…Anklets is in a dream a son . And whoever thinks that he has gold in it, then he gets sick, or he has a mistake in his religion, and if the anklets are on the woman, then she is safe from fear, and if she is without a husband she marries a generous and generous husband, she will see good from him . And whoever sees that he has an anklet of gold or silver, he will be hit by them, grief, imprisonment, or restraint . And it is said : the two men have their chains . Nothing of jewelery is suitable for a man in a dream, except for the necklace, necklace, ring and earring . And what a woman saw in her anklets of goodness or corruption, the interpretation of that is in her husband, and if she does not have a husband, then her adornment among people is as much as the beauty of the anklets and their appearance . And the anklet in a dream is elevation, breadth, glory, and beauty ….

…A wolf is in a dream the son of a male blessed for its bearer, and it is money for whoever sees it with his head . And the coyote is underway . A woman’s mourning if she has a long-term child, and if she sees that she is very hairy, then she is doing a job that she is famous for, and if people see her, then it is a scandal for her companion, and the blackness of her hair is the condition of her husband and her position is with him . If the woman sees that she has bare the head, then her husband is absent and he will not return to her . If she does not have a husband, then she will never marry . And if she sees her hair shining so hot, she can take advantage of her husband’s money ….

…Jaafar al-Sadiq said: If she sees a crown on her head, if she does not have a husband, then she will marry, and if she has a husband, then she will prevail over many women, and if she sees that that crown was taken from her head, then her husband will marry her, and if the crown falls off her head, then her husband divorces her ….

…As for the fingers : a brother was born, according to what was said that the hand is a brother . And intertwine it without a tight hand . And engaging in the work of the household and the sons of the brothers, with a matter that they feared for themselves, and they pretended to pay it and its sufficiency . And it was said that the fingers of the right hand are the five daily prayers, the thumb is the Fajr prayer, the forefinger is the noon prayer, the middle finger is the afternoon prayer, the ring finger is the sunset prayer, the pinky is the dark prayer, and its shortness indicates shortcomings and laziness in it, and its length indicates his preserving the prayers, and the fall of one of them indicates abandoning That prayer . And whoever sees one of the fingers in the place of the other, he will pray that prayer at the time of the other . If he saw as if he was biting a human being, he indicates the bad manners of the bitten person, and the exaggeration of the bite in his discipline . If he sees milk coming out of his thumb, and blood from his index finger, while he is drinking from them, he should approach the mother of his wife or her sister . The cracking of the fingers indicates ugly words between his relatives . If the imam saw an increase in his fingers, that was an increase in his greed, his decency, and his lack of fairness . And it was narrated that Harun al-Rashid saw the angel of death, peace be upon him, had represented him, so he said to him : O king of death, how long have I left? He pointed to him with five fingers spread out from his palm, so he watched in horror, weeping at his visions, and he narrated them on a size that is described by the expression. He said : O Commander of the Faithful , he told you that five things he knew with God, which this verse brings together : “ God has the knowledge of the hour . ” The verse . Aaron and Farah laughed . The fingers of the left hand are the children of a brother and sister, and the nails are the ability of a man in this world, and the white of the nails indicates the speed of memorization and understanding, and seeing the nails in the amount of saladin and the world . And the treatment by it is evidence of fraud in collecting the world, its length with its goodness, money and clothing, and the preparation of an enemy weapon, or an argument or money, in order to avoid their evil . And its length, such that it is afraid of its breakage, is evidence of someone else taking charge of spoiling something in his hand, because he is overusing his ability . He pays zakat al-fitr, and if he sees it as though an old man has ordered his pen, then if he finds it, he orders him to make the commitment of himself and uphold his honor . Dyeing a man’s fingers with henna is evidence of a lot of armament, and dying a woman’s fingers with henna indicates her husband’s kindness to her . If he saw as if he had made her fall, she did not accept the pigmentation, then her husband did not show her love . If the man saw his palm faded by a monster, he would have toil in his pension, and if his right hand was pigmented by a monster, his visions indicated that he was killing a man . If he sees that his hands are dyed with henna, then he shows what is in his hand of good or evil, or of his money or of his earnings or his industry . If he sees his hands engraved with henna, he is trying a trick from the house, to spend some of the house furniture at his expense due to his lack of earnings, and his enemy insults him, and he gets humiliation . If a woman sees her hand engraved, he is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is right . If the inscription was clay, it indicated a large number of praise . If she saw the engravings of her hands mixed together, she would have injured her children . If she sees that her hand is cast with gold or engraved with it, then she pays her money to her husband or gives her joy from him, and if a man sees that he has been impregnated or engraved with gold, then he is deceiving a trick in which his money or his livelihood will go . The armpit hair : the length of proof of the need for Neil, the verse : ~ and Admm your hand to your wing white out of non – poor ~ and shows the religion of the owner and generosity . If he sees a lot of armpit hair, then he is a man who asks his executioner to collect money in knowledge, guardianship, trade and so on, and he does not return to the woman and religion . If there is much less, it indicates the large number of children ….

…Ibn Sirin said: Whoever saw that he shaved his head during the days of Hajj, then it is goodness in religion and an expiation for sins, and if it is during the sacred months or some of them, then it is the fulfillment of a debt and the disappearance of their distress and distress, and it was said that if he saw that with a position then it is not a praiseworthy, and if the woman sees that, then it indicates death Her husband or one of her mahrams, and if she sees that her hair has been cut off or some of it, then it indicates a quarrel with her husband and it was said that a calamity has occurred, and if she sees that all of her hair has become white, then it indicates that her husband is an immoral man in a manner other than that ….

…And Jaafar al-Sadiq said that the mask is interpreted in four ways: for a man is a woman, for a woman is a husband, a maid, a servant, and a benefit from the side of the women. It is a scandal, and if she sees that she sought without a veil, then it indicates the killing of her husband or someone among her family who is dear to her, and perhaps her husband was struck by a forbidden woman ….

…The commentators said : If the tree indicates the work of its owner and his religion and himself, then its paper indicates his character, beauty and clothing, and its people to his lineage, brothers and beliefs . Her heart indicates his secrets and what he conceals from his deeds, its peel indicates his appearance, his skin and all that adorns him of his works, and its water indicates his faith, piety, kingdom and life for every human being to his destiny, and perhaps they arranged it contrary to this arrangement, and I mentioned him in the seas . Whoever sees himself above a tree or its possession in a dream, or this is seen by him, I look at his condition and the state of his tree, and if he is dead in the House of Truth, I look at the characteristic of the tree, and if the tree is large, beautiful and good, then the dead in Paradise and perhaps it is a tree of blessedness and goodness And if it is an ugly tree with thorns, blackness and stink, then it is in torment, and perhaps it is the Zaqqum tree that has become to it because of his disbelief or because of the corruption of his taste, and if he sees that patient, he moves to one of the two matters according to his destiny and the extent of his tree. A marriage seeker, or a woman for a husband, one of whom obtained a husband according to the condition of the tree and its appearance, if it was unknown, or on a print about its character, lineage and essence if it was known, and if the husband of each of them in waking life was ill, then I looked at the time at that time. That tree that he owned or saw himself on top of it at the turn of time, water has flowed in it, so the patient is peace, health has progressed in his body and signs of life have appeared on his body, and if he is in his management, then the patient is going to God Almighty and he is going to dust and destruction . And if he saw it in his shop or his living place, then it is an indication of his earnings and livelihood, and if it was in his demand, then he benefited . Although in his management, he lost and became poor . And if he sees it in a mosque, it is an indication of his religion and his prayers . If it is in the management of time, then he is oblivious to his religion, he is not from his prayers, and if it is in his desire, then the man is righteous and diligent, his workers have completed his obedience . As for the one who owns a lot of trees, he follows a group of guardians who are worthy of him, either an emirate, a district, a fatwa, or a leader of a mihrab, or a leader on his companionship, a captain on a ship, or a shop in a maker under his hand, and on this and the like . As for whoever sees her group in a house, it is men or women, or both of them meet there for good or evil, and if he sees its fruits on it and people eat from it, if its fruits indicate good and livelihood then it is a feast and those dining tables are in it, and if its fruits are disliked indicates grief, then it is a funeral They eat food in it, and likewise if there is a sick person in the house, and if its fruit is unknown, then I looked, and if that was in the coming of trees, its food was in joy, and if it was in its management it was a calamity, especially if there were clues in waking one of the two matters . As for whoever sees a tree that has fallen, cut down, burned, or broken by a strong wind, then he is a man or woman who will perish or be killed, and the destruction is inferred by her essence or location and by her vigilance from her evidence, and if she is in his home, the cause of it is a man or woman who is the dead or from his household And his kinship and brothers, or a prisoner of blood, a mujahid, or a traveler, and if she is in the mosque, then he is a famous man or woman who is killed or dies a famous death . If it is a palm tree, then he is a man of high masculinity with authority or knowledge, or a woman of a king, or the mother of a ruler, and if it is an olive tree, then a scholar, a preacher, a transient, a ruler, or a doctor, then in this way he crosses the rest of the trees according to the extent of their essence, benefit, harm, lineage, and character . And whoever saw that he planted a tree that was hung, he struck an honor or thought for himself a man according to its essence, because people say : So, if he planted it, if he made it . Likewise, if he sows a seed, then he hangs or does not, then it is they, and planting the vineyard will gain honor, and it was said that someone who saw in the winter a pregnant vine or a tree is considered a woman or a man whose money has gone, or he thinks they are rich ….

…The vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, killing Al-Hussain The vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Ibn Abbas and Umm Salamah – may God be pleased with them – regarding the killing of Hussein bin Ali – may God be pleased with them – as for the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for this it is on the authority of Umm Salamah – may God be pleased with her – The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, lay down one night to sleep, so I woke up confused, then lay down and fell asleep, then woke up perplexed, without what I saw the first time, then he lay down and woke up with a red soil in his hand, kissing it, so I said : What is this soil, Messenger of God? He said : ( Gabriel told me that this kills the land of Iraq to Hussein, so I said to Gabriel : Show me the soil of the land on which he is killed, for this is its soil .) And in a narration on the authority of al-Tabari that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, lay down one day and woke up with a feeling of redness and with a red soil hand kissing it, so I said : What is this soil, Messenger of God? He said : ( Gabriel, peace be upon him, told me that this kills the land of Iraq to Hussein, so I said to Gabriel : Show me the soil of the land on which he is killed, for this is its soil .)…

As for the kiss, whoever sees that he kisses an adorned woman or has sex with her, then he marries a woman whose husband has died, and he benefits from her money and a son, and he gets good in that year and it was said that he wants the world. And whoever sees a man kissing and having sex with him and mixing with him is mixing with lust, then his interpretation is like an interpretation of marriage, and if not with desire, then he gets the effect good And whoever sees that he accepts a dead, then the course of the marriage proceeds in interpretation and some of them said whoever saw that he accepts a dead with desire, then he connects him with good, and whoever sees that the dead kisses him, he arrives to him from the money of that dead or from his deeds is better, and whoever sees that he is before someone’s hand, then he is humbled by him, as well as kissing the knee. And a man and whoever sees that someone is before the earth, then it is better and higher for the future for him and whoever sees that he is before the hand of his beloved, then he is subjection and humiliation to him

…And whoever sees that he is before someone’s hand, then he is humbled, and perhaps also indicates softening and kissing the knee without him, and kissing the man without that ….

…The black stone denotes in a dream the Hajj . Whoever sees that he is cutting the black stone, he wants to gather people according to his opinion . And if he sees that the people have lost the Black Stone, and they seek it, and find it in its place, then he is a man that all people think are misguided and he is on right guidance . And perhaps he indicated a knowledge that is unique to him and conceals him from his students . Whoever sees that he has touched the Black Stone, then he follows a Hijaz imam . If he sees that he uprooted it, then he takes it for himself especially because he is unique to heresy in his religion and not the Muslims, and if he sees that he swallowed it, then he is misleading people in their religions . If he saw that he shook hands with the Black Stone, then he is performing Hajj, and indicates the pledge of allegiance to caliphs and kings, or repentance at the hand of a scholarly imam . This may indicate kissing the boy, wife, or husband . Perhaps this indicated the service of those in office, such as rulers ….

…Honey is in a dream money from halal inheritance, or money from spoils or company . Honey for the people of the religion is the sweetness of religion, the recitation of the Qur’an and the deeds of righteousness, and for the people of this world it is a spoil injury without fatigue . Honey is a little livelihood from a face that is tired . If he saw that the sky rained honey, he indicates Saladin . Perhaps honey indicates the sweetness of a woman or a man, as it came in the hadith : until you taste his honey and he tastes yours. Perhaps honey indicates worry, bemoaning, envy, and guarding against the plots of envious ones, because honey collects flies, wasps and ants . Honey filtered with fire released after hardship, was born after the end of his months, and a wife after the end of her iddat, and money that may be inflated with zakat, knowledge that is saved from heresy and suspicion, and guidance that is not yet misguided . Pure honey is money . And it was said : It is money in fatigue . Honey is a cure for illness . And it was said : Eating honey indicates the hugging and kissing of a beloved . And whoever eats bread with honey, he will gain a living from the spoil ….

…Porridge is in a dream in the summer worries and angels . The porridge is grief on the part of his workers, and if he sees that he is praying and eating porridge, then he is kissing his wife while he is fasting ….

…Number two 2: It may indicate victory over the enemy because the Almighty says (the second two ) and it may indicate keenness to pray in congregation because the least of the congregation is two, and it may indicate marriage with a second for his saying ( two, three and a quarter )…

…Severe . And if it is twenty-nine, it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was on nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the best of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them as prisoners to his land . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its overflowing, and the prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and droughts occur at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicated the lack of rain in that year in the Maghreb, and God Almighty knows best and His absence is wiser .. And if it is twenty-nine it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was in nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the good of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them to his land as prisoners . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its Nile floods and prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and there will be droughts at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicates the lack of rain in that year in Morocco, and God Almighty knows best, and His absence is wiser ….

…The definition of visions and dreams in terms of the language of visions is a plural of visions and may be uttered without humming on actual weight . It is in the language what is seen in sleep, derived from the verb saw . It is originally a source like the left . When I made a name when the sleeper imagined, the course of names and vision was made with a distraction to perceive the time with the sense of sight . And to those whose visions abound : ( see ). The dream of annexing ha and soothing lam . It is permissible to join them, so it is said : Dream . A dream is derived from a dream, and its meaning is a vision in his sleep . Said : the dream of something which he saw in his sleep and the dream of a dream and its meaning from behind in his vision is said to dream Balhi any spotted in his dream curse any opinion of his vision and combine : dreams ask here how many times received the word dreams in the Koran received this word in the Koran twice : 1 – the verse ( they said dreams and what we interpret dreams Avalim ) [ Yusuf : 44] 2 – the verse ( but they dreams but forged it is a poet Vlaotna verse sent ancients as ) [ prophets : 5] the initial verse regarding Joseph with King . And the second in the story of the Arab polytheists mocking Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace (1), may God bless him and grant him peace . And also ask the word received a vision in the Koran? Received the word of Revelation in the Koran ) four times are as follows : A – verse : O public Please advise me in my vision, if ye vision pass over [ Yusuf : 43] 2 – the verse : And We made the vision that Orinacc only a temptation for people and the tree cursed in the Koran and only increase them Nkhuvhm what a great tyranny [ Isra : 60] 7 – verse : Revelation has also ratified Verily We recompense benefactors ( Saaffaat : 105 ). 4 – saying the Almighty : The sincerity of God , His Messenger , the vision of the right ( open : 27 ). (1) The first verse concerning the king with Joseph and the second verse to be appointed by the vision of the prophet show her peace be upon him the night of the family to the holy house where . He wanted to slaughter, and the fourth was in the matter of seeing the Messenger when he thought that he would enter Makkah and perform Umrah . ___________________________________ (1 ) See : Concordance of words Koran • Mohamed Fouad Abdul Baki . The Revival of Arab Heritage House – Beirut – Lebanon – No History Article ( Daghth ) p. 421 * Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi ….

…2 – Time for vision : This aspect is particularly matter crossings ; Because they are the ones who are concerned with it , since knowing the time of the vision is of great importance to the crossing , and some visions may be a sign of marriage, pregnancy, or success in studying , so the question about the time of the vision is necessary so that the person who passes through the question of inquiry and insight can express its connection with time . Visions as well as time with a strong relationship with the expression , what was seen in the extreme heat is different from what was seen in the severity of the cold , Valenar , for example , in the first blameworthy , and in the second commendable and fruits in the visions that were seen as eaten at the time they are welcome , and were seen as eaten at the wrong time No , and most of all that is seen in his time and in his time is in expression good . As if he saw that he wears winter clothes in this winter time is good and the opposite is true , and as he saw that he was performing Hajj and the time of vision at the time of Hajj differs from those who saw that he did Hajj at a time other than his time , and so on , we find that the question of the one who expresses about the time of the vision has its merits . Is another thing to call him question about the vision of the time , Some of the questioners about visions telling you : I saw such and such, and be surprised by telling you old events multiplying asking about the time of Alra O says to you : it is of such a year , and this kind of visions may have been achieved For the viewer, there is no benefit from the actions of the mind in it and there is no point in it for the crossing and that is why he neglects it , and it is better to narrate the visions at the crossing at a time convenient for him and not to overdo it , and some authors have stated that the expression of visions is preferred after dawn and before the sun rises for two reasons : First : The visionary remembers the vision not forgetting did not take them long after , and the second : his relationship crossing it better time than others to attend the understanding of the two crossings , peace be upon him , said him 🙁 God bless my nation in Bkorha ) (1), and in my humble opinion that the allocation of time without time The preference for one time over the last is relative and varies from person to person, and this is due to the habit of crossing in the first place . Is another thing has to do in time , Some believe that the vision of the day stronger than the vision of the night , and this also is not conclusive proof it , and some of them said : he gives her what was napping , and in my opinion, the important thing is to cut the vision if the vision , because the mind may be preoccupied with Bachgalh in the lives of the world And because the reign of the seer is close to it and because there may be in it something desirable to hasten, such as urging good or warning against sin and the like (2). ____________________ (1) It was narrated by Imam al-Tirmidhi in the book of sales, chapter on what comes early in trade – previous reference – and it was narrated by Abu Dawud in the book of jihad, chapter on innovation in travel – previous reference – , and Imam Ibn Majah narrated it in the book of trades section on what is sought from blessing in the firstborn – previous reference And it was narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad in the Musnad of the Ten Missionaries of Paradise and from the Musnad of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him – previous reference – and it was narrated by Al-Darami in the Book of Sirs , Chapter, God Bless my Ummah in its firstborn – previous reference . (2) See : Al- Nawawi on the explanation of Sahih Muslim – Previous reference – (15/35) ** Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…Whoever sees the second hour of the day, then it is interpreted in two ways as good and blessing or negligence in a matter, and some of the interpreters said that the vision of the hours departs in years, and it was said by months, and the beginning of the hours of the day if it is equal to the night and it is twelve hours, so the first hour will be in the place of the month of God forbidden, and the second in the place of zero The third is in the place of Rabi` al-Awal, the fourth in the place of Rabi` al-Thani, the fifth in the place of Jumada al-Awwal, the sixth in the place of Jumada al-Akhira, the seventh in the place of Rajab, the eighth in the place of Shaban, the ninth in the place of Ramadan, the tenth in the place of Shawwal, the eleventh in the place of Dhu al-Hijjah, and the twelfth in the place of Dhu al-Hijjah ….

…And whoever sees that he is in heaven, he commands and finishes . It was said that the lower sky is a ministry, because it is the location of the moon, and the moon is a minister, and the second sky is literature, science, intelligence, leadership and sufficiency, because the second sky is for Mercury . And whoever sees that he is in the third heaven, he will receive grace and pleasure, and my maid’s servants, jewelry and bedding clothes, and he will be rich and blessed, because the life of the third heaven of Venus . And whoever sees that in the fourth heaven, he attains a king, authority and prestige, or enters into the work of a king or authority, because the path of the fourth sky is the sun . If he sees that he is in the fifth, then he attains the mandate of the condition, or a fight or war, or a craftsmanship that is attributed to Mars, because the fifth sky is for Mars, and if he sees that he is in the sixth heaven, then he gets better than buying and selling, because the sixth heaven is for the buyer, if he sees that he is In the seventh heaven, he will obtain property, land, agency, cultivation, cultivation, and oil in a long army, because the seventh heaven is for Saturn, and if the person of this vision is not worthy of this rank, then its interpretation is to his superior, his successor, his counterpart, or his name…

…Do animals dream? It is known that God Almighty has distinguished man over animals with reason, and reason as it is known from what it is based upon upon commissioning, and that is why God raised the pen from the insane, and if we have decided that dreams about them are not good news for their owner or warning him, and this is impossible for the animal because it is not The presence of her mind; Which is the subject of assignment, as we said, we decide here that the animal does not have the visions that are contained in the meaning of the good tidings or the warning, but it may have the ability to see some of the dreams whose events lived, but where is the machine that makes these dreams come out to us in light of its inability to speak and dialogue And understanding? I asked a lot of specialists and pet breeders, and they decided that their animals at night have a lot of turmoil, movement, change in mouth movement or screaming, which is the result of dreams of these animals . The study found one of the institutes in the United States on behalf of : (MIT News) The study entitled : Animals have Complex dreams MIT researcher proves issued in the history of 24-1 – 2001 and which proved this study include : that animals dream, and any owner of the animals can To see and discover this fact, and this may seem strange, but it is the truth. The animal’s mind is active during sleep as it is when working, and the animal’s sleep differs between deep sleep and simple sleep, and many experiments have been conducted on mice through which it has been proven that mice in their sleep move from the stage To a stage and from what is known that dreaming occurs in humans during the stage of deep sleep, and the same thing happens to mice . Animals have complex and complex dreams – as the study proves – and they dream about specific events that happen to them in waking life . And the conclusion that I come to is : 1_ that animals have the ability to sleep and to absorb it . 2_ Animals see some of the dreams in which they live their events or their events . 3_ There are no first and second types of animal dreams, and I mean promising visions, or warning dreams . 4_ The animal has no ability to narrate the dream, due to its inability to speak, but rather it reaches the occurrence of its dreams from the expressions of its faces during sleep . 5_ The reason for the impossibility of the first and second types of dreams among animals is the absence of the mind, and therefore it is likened to the madman who was lifted from the commission and is not held accountable for his actions, rather he may not feel what surrounds him or is planning for him, so it is noticed, for example, on Eid al-Adha that the animals that were imprisoned The night of Eid does not show her unnatural emotions during her sleep, even though in the morning she will be slaughtered, and this is due to her lack of awareness and awareness due to the lack of her mind, and the same applies to the child who has not been discerned and to the insane, they may sleep full of their eyes, even if the morning is the announcement of their execution !! And God knows best ….

…Dates : It was narrated that Umar saw it as if he had eaten dates, and he mentioned that to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said : That is the sweetness of faith . And types of dates are many, and dates for those who see it, indicates rain . And for those who eat it, a pure general livelihood will be made to him, and it was said that it indicates reading the Qur’an, and it was said that dates indicate money saved . The vision of reckless eating is for the dhimmis . And it was said that whoever saw it as if he was eating good dates, he hears a good and useful word . And whoever sees it as if he is burying dates, he is storing money, or getting money from some of the safes . And whoever sees as if he cut a date and discerns its intentions from it, then he will have a son, because God Almighty says : “ Indeed, God creates love and the seeds . ” The vision of eating dates with tar is evidence of a woman’s secret divorce . As for seeing the scattering of dates, it is a travel art . And the agent of dates, Ghanima . And whoever sees as if he comes from a palm tree in its own days, he will marry a venerable, rich and blessed woman . And it was said that he hits money from a noble people without getting tired, or from his estates, and it was said that he hits a useful knowledge that he works with . If it is out of time, then he hears a flag and does not work with it . If he saw as if he had picked a palm tree with black grapes, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black owner . If he saw as if he had harvested from a dry and wet palm, then he learns from an immoral man a science that will benefit him . And if the dreamer was distressed, he would gain relief, for what the Almighty said in the story of Mary : “ And I will mock you with the trunk of a palm .” It was said dates scattered dirhams do not remain . And whoever sees that dates are harvested for him, then money is reaped for him from men with dangers . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I found forty dates, and she said : You hit forty sticks . Then he saw him a while later and said : I saw as if I had found forty dates at the door of the Sultan . He said : It affects forty thousand dirhams . The man said : I crossed my visions this time unlike what I did the first time . He said : Because you told me your vision the first time, and the trees dried up, and you managed the year, and this time you came to me with life in the trees . The matter was both times what he crossed . And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : I saw as if a man came to me and fed me a morsel of dates, so I went foreign, and if a kernel came out, I spelled it out . Then I gave me a second morsel, and if a nucleus, I blew it . Then I gave me a third summit, and if a nucleus Vlvztha . Abu Bakr said : Let me, O Messenger of God, cross it . He said : cross it . He said : A company is sent, and they gain and greet and infect a man . Then a company was sent, and he said three times, and he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : Likewise the king said . Anas bin Malik saw in a dream as if Ibn Omar was eating a secret, so he wrote to him that I saw you eating in secret, and that is the sweetness of faith . And it was said that a naked man saw baskets of baskets falling from the stomachs of pigs, as he pushed them and carried them to his home . So he asked the one who expressed it, and he crossed it with spoils of the infidels’ money. Soon, the Romans came out and the victory was for the Muslims, and what he passed through came to him . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who saw as if she was sucking a date and giving it to her neighbor and sucking it, so he said : This woman shares a good favor with him, so she washes his garment . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if I had a waterfall in my hand and had dates in it, and my head and face were immersed in it, and I ate it and said : How sour it is . Ibn Sirin said that you are a man who has indulged in earning money to the right and to the left, and you do not care about the security of forbidden. Security was from permissible, but I know that it is forbidden . It was so . If a woman sees that she is eating dates with tar, then she takes her husband’s inheritance and she is divorced from him ….

…Pheasant This word has two meanings : The first : He is in a dream a Persian woman . And it was said : He is owned, so whoever sees that he has taken a bike marries a Persian woman, or has hit a possessor of a king, or he finds money . And the cyclist is a man left . And whoever sees that he has hit a bicycle, he strikes a treacherous, treacherous woman with no good . The second : He is in a dream strength, back and support, and a woman in splendor and beauty . And whoever sees that he wraps around him with an izar and falls asleep, he will marry a woman . And if he sees a bicycle of pearls, his wife is a keeper of the Book of God Almighty ….

…The stairs : It indicates the reasons for the high, the elevation and the desire in this world and the hereafter, according to Maarrib saying : the degree of so-and-so has risen, and so-and-so is of high rank . And it indicates the dictation and persuasion of the Almighty saying : ~We will draw them from where they do not know .~ Perhaps it indicated the stages of travel and the homes of the travelers that they descend on the status of the status and the stage of the stage . Perhaps indicated by the days of life leading to his goal . The well-known of it indicates the servant of the house and the servant of its owner and his animal, so whoever ascends an unknown stairway, I will look into his matter, and if he reaches the end of it and he is sick, he will die. If he enters a room above it, his soul has reached heaven, and if he is imprisoned without it he will be withheld from it after death. A journey that he went out to his face and reached the livelihood if his travel was in money, and if it was for other than that, I inferred what he led or met at the time of his ascension, which indicates good and evil and the fulfillment and deficiency of needs, such as if he met forty men or found dinars on this number, then this is good news Exactly what he came out to, and if the number was thirty, he did not do that, because the thirty was short, and the forty was complete, it was completed by God Almighty for Moses with hardship, even if he found three and his departure was in a promise that was made to him, because God Almighty said in the three : “ This is a promise that is not false .” Likewise, if he authorized his emergence and his departure to the Hajj, his Hajj was completed for him, and if he did not hope for anything of that, and he did not see that in the months of the Hajj, he would attain authority and elevation, either through a state, a fatwa, oratory, or the call to prayer on the lighthouse, or it escapes from the famous high-profile matters . As for going down the stairs, if he was traveling, he came from a journey, and if he was mentioned as a leader, he would leave his leadership . And he was isolated from his work, and if he was a rider, he walked on foot, and if he had a sick woman, she would perish, and if he was the patient she looked, and if he was going to a well-known place, or to his family and his house, or to a lot of straw or barley, or to what is evidence of world money and its offerings He recovered from her illness . And if his descent was from an unknown place that he does not know, or a wilderness, or to a dead people whom he knew from those who preceded him, or his fall was a rupture, or he fell from it into a hole or well or buried, or to a lion that devoured it, or to a bird that he kidnapped, or to a moored ship that took off it Or, to a huddle over her, and she walked him, for the stairs are the days of his life, and all that was sent down to him from them is his death when it was completed and his days expired . If he was sound awake from sickness, and he was a tyrant or an unbeliever, then I looked at what was revealed to him, and if it indicates goodness such as the mosque, fertility, kindergarten, ablution, and the like, then he is safe and repents, and he descends from what he is and leaves it and cuts him off even if his descent is against that which indicates great greatness And major sins and disbelief, such as arrogance and frightening great fire, lion, serpents, and great pitfalls, for it is drawn to him and is not taken suddenly until what perishes in it is returned to him, and he is punished with him and is unable to flee from it . The building of the stairs was renewed, as evidence for goodness is evidenced by its corruption, if it was from milk it was good, and if it was from bricks, it was disliked . Some of them said : The degree is to do good deeds, the first being prayer, the second is fasting, the third is Zakat, the fourth is charity, the fifth is Hajj, the sixth is jihad, and the seventh is the Qur’an . And all of the Maraqi are good deeds, because he, peace and blessings be upon him, said : Read and soften : Ascending from it if it is of clay or milk, is good in religion and Islam, and there is no good in it if it is from bricks, and if he sees that he is in a room without a margarine and there is no peace in it, then it is the perfection of his religion and the height His rank with God, because God Almighty says : ~ We raise degrees of what we desire .~ The clay pots are made of clay . The governor has elevation and pride with debt, and merchants trade with religion, even if it is made of stones, for it is the elevation of hardness of heart . And if it is of wood, then it is with hypocrisy and hypocrisy . If it is of gold, then it obtains state, fertility and goodness . And if it was of silver, then he would obtain my maid with the number of every margarine, and if it was of zero, then he would obtain the goods of this world . Whoever ascends Marqa will benefit from an understanding and acumen that will raise it . And the degree was said to be an ascetic man who worshiped, and whoever was close to him would attain elevation and asceticism, for the Almighty said : “ God exalts those among you who believe, and those who have attained knowledge by degrees .” And every degree for the governor is a year . And the ladder of wood : a thin, hypocritical man, and ascending in it is a building with intention, because God Almighty says : ~ Or a ladder in the sky, and you would invoke them with a sign .~ It was said that the ascension involves the help of a people with hypocrisy, and it was said that it is a travel guide . If he ascends in it to hear the words of a person, then he strikes authority when he said : ~ Or have a ladder in which they listen, let their hearers come with a clear authority .~ A man said to Ibn Sirin : I saw as if I was on a staircase, so he said : You are a man listening to people . Peace on earth is a disease, and its erection is health . Taq : Wide is evidence of a woman’s good manners, and narrow is evidence of her bad manners . If a man sees that he is sitting in a narrow band, then he divorces his wife openly, and if his position on the band is wide, then the woman is secretly released from her husband . The capacity is a president approved by the household ….

…If he sees that he is praying and eating porridge, then he is kissing a woman while he is fasting ….

…Violet : a pious maid, picking her up and kissing her ….

…And Abu Saeed, the preacher, said Violet is a slave girl and picked up kissing her, and as for the ace, it is interpreted as a free, long-lived man of a gentle character, beauty, perfection and mind from the people of an honorable house who is fit for friendship, and a woman with these qualities ….

…Jaafar al-Sadiq al-Hilwah said: There is a lot of money and a sincere debt, and a morsel of it indicates the qiblah from his son and friend or companion, and the morsel of loessing is a nice word and the best sweet is that its color is white, and it was said that the vision of dry sweetness in terms of the sentence is what he has acquired from the king’s behavior to others, and if it is yellow it is There is some sadness in it, and as for the mess and the like, it is permissible livelihood, and perhaps kissing a woman and someone who is dry is money that is difficult and damp from it is different in it and some hated it because it contains yellowishness, and it was said that it indicates illness, and it was said that it is a lot of money and a pure debt, and the morsel of it is a kiss from a child Or a lover, and it was said that Al-Khabeesah was a nice and good talk about the matter of the pension, as well as the model and much of it indicates a lot of livelihood in power and authority unless it is touched by fire, so touching it indicates a prohibition, speech, or sultanate. As for what is placed in sweetness indicates the permissibility of Hassan Mlehat, and it was said that All that is made of sweet, in any way, of any kind, whether it is sugar, honey, molasses, or carob syrup, it is commendable, sustenance, good and a benefit, especially for those who eat it, as for molasses, it is money and benefit ….

…Direction : lust Fezfr need, the boy and kissing affection between the boy ‘s father and between the one before . And kiss the slave affection between the next and his master . If he saw as if he was before a ruler in his place . And if a sultan or a judge accepts that, the sultan or judge accepts his saying . And if the Sultan or the judge kissed him, he obtained a good from them, and if he saw that a man kissed his eyes, he would marry ….

…And whoever sees that the cheetah has carried him, embraced him, and touched him with his tongue or seeing his embrace and kissing him, then this indicates the occurrence of enmity from the enemy and the moderation between them ….

…And picking the white roses from his garden is evidence of kissing a chaste woman ….