Husband If you dreamed that your husband left you without knowing why, an argument will arise between you, but an unexpected reconciliation will take place. If your husband mistreated you and harshly reproached you for lack of loyalty, you will touch his care and confidence, but other troubles will be resolved . This dream warns you to be wiser and more conservative when accepting the admiration of other men . If you see your husband dead, you will be disappointed and sad. If you see him pale and anxious, the disease will take a heavy toll on you as one of the family members will remain bedridden for a period of time . If you see him cheerful and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and your signs of success will be bright . If he is ill in the dream, he will mistreat you and will betray you . If you dream that he has fallen in love with another woman, he will immediately abandon this environment and seek pleasure in other places . If you fall in love with another woman’s husband in your dreams, then this means that you are not happy in marriage and you are not happy without marriage, but the chances of happiness are suspicious . If a single girl dreams that she has a husband, then this means that she lacks the blessings that men admire . If you dreamed that your husband left you and while he was moving away he became larger, then the dissonant atmosphere of the environment will prevent rapid harmony . If the dead ends are avoided, harmony will return to what it was . If a woman dreams that she saw her husband in a suspicious situation with a party over whom there is no suspicion, this indicates that she will face a problem because of the folly of friends . If you dreamed that her husband was killed while he was with another woman, and his death was followed by a scandal, you will run the risk of separation from him or losing possessions . Unfavorable situations usually follow this dream, although evil is exaggerated at times ….

…But if she married woman a husband is not her husband in a dream : it enters them or benefit to the people of her home or her husband from a partner or shared born or assisted maker to serve him and his works ….

…The father of the husband or wife If you dreamed of the father of your wife, this indicates conflicts with friends or relatives . If you see him healthy and happy, then this foretells of pleasant family relations ….

…Le Barzoun : Grandfather of the man, so whoever sees that Barzouna is wallowing in dirt and dung, then his grandfather will rise and his money will grow . And it was said that the barzoon indicates the sub-wife, the slave and the servant, and indicates the grandfather, luck and livelihood, and the average pride between a horse and a donkey, and the blond of them is grief . And whoever rides with a barn from whom he is used to riding a mare, his stature will be revealed, his power diminished and his authority humiliated, and he may leave his wife and marry his mother . As for the one whose habit is to ride a donkey, he rides with a condom, the memory of which increases and his earnings increase, and his glory is high . This may indicate marriage to the free after the nation . And what is greater than the paradise, it is better in matters of the world, so whoever sees that his barbarism is in conflict with him, he is not able to hold him, then his wife will be in control of him, and whoever speaks to him the barzoon will get great money from his wife and his status will be elevated . If he sees that he is having a lair, then he will do a favor to his wife and not be thanked for it . Riding a peridot is also indicative of travel . And whoever sees that he is walking on the back of his barge, he will travel far and get good on the side of his wife, and whoever sees that he has rode and flew with him between heaven and earth, he travels with his wife and their status is elevated . If he sees that his wife is biting him, then his wife is betraying him . And the death of his wife’s death . And whoever stole his barge divorced his wife . The loss of the berths is the immorality of the woman . And whoever sees a dog that leaps on his barnacles, then a magical enemy will follow his wife . Likewise, if a monkey leaps on it, then a Jew follows his wife, and the bald eagle is in power, and the lions are money and saddle . And whoever saw that an unknown Birzoon entered his country without a tool, a non-Arab man entered that country . The female shrimp run the course of the female horse . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw that two men entered Ali, one of them on a perdition, and the other on a bald eagle, and with the owner of the bald eagles a penis was pierced with it . Ibn Sirin said to her : Fear God and beware of the owner of the bald eagles. When the woman left from Ibn Sirin, a man followed her from Ibn Sirin, so she entered a house in which a woman was accused of being the owner of the bald eagle . Ibn Sirin said when the woman left him . Do you know who is the owner of the bald eagles? They said no . He said : So and so is the writer, do you see the bald eagles whitish in blackness, and as for the adham, so-and-so is the owner of the authority of the Emir of Basra and not a helpless one ….

…Type I : Revelation abhorred They have the devil to do , and reciting self , which is called Bodgat dreams, which is due to the cunning of Satan and his deception and his hostility to humans . (1) An example of this kind is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Jabir may Allah be pleased with him from the Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that he told a Bedouin who came to him and said : I dreamed that my head was cut off, so we are following him, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, rebuked him and said : “ Do not tell that Satan is playing with you in a dream .” (2) In other Raaah Jaber said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him Tkd giving a speech , he said : to Aihdtn one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . ~ Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al – Uthaymeen said God ‘s mercy : The pipe dreams , it confused disorganized , and often that Tartuffe hated Satan Almighty said : ~ to pack those who Ouamno not Bdharhm nothing but God willing ~ ( argument : 10). (3) and this kind of visions he Adab six : first : to seek refuge with Allah from its evil , and this accusation is clear , Valastaazh legitimate all it is hated . second : to seek refuge with Allah from Satan . to talk : ~ if you saw a vision of hate Fletholh and spit on his left three times and ask God of goodness and seek refuge with Allah from the evil ~ narrated by Ibn Majah from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah marfoo and Narrated by Muslim , too . ~ (4) According to the novel in a Muslim from Jabir also : ~ Olistaz Allah from Satan ‘s three ~ came in a novel Muslim also : ~ Afilipsq left three times ~ that I will outline in : Third : to spit while paying attention from his sleep left three times . Any spit his left three times Besqa light ~ and the secret of this God knows ~ abomination to what he saw and contempt for the demon that I see that vision on the right is real , ~ singled out the left because it is the dirt , and triangulation in the previous novel Muslim confirmation ~ has responded with three words : Altfet be without saliva ~ and bagasse be with him saliva gentle . spitting and be with him saliva and most of bagasse . fourth : to change the side on which he was when he saw it , to his side with the second? the reason for this : optimistic about converting it and move perhaps there is another reason which edgewise place the devil , and so that vision turns from abomination to the beloved and moving from harmful to the good . fifth : not to mention it to one already , it has stated that a number of conversations correct them what Bukhari God ‘s mercy via Abu Sa’eed al – Radhi Ath with him and he said , ~ and reminds her of a it does not harm him ~(5). as provided us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor him ~ or on the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna what is appointed by them and what benefits him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – for now updated by , perhaps explained by the apparent harmed its image . And be a potential ~ falls estimation of God Almighty ~ and indicates that the hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man of a bird that had not crossed ~ If crossed signed ~, and talk good . (6) meaning : that vision if possible two – sided ~ crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that such a man lifting leg he is waiting for Matthew puts it . Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and so Taught us the Messenger of Allah that is not the lack thereof , but a mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly , but no doubt that it is restricted to whether the expression which tolerate vision , even on the face , and not an error purely , otherwise it is not the effect of him then , and I know God ~, has pointed out that the meaning of Imam Bukhari in the book expression of his Saheeh by saying : ( door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt ). evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ a poured some and missed some , ~ The Prophet peace be upon him did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be upon him is the second and the first to be approved, but it turned out wrong this . so do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views by Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ do not Tqsoa vision only scientist or mentor ~ in the novel :~ not only on Iqsa Wade, tightening signifier of an actor name friendliness . Narrated by Tirmidhi said Sheikh Albani : S His call is authentic according to the conditions of the two sheikhs, and the meaning of the previous hadith ~The vision is upon a man who is flying ~ means that it does not settle unless it crosses , as if it was on a flying man . ~ So it fell and fell where it crossed, just as the thing that is on the foot of the bird falls with the slightest movement, and this is a representative analogy. The fast flying bird has an object that falls with the slightest movement on its leg . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps and also provides us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor to him , or the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna What helps him and what is useful to him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – because the updated them , perhaps interpreted harmed on the visible image – and this is a potential , falls estimation of God , and shows that this hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man bird is not crossed , If crossed Signed , ~the hadith is good . Meaning : that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that what came from Abdul Razak said : vision lies on what crosses like Zllk like a man lifted his leg when he is waiting for places . (7) said Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and that taught us the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that is not the lack thereof , but the mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly ,, but which does not There is no doubt that this is restricted to whether the expression is something that the vision can endure even in a way , and is not a pure error , or it has no effect at that time and God knows best (8), and Imam Bukhari referred to this meaning in the book of expression from his Sahih by saying : ( Chapter of the one who did not see The vision of the first transient if not hurt ). Evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ A poured some and missed some ,~ and the Prophet peace be upon him , did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be His peace is the second and the first to be approved, but this turned out to be wrong . (9) Therefore, do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views : Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ Do not Tqsoa vision only to the world or mentor ~ (10) , in the novel : ~ Iqsa only on Wade and ~ tighten the signifier actor friendliness name , Tirmidhi narrated Shaykh al – Albaani : attributed correctly on the two sheikhs condition (11) , and the meaning of the former modern ~ vision of a man bird ~ it does not settle down unless express , It is as if it was on a flying leg, and it fell and fell where it crossed, as the thing that is on the man of the bird falls with the slightest movement. This is an analogy analogy, where the vision was likened to a fast-flying bird, and something was hung on its leg that fell with the slightest movement . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps in his Sunan in the book of Revelation bond Hassan Suleiman bin left Aisha , wife of the Prophet peace be upon him , said : A woman from the people of the city has a husband dealer, Tri was the vision of the more absent her husband, and rarely miss only left pregnant, comes the Messenger of All peace be upon him , says : My husband is a merchant came out Fterkny pregnant, and I saw as seen sleeping to force my house was broken and I was born a boy eyed , said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : ~ good , because your husband On you, God Almighty wills, a righteous one, and give birth to a boy with righteousness . You see were two or Tuesdays all that comes the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , says that her , goes back her husband and give birth to a boy . . Came a day as it was Tonah , and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him absent , it has seen that vision , I said to her : uncle you will be questioned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , O nation of God? And she said : a vision I saw it came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ask him about , he says : ~ good , shall be said, and I said : Tell me what? She said : Even the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him come and him, Voardha him as you introduce . Said Aisha : I swear that I left even told me, I said : God , that charity your vision to Imutn your husband , and bring forth a boy Vajra !! I stayed crying and said : Mali yen offered you my vision ?? entered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, crying said to her : ( doomed O Aisha ? ) So I told him the news and what was interpreted to her, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : “ What, O Aisha, if you cross over to the Muslim a vision, then pass it on for good, then the vision will follow what its owner crosses . ” Aisha said : So by God, her husband died, and I do not see her but she gave birth to a child who is a loner (12) . Conclusion that come out of this , that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity . so Jacob ‘s son Joseph forbade Iqss his vision to his brothers for fear of guile and envy him , stone son said : the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him That a vision occurs except for one who loves because he may interpret it to him in a way that he does not like, either with hatred or envy , it may fall from that quality , or hasten to Himself from that grieved and bothered , so he ordered to leave an update for those who do not like because of that . (13) VI : which asks when bad dream will also : prayer , and is indicated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him : ~ If he saw . SOLE what he hates , So let Vlaisal happen not by people .~ (14) and the wisdom of God and I know : that the prayer of every recourse is acting as slave fears that it is making about Almkarh . According to some scholars , it is a reading Seventh State of the chair but does not guide him, even if he read any of this chair in his prayers have achieved two things together, pray and read the state of the chair . And if he confines himself to doing some of what he mentioned, it will be sufficient to ward off its harm, God willing, as the hadiths stated . But it is better for him to do it all to combine the narrations . Ibn Qayyim said in Zaad : and when it did not harm him , but this vision Almkorhh drives evil . Al- Nawawi said : God made no mention of the reason for the safety impact of the Abomination vision also made charity and protection for money . . . And making supplication in it a response and payment of calamity and alms pay off the death of bad all this by the decree of God and ability . (15) _________________________________________________ (1 ) Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi – a reference earlier – p . 5 . (2 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh , as explained in the nuclear (27 \ 15 ) • op .. (3 ) say useful book on monotheism – Explanation of Sheikh : Mohammed bin Saleh Almosaman c 2 (4 ) Narrated prizes in the book of Revelation expression 0 door saw a vision of hate – op – Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /17 ) – op •. (5 ) See the opening (12 /369 ) , the book of Revelation from the door of the expression of God – op . (6 ) Modern classed ruling and Sundh Hassan , was narrated by Abu Dawood in the book of literature , the door of what came in a vision – a previous reference – and Rawa Tirmidhi in the Book of Revelation the door of what came in the expression of vision – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of the expression of Revelation chapter of Revelation If passed and signed not Iqsa only on the valley – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the first datum civilians interview with Abu Razin Oqaili foundling Ben Amer Muntafiq – op ~ and narrated recaps in the book of Revelation chapter of Revelation does not fall unless they reflect 0 published Library scientific – Beirut . (7 ) see : Fath al – Bari Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /432 ). (8 ) series of conversations correct , c 1, p . 28, i 2 , the information Office 1399 of . (9 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt , as in Fath al – Bari (12 /431 ), and Muslim in the book of Revelation , as in the nuclear explanation (15 /29 ), – Reference former -, and will come talk by stating in p 101 . (10 ) Narrated by Tirmidhi in the book of Revelation chapter in the interpretation of Revelation what is recommended and hates them – op – and directed recaps in the book of Revelation that the door of hatred vision reflects only the world Or mentor – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of Revelation expression crossed the door of vision if not signed Iqsa only on the valley – a previous reference . (11 ) correct chatter series – op (1 /26 ) .. (12 ) , the narrators of the drama in his Sunan – op – (2 /131 ). (13 ) expansion See : awn Reni – op – (1 /176 ). And Ibn Hajar – previous reference (631/12). (14 ) Narrated by Imam Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /21 ) – Weighted ex – Abu Dawood in the book of literature at the door of what came in a vision – op -, and prizes in the book of Revelation expression of the door of Revelation three – a reference earlier . And Ahmad included it in his Musnad in the rest of the Musnad of the many – a previous reference – and the Darami in the Book of the Revelation Chapter of the Vision Three – a previous reference – and al – Tirmidhi in the Book of the Revelation chapter of what came in the vision of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the scale and the bucket – previous reference -. (15 ) expansion See : Explanation of triplets of Imam Ahmed Saffarini (1 /177 ) – op – and explain Muslim – Nawawi (15 /18 ) – op – and Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah , achieving Shoaib Abdul Kader Aloriaaat , spread the message organization , Al – Manar Library Islamic , i 13, the date of 1406 of (2 /459 ). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi ….

…And whoever sees that his wife has given him another husband or a woman, then he leaves her or quarrels with her ….

…It is rare that a woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said, O Messenger of God, I saw as if the pillar of the roof of my house had broken and said : Your husband is coming from traveling . Or as he said, then the woman went and kissed her husband, then after that she saw that and she came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, but she did not find him, so she came to Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, and told her the vision, your husband will die, and what is meant by this is that her first vision was her husband ) absent so he accepted and the second time her husband was present and the chapters Different ….

…And the hair of the head : money and longevity, and the bridle differs according to the person who dreams, and if a person of goodness sees it on his head, then it is an increase, protection and prestige for him . And if a rich man sees it, then it is his money . A poor man saw it, it is his sins . Good head hair is honor and glory, and if he sees his hair frizzy and flat, then he is honored and honored . If he sees his curly hair a tribe, then he is humbled and becomes without what it was . And if a long tribe sees it scattered, then the money of its chief is dispersed, and if it is soft and soft, then it is an increase in the money of a chief and it was said whoever saw that he had long hair and was pleased with him, then he is praiseworthy, especially in women, for they use the hair of others in adornment . Ibn Sirin used to hate the whiteness of the hair for the young man, and gray hair says lack and worry if the hair is long . If he sees that, a poor person will meet with his poverty a debt, and perhaps imprisonment . The saw : he pluck Shaibah, it is contrary to the Sunnis and underestimates Balmchaakh, the young man saw the whites of his hair in the coming of it is absent it . It was said that gray hair in hermeneutics is an increase in dignity and religion . And it was said that it is the increase of Umar, because God Almighty said : ~ Then you shall be old .~ And it was said that whoever sees his head gray, he is born for it, because God Almighty says : ~And the head ignited a young man.~ It was narrated that Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf saw his head and beard turning white, and Abd al-Malik bin Marwan met with agony and distress, and he changed his affairs . As for the woman, if she sees all of his head graying, her vision indicates the immorality of her husband . If her husband is a good man, he is contrasting her with another wife . If not, then he will be afflicted with grief or sadness . As for a man’s wolf, it is Ibn Mubarak if he is married, and if he is celibate, then she is a beautiful slave girl who buys her according to the number of every she-male, and likewise for the woman, the son of a chief, and indicates the fertility of the Sunnah, and as for the blackness of a woman’s hair, it indicates two things : one of them is her husband’s love for her, and the second is his husband’s straightness . If a woman sees that she has uncovered her hair, then her husband is absent from her . If she saw that she had not removed her head, then her husband would not return to her . If she does not have a husband, then she has never been married, and if she sees that she feels thick and people see that from her, then she becomes clear about something ….

…In a dream, it is the striving and pursuit of man, and the greatness of the two paradises was the best of worldly affairs . And it was said : the woman is the bardoon, so whoever sees that he is desperate, and he is not able to hold him, then his wife will be in control . If he spoke to him, he obtained from his wife great money and was elevated . If he sees that he is marrying a virgin, then he feigns favor with his wife and she does not thank him for that . And it was said : a barzoon is a journey, so whoever sees that he is walking on the back of his barzone, he will travel far and get good from his wife . If he saw that he was riding and flew between heaven and earth, he would travel with his wife, and his status would be elevated . If he sees that his barzone is wallowing in dirt and dung, then his struggle increases, and his money grows and increases . If he dies with his barge, then it is the death of his wife . And whoever stole his bargaining chip, he would divorce a woman . And whoever sees that his barzone is lost, he detonates his wife . And whoever sees that the dog leaps on his barnacles, then he has a magical enemy that follows his wife, and likewise if a monkey leaps on him, then he is a Jewish man, and the blond of the shoots indicates the grief of its owner . It is felt that the king of the king Brdhuna woman or a servant . And it was said : the barathon indicates a quarrel or indicates a foreign man . And whoever sees that he is riding a humiliated, humiliated, hurriedly, he will suffer good and happiness . And it was said : Whoever sees that he is riding a parachute and his habit is to ride a mare, then his stature falls and his value decreases, and he may leave his wife . And whoever used to ride a donkey, then he saw in a dream that he was riding with our permission, then his remembrance would rise, his earnings would increase and his glory would be higher . This may indicate free marriage after the nation . And the barathons shouted the immorality of the woman . The bald eagle is power, and the black is money and glory . And whoever sees as if an unknown barathon entered a town, then that country will be entered by a foreigner . The Albazhon Adham has authority ….

Wife If you dreamed of your wife, this indicates unstable and discordant matters in the house . If you dream that your wife is abnormally nice, then this means that you will make a profit from an important business adventure . If a wife dreams that her husband is flogging her with a whip, this foretells that unfortunate influences will cause harsh criticism at home, and this dream will be followed by general turmoil ….

…The second type of visions of what would be self – talk , and the work of vigilance , and may help them psychological concern, , and stress intellectual . An example of this many occurrence especially in this era abounded in which concerns and overwhelmed the article sometimes , and the pressures of life at other times , we find some before sleep thinks business Besvqath and some think about a new career , and some Bamthanh early in the morning , do not forget the women who frequently overnight with this type also Vtjd Some of them think about their problem with their husbands before sleeping , for example , and so each of them sleeps, and then these thoughts and worries or hopes and pains within each one of them turn into dreams or visions and this is very likely , and then this follows the question of many of them about these visions , which As I mentioned, it is nothing more than pipe dreams . And pressure in the language , the singular of it : compression, which is all that was gathered and seized by collecting the palm and the like, and in the revelation : “ Take a pressure in your hand, and I will strike with it and not perjury. ” It is said : He brought us with pressures of news , that is , with mixed strokes of it . Confused dreams : What was confusing them confused difficult interpretation , and called for mixing Odgatha Vhbht Bodgat plant which is : the package , which takes man from the ground where the small green and the ground and the big and so (1). It can be through the previous offer to note that these Alodgat are not disciplined , but are mixed equivocal , and this also sees some scientists come behind me for one of two reasons ( physical ) or ( myself ) One can either be in a healthy position physical oblique , or in the mood myself troubled , this is reflected on the man and his visions Vtakhtl sputtering and be Odgato divided into two sections : section I : pipe special dreams ; Any private owner only these abound in some categories at certain times Kalmrdy and Kaltalbh and students , such as exam or before a personal interview with one of the educational institutions such as universities , for example , and Kalmqublan to marry the next two employees to upgrade , and so on , and Hola by asking them before crossing Subtle facilitates the discovery of the type Their visions and they are nothing more than pipe dreams . Sayyid Qutb said in the shadows of the Qur’an : Dreams are a mixture of troubled dreams and not a complete vision that bears interpretation , as it does not refer to anything . A . A simple behavior , (2) and her example is the companion who saw his head cut off , and as if he saw the angels ordering him to do something forbidden . . . And other examples (3). Section II : pipe General dreams , and I mean the common folk here are significant for the whole nation as though where – in thought its owner – Bishara general , or public alarm or public event , CA NEWS policy , budget, salaries , vacations , and wars especially if these events or one of them has dominated and accounted for the atmosphere , you will find visions abound about this , see , for example visions after the events of September atheist , and plentiful during the US campaign in Afghanistan and noted the power of the media dominant and path for this campaign, ask yourself : Do you impact on the strong human Sharp or easy? These events have dominated the arena, so there is no voice louder than her voice, so her power becomes permeable to the minds , so if she succumbed to sleep she transformed into visions whose owner may think that they are good news or good news , specific to him or general to the nation , and it is not hidden today for everyone who has the predominance of passion, ignorance and intolerance for opinion Or group and lack of piety, religion, and piety among many people , then the example of someone who sees these visions is looking for someone who will express them to him , and he may anticipate the event and send them before asking about it via his e-mail or his mobile phone , so it becomes the talk of the hour , and the fruit of the councils in a short time ! Here I am not against a class or a particular group, but I am against ignorance, yes ignorance that may go a group or sect or Ani individuals claiming visions , and sedition campus and broadcast some of the interviews and confessions of some of those involved by , in favor of what I said and they were under the dominion of illusions and dreams , This applies to some of the Sufis who have always inferred visions in which the Messenger of God came to them, commanded them and forbade them , or favored a deed for them , and thus they put it in the degree of revelation that the Companions lost with the death of the Messenger of God , and they found him , Ibn Hajar said in (4): If the sleeper saw the Prophet, pray May God be upon him and grant him peace, commanding him to do something , is he obliged to comply with it and must : or must he present it to the apparent Sharia , for the second is the approved one . There is a difference between the rich and the chandeliers , yes . Visions of which have missionaries to an individual or group , or even a nation , but this is conditional on two conditions : First : there is a reference reliable exposure it this Alrai also presented a group of companions visions about much of the night on the Messenger of Allah , he said : ~ I see your vision connived in the seven nights , it was Mthariha Flethrha in the nights of the seven , ~ agreed (5), was Bukhari titled in his Saheeh ( door : collusion on the vision ), and Hafiz Ibn Hajar said commenting on the hadeeth : it follows from the talk that the consensus group on the vision of one D on sincerity And its health , as the power of news benefits from reporting on news from a group . Of . (6) The second : is the fairness of the seer and sincerity and not being a Hui , or a goal , or reckless , lived a case or convinced of the idea , Vsitrt his thinking , Vtmthelt his vision in a dream , and here distinguish between visions before the event , and the visions of case or after , And it is no secret that it is in the event of the event or after it, or weaker and weaker than it before it – just as it is not hidden for everyone interested in this art , so there is no lesson in the vision of a passionate , just as there is no lesson in the expression of Hui as well , so where is the reference that approves the visions as the Messenger of God? Wayne of similar companions honored the pure? _________________________________________ (1 ) ( glossary Intermediate 540 material : Dgt ( a group of authors published Dar Al Dawa 1980 – Cairo . (2 ) Sayyid Qutb – op – (4 /1993 ), and Muhammad Qutb – op – p . 6 . (3 ) Ibn Hajar opening 354 \ 12, op . cit . (4 ) see Fath al – op – (12 /389 ). (5 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (4 / 256 ) in the book Taraweeh prayers door petition for much of the night – op – – Muslim , as in the nuclear (8 /58 ) in the book of fasting door preferred night of treachery and urge their request – a reference earlier . (6) see Ibn stone – op – (12 /380 ) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi…

…** The vision is based on the first transient and from the vision that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, initiated twice or three times. It was signed according to his interpretation, then Aisha – may God be pleased with her – was assigned to it , in contrast to what the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, interpreted over him, so it signed according to Aisha’s interpretation – may God be pleased with her. it – this came as narrated by Suleiman son left Aisha wife of the Prophet peace be upon him – God bless them – said : a woman from the people of the city has a husband dealer different was you see a vision whenever missed by her husband and rarely miss only left pregnant comes the Messenger of Allah peace God be upon him, and she says : My husband went out as a merchant and left me pregnant, and I saw while the sleeper saw that my mast of my house was broken and that I gave birth to a blind boy, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : “The best of your husband is upon you, God Almighty wills is righteous and you give birth to a boy by righteousness. ” She used to see her two or three times all of that. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, comes and says that to her, so her husband returns and gives birth to a boy, and she came one day as she came to him, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was absent. She saw that vision and said to her : What do you ask the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, O nation of God? She said : A vision I was seeing, then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came and asked him about it, and he said good, so it will be as he said . So I said : So tell me what it is? She said : Until the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, comes and I bite her to him as I was offering. By God, I did not leave her until she told me, so I said : By God, if you believed your vision, your husband would die and give birth to a boy, then she sat down and cried and said : My money is when I showed you my vision. Her : ( What is her, Aisha ) ? So I told him the news and what it was interpreted to her, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : “ Ma Aisha, if you cross to the Muslim a vision, then cross it well, then the vision will follow what its owner crosses. ” So, by God, her husband died and I did not see her unless she gave birth to a bawdy son ….

…Sole : they are cruel, as for travel slippers, whoever wears them travels or travels, someone who shares his vision with him, or travels with money, and that if he walks in them in a dream . But if he wears it and he has hoped to travel, it may be completed and it may not be completed if he does not walk in it, and if he ceases to wear it or takes it off, he resides from his travel and reason through him . And if she is a slipper of water, then she is a wife or a slave-girl who benefits from her or her intercourse . As for the slippers of Taif or what merchants dispose of in the markets, it is an indication of money, acquisition, and pension . It may indicate the wife also if he walked with her during the role, bought her, or was given to him . If it is new, it is early, free, or current, and if it is old, it is worn, then it is dampened . If the sand is cut off, his livelihood is disrupted, or his industry is stagnant or hindered without an obstacle, even if his wife became angry with him and her betrayal appeared to him . And if her anklets were cut off and she was sick and perished, or disobedient, she was divorced, unless in a dream he was treated to fix it, or he promised to do that, or he settled that in himself, then she is discharged after menopause, and he reviews her after divorce . If he sees that he wore well-worn sandals and walks in them on the intended path, then he is traveling . If he wears sandals and does not walk in them, then he befalls a woman or a maid . Likewise, if he saw that he gave a shoe in his hand and took it or owned it or kept it with him in a house or a container, then he possesses a woman of what she described . If the sole is not worn, then it affects a woman or a maid, a virgin, and likewise if she is dressed and not worn . If the sole was of cowhide, the woman was foreign in origin . And if it was from horse skins, it was from the Arabs or from the Arabs loyal . Likewise if it was from camel skins . If he saw that he walked in two sandals, one of them was pulled off his leg and he went with the other, then this is the parting of a brother who has a sister or partner on the back of a journey, because when he walked in it he became in the interpretation of travel, when one of them took off his brother on the back of a journey . And if he was not a brother or a peer, and he saw his sole lost or fallen into a well or someone overpowered him, that was a case in his wife . If the sole becomes invalid after that, then his wife gets sick and then becomes healthy, or the woman has abandoned him or retired, or what is exposed to women from the same, then returns to her first state . If he saw that the sole was stolen from him and someone else wore it, then she replied to it or did not know it, then that is not good for its owner, because he assassinated his wife or slave-girl who was wearing it . If he sees that the sole has been snatched or burned until he has nothing or something like that left, then it is the death of his wife or his maid . If he sees that he has patched his sole, then he is managing his wife’s situation or having intercourse with her . If someone else patches it, there is no good in it in the naked women . If it is a slipper that is attributed to travel, then that travel is not completed . If he sees a sole without the leather of a shoe, something similar to it is despicable, or is attributed in interpretation to something other than that of the sole with a family, then the woman who is wearing it is attributed to the essence of that sole, whether it is goodness or corruption . And if it is from the soles that are attributed to a travel, then I attribute that travel to the essence of that shoe, whether good or bad, as described . And if he saw her traps, which he holds worn out or broken off weak . The state of its owner when he travels that, or in a woman treading on it is as much as the essence of the traps, its beauty, its strength and its appearance ….

…Taking off the sandal is a servant or a woman . And the desirable sole if a road and travel is on it, and if its bridle is cut off, it stays from a travel, and if its traps or its reins are cut off or the sole is broken, then a matter is presented to him that prevented him from traveling due to his dislike of it, and his will to travel according to the color of his sole. And if it was red, it was a pleasure, and if it was green it was for religion, and if it was yellow it was an illusion . Because he saw that he owned a shoe, and a woman’s king did not walk in it . Wearing them tied to a woman . If she was unheard, she was a virgin, and likewise, if she was dressed, she did not wear, and the woman was attributed to the color of the sole, and if he saw that he was walking in sandals, then one of them was removed from his leg, and he left a brother or partner . Wearing sandals while walking in them is a travel in land. If he wears them and does not walk in them, then she is a woman he marries . If he saw that he walked in his locality, he had intercourse with his wife . The hairy insole is money, and the foreshore is a woman . And the sole of the participant is a daughter, and if he sees it as if he wore new, hairy, well-dressed sandals, she did not associate with her or wore a virgin . If he sees as if her heel has been cut off, then she is an unbelievable woman . He was said to marry a woman without two witnesses . If she did not have the reins, he married a woman without a guardian . If he sees as if his sole is folded, and the lower plate is split and does not fall, his wife gives birth to a girl . If the plate becomes attached to the plate, the girl’s life will be prolonged with her mother, and if she falls, she will die . And whoever sees as if he has patched his sole, then he replaces the defect in the matter of his wife and improves intercourse with her . If someone else patches it, it indicates corruption in his wife, so if he pushes his sole to the shoe to fix it, then he helps his wife to commit an immoral act . If he sees as if he is walking with a sole, then he will divorce his wife or leave his partner . It was said that this vision indicates that he has intercourse with one of his wives without the other, or that he is traveling incomplete . If he saw as if his sole went astray or fell into the water, then his wife would oversee perdition and then deliver . If he sees a man who stole his sandal and put on it, then a man deceives his wife, knowing him and accepting that . And the sole of silver is free and beautiful, and of bullets is a weak woman, and of fire is a scathing woman, and of wood is a treacherous hypocritical woman, and the black sole is a rich woman with levity, and the soles of color are a confused woman . And from cowhide it is from the Persians, and from the Horse skins it is from the Arabs, and from the Leather of lions it is from the Dark of the Sultans . And the linen sole is a hidden woman who reads the Book of God, fluent . And it was said that taking off the sandals is safe and obtaining guardianship, because God Almighty says : “ Take off your sandals .” A man asked Ibn Sirin, and he said : I saw my shoes had gone astray, and I found them after hardship . He said : You seek money and then find it after hardship . It was said that walking in the sole is a journey in obedience to God Almighty, and Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw sandals on his feet and said : You travel to the land of the Arabs . And it was said that the sole indicates the brother . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I was walking in my shoes, and the bridle of one of them was cut off, so I left it and went on my own . He said to him : Do you have an absent brother? He said : Yes . He said : You went out to the ground together, so you left him there and returned? He said : Yes . Then Ibn Sirin reclaimed and said : I do not see your brother but he has left our religion . Ford mourning soon ….

…Khimar is in a dream the woman’s husband . It is for a woman to cover her and adorn her . If a woman sees that she has a rainy robe on her head, or she has a rainy garment on her, then her enemies want to fly her away with vanity and vanity on the part of the husband . If the khimar is black and worn out, then her husband is poor and foolish . The accident with the khimar is the misfortune of the woman in her husband, and if she does not have a husband then it is harmful to her money or calamity in the values ​​of her brother or uncle . If a man sees that he is wearing a mask, then he befalls a servant nation . If a woman sees that she has put her veil off her head in a gathering of people, she will be plagued by something that takes away modesty . If she sees that her veil is gone, her husband leaves her, and if he returns to her, her husband will return . Khimar is the human religion ….

…Al-Kirmani said: If a woman sees that she is in the markets and streets without a dress, then it is the death of her husband, and if he stole and the thief was interpreting to a man, then he is a person who reaches her husband, and if it is attributed to a woman then her husband is afflicted by a permissible woman, and it was said that if the woman misses what she puts on her head Whoever wears a dress, a veil, a mask, or something like that, and she did not find him with her head and hair uncovered. That was a bad reputation, or a divorce from her husband, a calamity occurring for him, a bad occurrence for her, or a calamity that interfered with her from the side of her sister, mother, or uncle, and the like, and if not She has a husband, so what is passed on to the husband will return to her, and if the woman sees that she is wearing a man’s turban, then she gets married, and if she sees that she is drunk or is convinced of something unusual, then she will replace her husband with someone else, and it was said that a vision wears what women wear on their heads if the man wears something of it, then it is exposed because of a woman Between people ….

…Hair is like head hair . In a dream he is money and longevity, so whoever sees his hair is long, his life will be longer . And if he sees that his tribe’s hair has become curly, then he should be humbled, and if it is the opposite, then the money of his ruler is dispersed . And it was said : A lot of poetry is his money, and if he is poor, then it is his debts . If he had curly hair in a dream, it indicates compensation with money, husbands, or clothes . And whoever sees his hair long, that is praiseworthy, especially among women . Braids are evidence of human debt . Removing mustache and armpit hair is evidence of debt relief, devotion and adherence to the Sunnah . And plaiting hair indicates mastery of things and saving money . And whoever sees his hair sprouted out of place, they will hit him . Shaving the hair at the time of Hajj indicates security . And it was said : Plucking hair indicates fulfillment of the religion of the seer . If the soldier sees that his hair is too long, his weapon will be increased . And whoever sees his hair as horse hair, he will be arrested if he is a thief . And whoever sees his hair become like pig hair, he will be hit by hardship . The abundance of poetry for the anxious is an increase in his concern, and the abundance of the delighted, an increase in his pleasure . The blackness of the woman’s hair indicates her husband’s love for her . If she saw that she revealed her hair, her husband would be absent from her . If she sees that she is still uncovered, then her husband will not return to her . If she does not have a husband, then she will never marry . And the length of the armpit hair is evidence of the need and the validity of the debt and generosity of the owner . If there are lice in it, it indicates the abundance of children . And whoever sees the hair of his head is lacking, it is they . And if he sees someone plucking his hair, then it is a misfortune in money, and whoever sees that he anointed his hair with oil, then this is his adornment . And whoever sees that he fades his head, he will see some of his faults . And whoever sees poetry sprouting in places where poetry does not grow, religion will abound for it . If hair grows in his palm, that is a benefit . And perhaps the hair of the head refers to the plantation, money, prestige, and the husband for a single woman, and the wife for a single man . Plaiting his hair indicates collecting money, and if lice are removed from his head, it means removing the corrupt from his land . Perhaps good hair indicated good deeds, and if a woman was curled up, she was sick and died . And the man felt his adornment, protection and lasting money . If he sees his body hair white and he is rich, he will lose his money . And if the woman sees that her hair is shiny and hot, then she is dispensing with her husband’s money ….

…Seeing marriage . As for marriage, whoever sees that he married a woman and has a wife, he will have authority and is as good as the woman’s beauty if he inspects her or knows her, and if he did not know her and did not inspect her or was named to him while she was unknown, this indicates his death or the death of a person at his hands, as well as if he saw a groom and did not see his wife or He knew her and whoever saw that he married the wife of his sheikh or his brother, then he would do much good, and likewise the woman would see her marriage of this kind. If he does not enter it or deceive her, and if he is victorious in that matter, it is not fixed, and some of them said seeing marriage indicates wealth and affliction with wealth and whoever saw that a woman married another husband, it is in three ways if she was pregnant and gave birth to a daughter or She is seeking to marry her or to fall between her and her husband, and whoever sees that he married a woman and deceived her, it indicates honor and the acquisition of property that he did not own, and if a woman sees that she is married heading to a husband while she is adorned and what she has reached, then it indicates that there is a benefit and pleasure for her as much as her adornment to her husband and her deceit. It indicates a benefit and pleasure for her b The extent of its adornment and whoever sees that he married something of an animal indicates that he is marrying a woman who is related to that animal…

…And his work according to the opinion of his wife, his occurrence in a long war and the departure of his king, then Adam, peace be upon him, when he obeyed his family, he saw what he saw . And contradicting his wife, the opposite of that ….

…The Sun : Originally the greatest king, because it enlightens what is in the sky from its counterparts, with its great benefit and disposes all people in its interests, and it may indicate the king of the place in which the vision is seen, and above it is higher than it indicates the sky to it, and it is the king of kings and the greatest of authorities, because God, glory be to Him The Exalted is the King of Kings, the mighty of the giants, and the director of heaven and those on it and the earth and those on it . And the sun may indicate the authority of the person who has the vision, if he sees it especially without the congregation and the councils, such as his princess, corporal, teacher, father, or husband if she is a woman, and perhaps the honorable woman as the king’s wife, president, master, his daughter, or his mother or the wife of the seer, or his mother Or his daughter, or her beauty . The poets liken the beauty of virgins to the sun in beauty and beauty . It was said that in the vision of Yusef, peace be upon him, it was a sign of his mother, and it was said, rather, of his maternal aunt, his father’s wife, and it was said that it was rather about his grandmother, and it was said that it was a sign of his father and the moon over his mother, all of this is permissible in the expression, and if the sun indicates the father, then he preferred her over the moon by light And the sunshine, and if it indicates the mother, let her feminine and remind the moon, so what was seen in the sun of an accident, its interpretation returned to those who refer to it from those who we described on the destinies of people and the magnitudes of the vision and its evidence and evidence . If a fallen woman is seen to the ground, or a bird swallows her, or she falls into the sea, or is burned by fire and her eyes are gone, or blackened and absent in a way other than her course from the sky, or she enters into a coffin, the one who is attributed to her will die . And if he saw an eclipse or cloud covered it and accumulated dust or smoke on it until its light diminished, or if you saw a ripple in the sky without stability, that was evidence of an accident happening to the one who added to it, either from sickness, worry, grief, distress, or worrying news, except that Whoever you indicate is ill in awakening, for that is his death, and if he sees it blackened without a reason for his deception or an eclipse, this is evidence of the added’s injustice and his injustice, or of his disbelief and delusion even if he took it in his palm or its possession in his lap, or it descended upon him in his home with its light and brightness He was able to possess his authority and pride with his possession, if he was one of those who befit him, or the arrival of the Lord of that status if he was absent, whether his son or his servant or his wife saw that, because he is the authority of everyone and the values ​​of the house, otherwise the pregnant woman was born if he had a maid or a boy who differentiated between The male and the female are seeking an increase in the vision, such as taking it and covering it under his garment, or inserting it into one of his vessels, and he will testify that in it by the hidden females, and whoever indicates it is beautiful mentioned with knowledge or authority . And if in this case she was dark and shriveled in color, then the king was treacherous in his possession, or on his family, if he met that, otherwise a power would be imposed on him, or he was attacked by a worker, or an absentee foot, or he died among the sick, and pregnant women fell off their fetus, or gave birth to a son Differentiate these faces, increasing the evidence . And if he sees it emerging from Maghrib or returning after sunset, or returning to the place from which it dawned, a sign and a lesson will appear that indicates what I have prepared by increasing its evidence . This may indicate the return of the person attributed to her of what he hoped for in travel, justice or injustice, according to the benefit of her onset and absences, and the times for that . Perhaps the setback indicated by the sick, and its absence after its emergence for those with pregnancy may indicate the death of the fetus after its appearance . And perhaps it indicates the arrival of the absent from his travels and the strange money, and perhaps its absence indicates the return of the prisoner to the prison after his release, and it may indicate that the one who embraced Islam from his infidelity, or repented from his wrongdoing, will return to his misguidance . And if someone sees that doing good or bad hidden deeds, he indicates his jacket and conceals his conditions, and his cover is not revealed for the sun to go away, except that he is someone who was given to him on his night as a wife, or bought a secret, he said, the wife goes back to her family, and the secrecy belongs to her seller . Her rise after her sunset may also indicate to those who divorced his wife of her regurgitation, to those who are pregnant with her salvation, and to those who have been unable to live or have made her due to her hypocrisy, especially if her goodness is by the sun, such as shortening, washing, milk taxes, and the like, and for those who are sick of his death, because of the disappearance of the human-like shadow. With the words of the Almighty : “ Then the sun made him a guide, then we took a little fist for us. ” And for whoever was in jihad or war, for victory, because she returned to Yushaa bin Nun, peace be upon him, in the war of the enemies to him, until God showed him to them, and to whomever was poor on the winter day, On the clothing and riches, and on the summer day on the sadness, sickness, fever and conjunctivitis . Sitting in the sun in the summer is an indication of the torment and grief that he is in, for the sake of accompanying the ruler, or the reason for whom the sun descended on him according to his position and direction . And whoever saw that he was transformed into a sun, he struck a king as mighty as its rays . And whoever strikes the sun hanging by a chain, the guardian of the state and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and heals in it, he will receive a blessing from a ruler, and whoever sees that the sun’s light and its rays are from the east to the dusk, and if he is worthy of the king he will gain a great king, otherwise he will have a flag that is mentioned in all countries, and whoever sees that he owns the sun or is able to it, then he The saying is acceptable to the greatest king . Whoever saw her, Safia Munira, had risen to him, if he was a ruler who gained power in his mandate, and if he was a prince who obtained good from the greatest king, and if he was from the parish of a permissible livelihood, and if she was a woman who saw what pleased her from her husband . And whoever sees the sun rising in his house, if he is a merchant, he profits in his trade, and if he is a student of a woman, then he will hit a beautiful woman, and if that is seen by a woman who has married and the provision of her husband is greater . And the light of the sun is the prestige of the king and his justice, and from his word the sun received a lift from the Sultan, and whoever sees the sun rises on his head but not his body, he will receive a serious and comprehensive matter . And if it appeared on his feet without the rest of his body, he would receive permissible sustenance from before his cultivation, and if it appeared on his stomach under his clothes and people did not know, he would have leprosy, as well as on the rest of his organs from under his clothes . And whoever sees his stomach split and the sun rises in him, then he dies, and if a woman sees that the sun has entered from her saddle while he is a collar and then goes out from her tail, then she will marry a king and stay with her for a night, and if it falls on her vagina, then she commits adultery, and if he sees that the sun has set all over and he is behind her, he follows her Then he dies, and if he sees that he is following the sun as it travels and has not set, then he will be a prisoner with the king . If he sees the sun turning an old man, then the sultan humiliates God Almighty, makes justice and obtains power, and the conditions of Muslims improve, and if she turns young, then he weakens the condition of Muslims and disgraces the Sultan . If he sees a fire coming out from the sun and burning what is around it, then the king perishes some of his courtiers, and if he sees the sun red, then he is corrupt in his kingdom . If he saw it yellowed, the king was sick . If blackened, it will prevail, and it will be a blight . If he sees that she is absent, he will miss his request ….

…And whoever sees that his wife is menstruating, his affairs are closed to him . If it appears, that will open up to him . The intercourse at that becomes easy . If he sees that he is the menstruating woman, he is forbidden . And whoever sees that his wife is menstruating, his affairs are closed to him . If it appears, that will open up to him . The intercourse at that becomes easy . If he sees that he is the menstruating woman, he is forbidden . And if he sees that he is junub, he gets confused . If he bathed and put on his dress, he would leave it, and so would the woman ….

…Marriage in a dream indicates the care of God Almighty . Perhaps marriage indicates families, religion, worry and distress . If a person marries an unknown woman, this indicates that the term is near, and the journey from home to home, and if he is fit for the emirate, he will assume or obtain a position befitting him . If it is a wedding according to custom, then it is a position or a good reputation . Marriage is defined as a craft, so whoever sees that he married a woman then she dies, then he works in a profession from which he only gets work, trouble and worry . And whoever thinks that he has married a Jewish woman, he is pursuing a trade in which he will gain a sin and commit sins . And whoever thinks that he has married a Christian woman, he is pursuing a trade in which it is false . If she is a Magian, then it is a craft without a religion . He who marries a prostitute is an adulterer . Whoever marries a healthy wife is bound by a heavy restriction . And whoever marries a dog, he has a low order . And whoever sees a person marries a woman and passes it on to him, he will receive money . And whoever sees his wife marries a man with the Sultan’s wife, he will be given a king if he is qualified for that, otherwise he will assume the mandate . And whoever marries a dead woman will gain access to a dead matter, he may give up . If the sick woman gets married, and whoever sees the husband and does not know him, then she dies. Likewise, if the sick man gets married in his sleep and does not see the woman and does not know her, then he dies . And from his mother’s husband, he sells his property : If a pregnant woman sees that she is married, then she gives birth to a slave-girl, and if she shows up like a bride, she gives birth to a boy . If a woman and she has a son sees that she is married, then she marries her son . If a single or married woman marries in a dream, she will obtain good . If the woman marries a dead man, she will be separated and poor . And whoever sees that he married a woman and has a wife or wives, he will have a choice and authority as much as the woman’s beauty and appearance if he inspects her and knows her. If he did not know her and she was preparing for him, this is evidence of his death, or the death of a person at his hands . And whoever sees that he marries the daughter of an unknown sheikh, he will suffer a lot of good . And if a woman sees that she has married an unknown sheikh, then she will do much good . And if she was sick she was cured of her illness . And whoever sees that he marries a dead woman from his wife, she should reach her womb, and if she is still alive, her womb will be cut off . And whoever saw that he married a mahram, his family prevails . And the wife in a dream is a partner, enemy, oppressive ruler, bitter opponent, or king, and everything that the earth has indicated to him in terms of comfort or fatigue, or good or evil, the wife like him is attributed to him for his indication of it ….

…And whoever sees a raven over his wife or ascends with her on his bed, he shall interpret an immoral man who is mixing with his wife ….

…And whoever sees an old woman, it is a world that has been set in motion, and whoever sees that he is practicing an old man and gives it to her, this is the deliberation of the world and his attainment from it to the extent of that favorable and unknown old man is stronger than the known, and if it was of good shape like the people of Islam, it was a permissible world, and if it was like a body of hypocrisy it was a minimum forbidden or hateful in religion If it is like this, and it is a hairy, hairy, ugly look, there is no religion or world, and whoever sees a good woman talking to her, laughing at her, playing with her, or entering him in his house, then it is fertile year, good and pleasure, and if he is poor, he gets money and sustenance or a prisoner, God bless him and whoever sees a woman who disputes him and gets him Including extreme aversion, the demise of a blessing, and whoever sees an immoral or adulterous woman, if he is a righteous woman, then he is a good person and an increase in blessing, and if he is among the people of corruption, then he is a lack of debt, committing incest, and harm and whoever sees that he is his wife with someone else, his money or dignity will not be good in his religion. And a vast world, and whoever sees that his wife has given him another wife or a woman, then he leaves her or quarrels with her, and whoever sees that his wife carries it, then wealth and goodness will come to him, and if he sees that he is carrying a good woman, if he is sick, he is awakened or imprisoned, he is released or worried. If it was right If she comes to a boy, even if she is not pregnant, then it is a benefit and goodness and whoever thinks that his wife has become old, there is no good in him, and if he sees her increase in goodness and beauty, then it is an increase in his religion and worldly, and whoever sees that his wife commits an act of immorality or hate, then she is against that and whoever sees that his wife is an ascetic, worshiper, then he It is good and there is nothing wrong with it. And whoever sees a woman who has never seen her while she is unhappy, something must be removed from it. If it is good, he will find after that and it was said that he saw that before a woman something went away, and if he had intercourse with her, there is no good in it. And whoever sees a group of women in a place while they look at him or one of them calls him then he He is disgusted by him while he is innocent, and his purpose may happen to him later, and his enemy will not be able to him, and if he sees many women who quarrel, then the occurrence of wonderful things in the world will cause confusion for some people, and if he sees them against that, his expression is against him and it is said that seeing women in terms of the sentence is good, especially if they are coming to him or Giving a shot in the face, and if the woman sees a young woman then she is her enemy anyway, she sees her, and there is no good in seeing the old woman unless she is adorned and exposed…

…And whoever sees that his wife is menstruating, the worldly matters obstruct him, and whoever his wife is righteous is confused about his religion ….

…And whoever sees that his wife has returned to an old man, there is no good in him, and if he sees that his wife has increased in goodness and beauty, then it is an increase in his religion and worldly life and the obtainment of good and benefit ….

…Some of the expressors said a vision of kissing the one whom a person loves, which translates into four pleasure and affection, and the attainment of the Lord and the nail ….

…Kiss If you dream that you see children kissing, then this means a happy family reunion and a convincing act . If you dream that you accept your mother, you will be successful in your projects, and your friends will respect you and love you . If you accept a brother or sister, this means a lot of pleasure and good in your fellowships . If you kiss your sweetheart in the dark, this means dangers and immoral connections . If you accept it in the light, then this indicates honorable intentions that always occupy your mind regarding women . If a stranger kisses a woman, this means a loss of morality and a loss of integrity . If you dream about kissing a criminal, this means dangerous entertainment . The indulgence of low emotion leads to tragedy in stable homes . If you see your rival kissing your girlfriend, you risk losing her respect . If married people dream that they kiss each other, then this means that harmony is appreciated in domestic life . If you dream about kissing someone on the neck, then this means emotional tendencies and a lack of self-control . If you dream that you accept an enemy, you will make progress in calming an angry friend . If a girl dreams that someone has seen her kissing her lover, this indicates that a false friend harbors envy full of hatred . If she sees her lover kissing another, her marriage hopes will be disappointed ….

…And whoever sees that he is in the second heaven, he will have knowledge and wisdom ….

…If a sick woman saw that she had married an unknown husband, she would die, unless he was an unknown sheikh, and she would be discharged and would be well off if she examined him or described him as an old man ….