chains . If he sees something wrong with him, then it indicates the brothers’ sickness or death, because those who are bound are brothers . And a man saw as if he wanted to see one of his shoulders and was not able to do that, so he suggested that he was blind, that is a duty, because he could not see the shoulder on the side of the one-eye . As for the right hand, it is a reason for the man’s pension, money, and charity, and the length of the hand in the interpretation of the governor is victorious, the trader has a profit, and the marketer is savvy . It was said that the length and strength of the Imam’s hands indicates the strength of his assistants and the increase in his life, and his vision of their bones is an increase in his money . If he saw as if they had turned marble, he happily extended his life . It was said that the two hands are correct in interpretation and their goodness indicates good reception and giving, and it was said that the right hand indicates the relatives of men, and the left hand humiliates the women of them, and if he sees as if he lost one of his hands, this indicates the loss of some of his relatives through absence or death . If he saw as if he had put his hand under his armpit and brought it out with a light, then he would gain knowledge if he was from his family, or a profit if he was a merchant . And if she goes out and has a fire . Because he attains power, pride and pride in his matter, which he takes, and if he takes it and has water, then it is money . As for the extra hand : with the two hands, it is an increase in the state and power, and indicates a child or the arrival of an absentee, or a brother born to him . If he sees that he is left-handed, then he is more difficult . If he saw that he was working with his left hand on his own effort, he finally got his need . The extension of the hands indicates generosity, and if he sees as if he is walking on his hands, then he depends on his matter on some of his relatives, and if he sees as if he sees with his hands as he does with his eyes, then he touches a lot with those who are forbidden to him . And whoever sees as if his right hand is his word good, his life will improve . If he saw as if the North spoke to him well, then thanked his relatives, and if they spoke to him or one of them with a rebuke, that indicates his bad action . If he saw that his right hand was made of gold, then his partner or wife died . And whosoever his hand is desired, the hand of his authority will be transformed, because he will gain authority, and what happened on his hands by that authority, in terms of justice or injustice . If he saw that he had two wings, two sons were born to him ….

…Whoever sees that he is walking on his hands or his stomach, or his hand and his leg, or something other than the tongue, then each of that is righteousness or immorality and the one to whom the member is attributed shall be guided by it in that, and whoever sees that he is bound by a religion in a dream while he acknowledges it and does not know it in waking life, then This is the consequences of the sins that surrounded him, and the actions of sinful acts that met him punishable in this world, or the affliction or some of the calamities of this world ….

…As for the fingers : a brother was born, according to what was said that the hand is a brother . And intertwine it without a tight hand . And engaging in the work of the household and the sons of the brothers, with a matter that they feared for themselves, and they pretended to pay it and its sufficiency . And it was said that the fingers of the right hand are the five daily prayers, the thumb is the Fajr prayer, the forefinger is the noon prayer, the middle finger is the afternoon prayer, the ring finger is the sunset prayer, the pinky is the dark prayer, and its shortness indicates shortcomings and laziness in it, and its length indicates his preserving the prayers, and the fall of one of them indicates abandoning That prayer . And whoever sees one of the fingers in the place of the other, he will pray that prayer at the time of the other . If he saw as if he was biting a human being, he indicates the bad manners of the bitten person, and the exaggeration of the bite in his discipline . If he sees milk coming out of his thumb, and blood from his index finger, while he is drinking from them, he should approach the mother of his wife or her sister . The cracking of the fingers indicates ugly words between his relatives . If the imam saw an increase in his fingers, that was an increase in his greed, his decency, and his lack of fairness . And it was narrated that Harun al-Rashid saw the angel of death, peace be upon him, had represented him, so he said to him : O king of death, how long have I left? He pointed to him with five fingers spread out from his palm, so he watched in horror, weeping at his visions, and he narrated them on a size that is described by the expression. He said : O Commander of the Faithful , he told you that five things he knew with God, which this verse brings together : “ God has the knowledge of the hour . ” The verse . Aaron and Farah laughed . The fingers of the left hand are the children of a brother and sister, and the nails are the ability of a man in this world, and the white of the nails indicates the speed of memorization and understanding, and seeing the nails in the amount of saladin and the world . And the treatment by it is evidence of fraud in collecting the world, its length with its goodness, money and clothing, and the preparation of an enemy weapon, or an argument or money, in order to avoid their evil . And its length, such that it is afraid of its breakage, is evidence of someone else taking charge of spoiling something in his hand, because he is overusing his ability . He pays zakat al-fitr, and if he sees it as though an old man has ordered his pen, then if he finds it, he orders him to make the commitment of himself and uphold his honor . Dyeing a man’s fingers with henna is evidence of a lot of armament, and dying a woman’s fingers with henna indicates her husband’s kindness to her . If he saw as if he had made her fall, she did not accept the pigmentation, then her husband did not show her love . If the man saw his palm faded by a monster, he would have toil in his pension, and if his right hand was pigmented by a monster, his visions indicated that he was killing a man . If he sees that his hands are dyed with henna, then he shows what is in his hand of good or evil, or of his money or of his earnings or his industry . If he sees his hands engraved with henna, he is trying a trick from the house, to spend some of the house furniture at his expense due to his lack of earnings, and his enemy insults him, and he gets humiliation . If a woman sees her hand engraved, he is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is right . If the inscription was clay, it indicated a large number of praise . If she saw the engravings of her hands mixed together, she would have injured her children . If she sees that her hand is cast with gold or engraved with it, then she pays her money to her husband or gives her joy from him, and if a man sees that he has been impregnated or engraved with gold, then he is deceiving a trick in which his money or his livelihood will go . The armpit hair : the length of proof of the need for Neil, the verse : ~ and Admm your hand to your wing white out of non – poor ~ and shows the religion of the owner and generosity . If he sees a lot of armpit hair, then he is a man who asks his executioner to collect money in knowledge, guardianship, trade and so on, and he does not return to the woman and religion . If there is much less, it indicates the large number of children ….

…Her hand dried up in Manan 88 – on the authority of Hashan bin Hassan on the authority of Wasel Mawla Abi Ayyainah, on the authority of Musa bin Ubaidah, on the authority of Safiya bint Shaybah, who said : I was with Aisha – may God be pleased with her – and a woman came to her with her hand and he made women curse her and she said : I came to you except for my hand My father was a man of tolerance, and I saw in a dream men who were menstruating with watering vessels watering the one who came to them, and I saw my father, I said : Where is my mother? He said : Look, then I looked, and if my mother had nothing on her but a piece of rag, he said : She never gave charity except with that rag and fat from a cow they slaughtered, because that fat melted and softened with it, and she said and thirsted, she said : So I took a vessel of vessel and watered it, and I called from above : Whoever gave it to drink, God will dry his hand So my hand became as you can see…

…The palm of the hand is in a dream the strength of a man, and the stretching of the palm is the expansion of his worldly life, and his shakiness is the expansion of his worldly life . And if he sees that hair has grown in his palm, then he will suffer grief and debt . And it was said : It is money that he proclaims from his hand . If the hair grows on the back of the palm is strong, or its money is gone . And whoever saw his palm hanging and was connected to the Sultan, he would have a benefit and goodness, even if he was a hunter, he hunted a lot, and if he was the owner of a property that won the benefit . And whoever sees that he is small, he will become a coward weak in himself . And stop things . And whoever sees a hand and is afraid of something, he will stop doing it . And whoever sees his palm wide open is evidence of his abundance of livelihood and generosity, and if he sees it arrested indicates his stinginess and lack of goodness . Cessation if good was evidence of cessation . Evil and disobedience to God Almighty or the cessation of charity . Perhaps a good cessation indicated acceptance of supplication . Cessation and rest is a relief from fatigue or finding comfort for others . And it was said : Seeing the palm denotes six aspects : livelihood, money, presidency, children, courage and distance from the forbidden . See also the hand ….

…Cutting off the hand means cutting the hand in a dream indicates abandoning prayer, or cutting off the question is riches that are attained or repentance . And cut off the hand and the man from the disagreement of corruption in religion . Cutting the tongue nullifies an argument, or charity to him by cutting his tongue off the question . And whoever sees that his members have been cut off, he will travel and move away from his family, his son, and his tribe ….

…It felt that it flew out of his hand and remained his string or feathers or something from his machine in his hand , he is interpreted ) the wrath of the king of him and rob his grace and his deportation and later in his hand , something few of his money ….

Hand If you see beautiful hands in your dream, then you will enjoy a great privileged position and will rise quickly in your profession, but ugly and deformed hands indicate poverty and disappointments . If you see blood on it, this indicates unfair criticism and ostracism from your family members . If you have a wounded hand, someone will succeed in reaching what you are struggling hard to reach . If you see a hand separated, this means a lonely life, meaning that people will fail to understand your views and feelings . If you burn your hands, you will go beyond reasonable limits in your fight for wealth and fame and you will lose them to that . If you see your hands covered with hair, this indicates that you will not become an established element and leader in your circle . If you see your hands are huge, this indicates rapid progress in your affairs . If you see them smaller than they are, the opposite is hoped . If you see your hands stained, this indicates that you will be envious and unjust to others . If you wash your hands, you will participate in a celebration of joy . If a woman admires her hands in a dream, this indicates that she will gain and maintain sincere respect from the man whom you show to others . But if you admire the hands of others, you will be the target of the whims of a jealous man . If a man holds her hands, she will be drawn into forbidden associations . If she lets others kiss her hands, she will wish for a gossip preoccupied with her reputation. If she handles the fire without burning her hands, she will rise to a high position and commanding positions . If you dream that your hands are bound, this means that you will get into difficulties and by liberating them you will force others to submit to your orders ….

…And whoever sees that he has a lit candle in his hand, and someone extinguishes it, then he indicates that someone is envious of what is in it of ( grace ) . And whoever sees that he has a lit candle in his hand and lack of its light, then he indicates the lack of his grace and state . And whoever sees in his hand a candle that is not lit, then he indicates that something little has happened ….

…It is in a dream a covering and a covering . And the pigmentation in the beard is evidence of hypocrisy and dishonesty . And the depressing of the one who is worthy of him is pretending to be blessings and forcing the enemies, and evidence of security from fear, and for those who do not fit him, evidence of distress and distress, debts and abandonment of loved ones . And the ruling on the pigmentation of the woman’s head is the same as the rule of pigmentation of the hair of the beard . And the darkening of gray hair is strength, brutality and prestige, and if he sees that he dyed it with henna, then it is Sunnah according to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace . If he shakes his head without his beard, it conceals his boss’s money . If he betrayed them all, then he conceals his poverty and asks for a face among the people . If before poetry the pigment, it is beautified with contentment and then is revealed . If he saw that he was dyed with henna, and before the pigmentation, then he is an ignorant man, but he repents and turns away from his error . And if a man sees that his fingers have been pigmented with henna, then he increases praise, and if he sees his palm being shaved, he will gain bliss in his livelihood, then he sees that his right hand has been cast, then he kills a man. From his money, or from his earnings . If he sees that his hands are engraved with henna, then he is trying a trick from the house due to necessity or lack of gain, and his enemy is insulted by it, and perhaps he is almost famous for his gaining of his hands, and he attains humiliation . If a woman sees that her hand is engraved, then she is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is true, and if the engraving is of gold, then it is a politely acquired trick . And if the inscription is of clay, then it is praise to God Almighty, and if she sees that she was doused with henna, then her husband is good to it, and if she sees that she has applied it and she does not accept the pigment, then her husband does not show her love . If she sees that her hands are engraved with each other, then she will be infected with her children . If a man’s hand is engraved with gold, he is deceiving, and his money or his livelihood is lost in it . If a woman sees that her hand is cast with gold, then she pays her money to her husband so that he can eat it and receive from her husband joy, strength and state . And whoever saw that his legs were shaved, and he had engraved them, then he would hit his family, and if a woman saw that, she would be injured by her husband . The piggy hand is a grim living . And whoever dies his hand in a carcass, he will attain sedition . And whoever sees his hands pigmented has overlooked the destruction of what is in his hand . And whoever sees a pigment in his hand with a taut rag, he is defeated in the quarrel and is incapable of his enemy . And pigmentation is a decoration and joy for women and men, unless they go beyond the ordinary . And depigmentation indicates concealing deeds and obedience, concealing poverty from people’s eyes, and perhaps indicating hypocrisy and hypocrisy if it is dyed in contrast to Muslims . And the feathers of the hands and the feet decorate his house, his slaves, and his money, in a way that is not appropriate for him to wear silk and gold for the children, and for women it is pleasure, good clothes and joy, because it is one of their adornment at wedding . And the hemoglobin may be located in the hands and feet, like the action of women. He was very afraid of his money or his companion, as far as hemoglobin . And whoever sees that it is dyed without henna, what he hates will happen to him . The blackening of the hair indicates the misfortune and corruption of business, because it is said : The first to be blackened is Pharaoh ….

…If in a dream there is obedience answering, this indicates a power that accompanies him in Hashim, because Bazzi is capable of over the bird . If he sees that he is calling for camouflage, he will obtain a lethal army from the elite Arab soldiers . Al-Bazi is a man of prestige, masculinity and honor, and whoever takes him will have a son . And if he was from the people of the emirate, he gained authority . If it flew out of his hand and left his leg, his possession would go away and the remembrance of it remained, and if something of the feathers remained in his hand, something of the king would remain in his hand . And the bazza slaughtered the death of the kings, and their meat was eaten by the Sultan . And whoever saw a Bazzi on his hand and was one of the sons of kings, he attained authority, even if he was a vulgar, he won the presidency and thought of praise among the people . If Al-Bazi kills in his home, he will be victorious as a thief . If he saw a camel that landed in a locality, thieves entered it with their number, and if he saw that a buzzard got out of his seat he accompanied a man who was eating the forbidden, or he sheltered in his home . And Al-Bazi denotes thieves who cut openly, and Al-Bazi denotes glory and power, victory over enemies, the attainment of hopes and adornments of children and husbands, the Mamelukes and the concubines, the precious money and health, the release of worries, the health of eyes, and the abundance of travels . Perhaps it indicates death in order to gain lives, and it indicates imprisonment, restriction and misery in the restaurant and the drink . And whoever sees that the buzzi has gone away from him, then his power goes away from him, and if there remains in his hand his thread, or something of his feathers, then his power is gone and money remains in his hand as much as what remains in his hand of the buzzi, and whoever sees that he has bought a buzzard to hunt with it, then he will be on work, and he is sent in it. Workers for whom money is given . And it was said : The death of the buzzard indicates the destruction of the oppressors ….

…And Al-Salmi said, ~Whoever saw in the fingers of his right hand Zina or Shin, then expresses it in the five prayer, as well as if he saw in the fingers of his left hand, then his interpretation of the brother’s children .~…

…And whoever sees that he grinds with his hand, he will suffer a lot of good and spend from the work of his hand, and this may indicate marriage or conciliation ….

…If he saw as if he had taken his hand, then money would fall into his hand from a hopeless face ….

…And whoever sees that his hand is tied to his neck, it indicates the miserliness of the Almighty saying, ~ Do not make your hand tied to your neck .~…

…As for the fingers, Ibn Sirin said, the five fingers of the right hand indicate the five prayer, so the thumb is the morning prayer, the forefinger, the afternoon and middle prayers, the afternoon prayer and the ring finger, the evening prayer, and the fingers of the left hand are interpreted by the children of a brother ….

…And whoever thinks that one hand is whiter than the other, then he will escape from the evil and gain victory for those who contradict him for the Almighty saying, “I walk your hand in your pocket, and it will come out white without evil . ” The verse ….

…And it was narrated that a man saw that he was eating at a table, so whenever he reached out his hand to it, the hand of a blond dog came out from under the table and he ate with him, so he narrated his vision on a crossing and said that if your vision is true, then a boy will share with you in your family, so he examined the matter and found it as mentioned ….

…As for the two men, they refer to the parents, two brothers, and the two partners, whoever thinks that an accident occurred in them, then his interpretation of them, and as for the upper arms, they are brothers or two sons, he has realized. And his friend and the alimony he saves, and the length of the hands is an estimated increase and their shortness is against that. And whoever saw that his hand was cut and parted from it, his brother, partner or friend died, or what was interrupted between them in terms of continuity and harmony, and it may have been cutting an oath to swear by it and perhaps it was cutting a work or other than a living, or it would cut off his mercy. The seer is one of the people of righteousness who is cut off from incest, and it was said that seeing the hand cut off is a charge of stealing or being a thief. And whoever sees that his left hand is cut off, connects his kinship and sees in his family all good, and whoever sees that his hands or one of them is broken, it is a scourge that afflicts him, and whoever sees that one hand is whiter than the other, then it is He escapes from evil and conquers his opponents, and if he sees that he washed his hands and cleaned them, there is nothing wrong with him. And whoever sees that he cut his hand without pain, then his heart is attached to the love of someone, and it was said that the hands are cut off the length of life, and whoever sees that he walks on his hands, he depends on some of his relatives and who saw that he sprouted He has what he denies when awake, so it is not Mahmoud. And whoever sees that he has a hand in hand, then he stops sins, and whoever sees that he claps, it is on two sides it was said joy and pleasure, and it was said that there is no benefit in it and slapping the paws on the face indicates the occurrence of calamity…

…And whoever saw that his hand was cut off and he lost it, his brother, partner, friend, or clerk died, or what was interrupted between them in terms of continuity and alienation and alienation from him, and perhaps cutting the oath to an oath would swear by him wanting to cut off a person’s right and perhaps he was cutting off a work or something else from his livelihood or it would cut his mercy and it was said if was the seer of the people of righteousness is definitely about incest or issue of it is sincere faith, and was told the vision of hand cut or be charged with stealing a thief to the verse ~ and the thief and the thief ~ verse ….

…A book is power in a dream, so whoever sees a book with his hand will gain power . And the book is a famous news . If it is in the hand of a boy, then it is good news, and if it is in the hand of a woman, then it is expected . And whoever sees in his hand a folded book, he will soon die . If he sees his book with his right hand, and there is between him and a man of quarrels or doubts, then the statement will come to him, and if he is in agony, then salvation comes to him, and if he is insolvent and distressed, then his affairs are easy . And if he sees his book in his left, he regrets doing it . And the book on the right is a fertile year . And if an unbeliever sees in his hand a Qur’an or an Arabic book, then he is let down and falls into distress or distress . And whoever sees that he tore a book, his worries are gone, and temptations and evils are removed from him, or he will gain good. Likewise, if the believer sees with his hand a Persian book he will be afflicted with humiliation and distress . And whoever saw that he had received a sealed book, he obeyed a king and obeyed him, and he obtained the good, the presidency and a pleasant state in which he obeys both the relative and the distant, even if he is engaged to a woman, he will win . And whoever sees a white book with no writing in it responds from the absent, his news is cut off . Perhaps the book indicates a sociable companion, and the book may indicate relief and innocence from sickness . If he is ignorant of what is in the book, his vision indicates fraud in the industry, anonymous selling, or an elderly woman ….

…And whoever sees that something has sprouted on his hand while awake, then it is not praiseworthy ….

…And whoever sees that his hand is cleared of him, then he is poor in money, knowledge, son or brother ….

…And whoever sees that he has a heavy sword in his hand that he cannot carry, then it is a speech that he has no power with, and if there is an indentation in it, then he is incapable of what he means by speaking what he wants ….

…And whoever sees that he has a nut in his hand while it is clinking with it, then this indicates the conflict, and if the heart of the nut is rotten, then it is forbidden ….